
CancelableLogicalPrintPageEventArgs Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by CancelableLogicalPrintPageEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorCancelableLogicalPrintPageEventArgs ConstructorConstructor.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCancel (Inherited from System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs)
Public PropertyCollateReturns the PrintDocument's Collate value (read-only)  
Public PropertyCopiesReturns the PrintDocument's Copies value (read-only)  
Public PropertyDocumentNameReturns the PrintDocument's name (read-only)  
Public PropertyLandscapeReturns the PrintDocument's Landscape value (read-only)  
Public PropertyLogicalPageLayoutInfoLayout info of the current logical page  
Public PropertyLogicalPageNumberCurrent logical page number (read-only)  
Public PropertyMarginBottomReturns the PrintDocument's Margin Bottom value (read-only). You can set the margins in the UltraGrid.InitializePrint and UltraGrid.InitializePrintPreview events.  
Public PropertyMarginLeftReturns the PrintDocument's Margin Left value (read-only). You can set the margins in the UltraGrid.InitializePrint and UltraGrid.InitializePrintPreview events.  
Public PropertyMarginRightReturns the PrintDocument's Margin Right value (read-only). You can set the margins in the UltraGrid.InitializePrint and UltraGrid.InitializePrintPreview events.  
Public PropertyMarginTopReturns the PrintDocument's Margin Top value (read-only). You can set the margins in the UltraGrid.InitializePrint and UltraGrid.InitializePrintPreview events.  
Public PropertyPaperHeightReturns the PrintDocument's PaperSize Height value (read-only)  
Public PropertyPaperWidthReturns the PrintDocument's PaperSize Width value (read-only)  
Public PropertyPrintColorsReturns the PrintDocument's SupportsColor value (read-only)  
Public PropertyPrinterNameReturns the PrintDocument's PrinterName value (read-only)  
Public PropertyPrintRangeReturns the PrintDocument's PrintRange value (read-only)  
See Also