Version 24.2 (latest)

TreeMapChartAppearance Class Properties

For a list of all members of this type, see TreeMapChartAppearance members.

Public Properties
Public PropertyBorderColorShape border color.  
Public PropertyBorderWidthWidth of shape borders.  
Public PropertyChartComponentThe charting component which owns this ChartAppearance object. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.ChartAppearance)
Public PropertyChartTitleText label for the root item.  
Public PropertyColorValueIndexThe index associated with the data that determines the color of the shapes.  
Public PropertyColorValueLabelThe label associated with the data that determines the color of the shapes.  
Public PropertyDisableColorValuesIf true, color values will be disabled for this TreeMap chart.  
Public PropertyIndexOrderThe depth order of the indices of the data source.  
Public PropertyLabelStyleGets or sets the label style.  
Public PropertyMarginThe pixel margin to use around each box in the TreeMapChart.  
Public PropertyPEsThe palette of PaintElements to use for different depths in the chart.  
Public PropertyRotationThe rotation of the tree map chart. Applies only to circular tree maps.  
Public PropertyShowColorIntervalAxisIf true, the chart legend uses a colored axis to represent color intervals. Otherwise, the chart legend uses colored icons to represent color intervals.  
Public PropertyShowHeadersForUnlabeledPointsIf false, space will not be allocated to display the labels of parent nodes if there is no set value for their labels. Also, if this property is set to false, the ChartTitle area will be hidden if there is no ChartTitle set under the TreeMapChartAppearance.ChartTitle property.  
Public PropertyShowLabelsWhether or not to show text labels on the shapes.  
Public PropertySizeValueIndexThe index associated with the data that determines the size of the shapes.  
Public PropertySizeValueLabelThe label associated with the data that determines the size of the shapes.  
Public PropertyStaticLeafPEOptional custom PaintElement for leaf shapes.  
Public PropertyTreeMapTypeDetermines the type of shapes drawn by the tree map chart.  
Public PropertyUseStaticLeafPEWhether or not to use the custom defined PaintElement in the StaticLeafPE property.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertydirtyA dirty flag for any operations that we want to optimize. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.ChartAppearance)
Protected PropertynoUpdateSet the noUpdate flag to true to prevent parent notification on updates. (Inherited from Infragistics.UltraChart.Resources.Appearance.ChartAppearance)
See Also