Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Win.DataVisualization Namespace

ClassAlignLinearGraphLabelEventArgs Represents event argument for AlignLinearGraphLabel.
ClassAlignRadialGaugeLabelEventArgs Represents event argument for AlignRadialGaugeLabel.
ClassFormatLinearGraphLabelEventArgs Represents event argument for FormatLinearGraphLabel.
ClassFormatRadialGaugeLabelEventArgs Represents event argument for FormatRadialGaugeLabel.
ClassLinearGraphRange Represents a range in the UltraBulletGraph and UltraLinearGauge controls.
ClassRadialGaugeRange Represents a range in the UltraRadialGauge control.
ClassUltraBulletGraph Represents a bullet graph.
ClassUltraLinearGauge A linear gauge for displaying a single value on a defined scale.
ClassUltraRadialGauge A radial gauge for displaying a single value on a defined scale.
DelegateAlignLinearGraphLabelHandler Represents delegate for AlignLinearGraphLabel.
DelegateAlignRadialGaugeLabelHandler Represents delegate for AlignRadialGaugeLabel
DelegateFormatLinearGraphLabelHandler Represents delegate for FormatLinearGraphLabel.
DelegateFormatRadialGaugeLabelHandler Represents delegate for FormatRadialGaugeLabel
EnumerationEasingFunctionType The type of EasingFunction used when the control is animating.
EnumerationLinearGraphNeedleShape Enumeration of preset needle shapes.
EnumerationLinearScaleOrientation Describes the orientation of a linear scale.
EnumerationRadialGaugeBackingShape Enum specifying shapes that can be used by the backing area of the radial gauge.
EnumerationRadialGaugeDuplicateLabelOmissionStrategy Enum specifying multiple strategies for omitting labels.
EnumerationRadialGaugeNeedleShape Enum specifying various preset needle shapes.
EnumerationRadialGaugePivotShape Enum specifying shapes for the needle pivot.
EnumerationRadialGaugeScaleOversweepShape Enum specifying oversweep shapes.
EnumerationTitlesPosition Enum specifying the position of the titles relative to scale's start/end.
See Also