Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGanttView.UIElements Namespace

ClassContainerUIElementBase Base class for elements that do not draw anything onto the control.
ClassDraggableTaskElementUIElement Element used to provide drag functionality for a Task in the user interface.
ClassGridAreaUIElement Represents the area of the UltraGanttView control which contains the task grid.
ClassTaskAreaUIElement Represents the area in which TaskUIElements and TimeSlotUIElements are displayed for the UltraGanttView control.
ClassTaskBarTextUIElement Base class for the UIElements which draw the bar text for a Task.
ClassTaskBarUIElement Element which represents the time spanned by a Task in the user interface.
ClassTaskConstituentUIElementBase Base class for the UIElements which represent the constituent parts of the TaskUIElement, such as the start/end indicator, main bar, and percent complete bar.
ClassTaskDeadlineIndicatorUIElement Element which indicates the Deadline for a Task in the user interface.
ClassTaskDependencyArrowUIElement Represents the arrow that points to a task to indicate that it has a dependency on a predecessor task.
ClassTaskDependencyLineUIElement Represents the lines that are drawn between tasks to depict a TaskDependency.
ClassTaskDependencyUIElementBase Base class for the UIElements which draw the bar text for a Task.
ClassTaskEndIndicatorUIElement Element which indicates the EndDateTime for a Task in the user interface.
ClassTaskMilestoneIndicatorUIElement Element which represents a milestoneTask in the user interface.
ClassTaskPercentCompleteBarUIElement Element which represents the time spanned by a Task in the user interface.
ClassTaskStartIndicatorUIElement Element which indicates the StartDateTime for a Task in the user interface.
ClassTaskUIElement Represents a Task in the user interface.
ClassTimelineAreaUIElement Represents the area of the UltraGanttView which contains the timeline-related elements.
ClassUltraGanttViewUIElement UIElement-derived class which represents the UltraGanttView control in the user interface.
ClassVerticalSplitterUIElement Represents the vertical splitter which separates the GridAreaUIElement and TimelineAreaUIElement.
EnumerationTaskBarTextUIElement.BarTextFieldAlignment Constant which identify which type of bar text
See Also