Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid Namespace

ClassActivateableGridItemBase Abtract base class for grid items that are activateable (rows and cells)
ClassAddNewBox Returns a reference to the AddNewBox object. This property is read-only at design-time and run-time.
ClassAddNewBoxUIElement Summary description for AddNewBoxUIElement.
ClassAddNewRowButtonUIElement Button UIElement that represents a UltraGridBand and is used to create a new row in the band.
ClassAddNewRowButtonUIElement.AddNewButtonAccessibleObject Accessible object representing a AddNewRowButtonUIElement in the AddNewBox
ClassAfterAutoSizeColumnEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterAutoSizeColumn event
ClassAfterBandHiddenChangedEventArgs EventArgs class associated with UltraGridBase.AfterBandHiddenChanged event.
ClassAfterCardCompressedStateChangedEventArgs EventArgs for UltraGrid.AfterCardCompressedStateChanged event.
ClassAfterCardsScrollEventArgs Event args for UltraGrid.AfterCardsScroll event.
ClassAfterColPosChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterColPosChanged event
ClassAfterGroupPosChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterGroupPosChangedEventArgs event
ClassAfterHeaderCheckStateChangedEventArgs EventArgs class used to pass information during the AfterHeaderCheckStateChanged event.
ClassAfterHeaderEnterEditModeEventArgs The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.AfterHeaderEnterEditMode event.
ClassAfterHeaderExitEditModeEventArgs The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.AfterHeaderExitEditMode event.
ClassAfterRowEditTemplateClosedEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGrid.AfterRowEditTemplateClosed event.
ClassAfterRowEditTemplateDisplayedEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGrid.AfterRowEditTemplateDisplayed event.
ClassAfterRowFilterChangedEventArgs EventArgs for AfterRowFilterChanged event.
ClassAfterRowFilterDropDownPopulateEventArgs EventArgs for AfterRowFilterDropDownPopulate event.
ClassAfterRowFixedStateChangedEventArgs EventArgs for AfterRowFixedStateChanged event.
ClassAfterRowLayoutItemResizedEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterRowLayoutItemResized event.
ClassAfterSelectChangeEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterSelectChange event
ClassAfterSummaryDialogEventArgs Event args associated with UltraGrid.AfterSummaryDialog event.
ClassAfterUltraGridPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for AfterUltraGridPerformAction event.
ClassAppearanceManager Class for managing appearance properties.
ClassAsynchronousExportManager Static class which manages asynchronous export operations in sequence.
ClassBandEnumerator Enumerator for the BandsCollection
ClassBandEventArgs Event parameters used for the events that take Band object as its arguments
ClassBandHeader The class represents the header for a specific band
ClassBandHeader.BandHeaderAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a column header.
ClassBandHeadersUIElement The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassBandPropertyDescriptor For Infragistics internal use only
ClassBandsCollection Returns a flat collection of Band objects, one per hierarchical recordset. This property is read-only at run-time.
ClassBandsCollectionConverter Summary description for BandsCollectionConverter.
ClassBandsCollectionUITypeEditor BandsCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button.
ClassBandsSerializer Contains a flat collection of Band objects, one per hierarchical recordset. This object is used internally by UltraGrid for serialization/deserisalization.
ClassBeforeAutoSizeColumnEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeAutoSizeColumn event
ClassBeforeBandHiddenChangedEventArgs EventArgs class associated with UltraGridBase.BeforeBandHiddenChanged event.
ClassBeforeCardCompressedStateChangedEventArgs EventArgs for UltraGrid.BeforeCardCompressedStateChanged event.
ClassBeforeCellUpdateEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeCellUpdate event
ClassBeforeColPosChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeColPosChanged event
ClassBeforeColRegionRemovedEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionRemoved event
ClassBeforeColRegionScrollEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionScroll event
ClassBeforeColRegionSizeEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionSize event
ClassBeforeColRegionSplitEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionSplit event
ClassBeforeColumnChooserDisplayedEventArgs EventArgs for BeforeColumnChooserDisplayed event.
ClassBeforeCustomRowFilterDialogEventArgs Used for event parameter to BeforeCustomRowFilterDialog event.
ClassBeforeDisplayDataErrorTooltipEventArgs Event args associated with UltraGrid.BeforeDisplayDataErrorTooltip event.
ClassBeforeExitEditModeEventArgs Event parameters used for BeforeExitEditMode event.
ClassBeforeGroupPosChangedEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeGroupPosChanged event
ClassBeforeHeaderCheckStateChangedEventArgs EventArgs class used to pass information during the BeforeHeaderCheckStateChanged event.
ClassBeforeHeaderEnterEditModeEventArgs The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.BeforeHeaderEnterEditMode event.
ClassBeforeHeaderExitEditModeEventArgs The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.BeforeHeaderExitEditMode event.
ClassBeforeMultiCellOperationEventArgs Event args associated with UltraGrid.BeforeMultiCellOperation event.
ClassBeforeRowEditTemplateClosedEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGrid.BeforeRowEditTemplateClosed event.
ClassBeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayedEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGrid.BeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayed event.
ClassBeforeRowFilterChangedEventArgs EventArgs for BeforeRowFilterChanged event.
ClassBeforeRowFilterDropDownEventArgs Used for event parameter to BeforeRowFilterDropDown event.
ClassBeforeRowFilterDropDownPopulateEventArgs EventArgs for BeforeRowFilterDropDownPopulate event.
ClassBeforeRowFixedStateChangedEventArgs EventArgs for BeforeRowFixedStateChanged event.
ClassBeforeRowInsertEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowInsert event
ClassBeforeRowLayoutItemResizedEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowLayoutItemResized event.
ClassBeforeRowRegionRemovedEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionRemoved event
ClassBeforeRowRegionScrollEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionScroll event
ClassBeforeRowRegionSizeEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionSize event
ClassBeforeRowRegionSplitEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionSplit event
ClassBeforeRowResizeEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowResize event
ClassBeforeRowsDeletedEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeRowsDeleted event
ClassBeforeSelectChangeEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeSelectChange event
ClassBeforeSortChangeEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeSortChange event
ClassBeforeSummaryDialogEventArgs Used for event parameter to BeforeSummaryDialog event.
ClassBeforeUltraGridPerformActionEventArgs EventArgs class used for BeforeUltraGridPerformAction event.
ClassButtonConnectorUIElement Summary description for ButtonConnectorUIElement.
ClassButtonWithStyleUIElement Base class of CellButtonUIElement and EditButtonUIElement.
ClassCancelableAutoSizeEditEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take AutoSizeEdit as their arguments and are cancelable
ClassCancelableBandEventArgs Event parameters used for the events that take Band object as its arguments
ClassCancelableCellEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take a row and a column designating a cell (the cell at the intersection of the row and the column) as their argument and are cancelable
ClassCancelableChildBandEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeChildBandExpand and BeforeChildBandCollapse events
ClassCancelableDropDownEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeDropDown event
ClassCancelableGroupEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeGroupExpand and BeforeGroupCollapse events
ClassCancelableLogicalPrintPageEventArgs Event parameters used for Logical Print Page event
ClassCancelablePrintEventArgs Event parameters used for initialize print event, and before print event
ClassCancelablePrintPreviewEventArgs Event parameters used for Initialize Print Preview event
ClassCancelableRowEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeCellActivate event
ClassCancelHeaderEventArgs The event argument type used by events that involve a HeaderBase and can be cancelled.
ClassCaptionAreaUIElement CaptionAreaUIElement. This represents the grid's caption.
ClassCaptionAreaUIElement.CaptionAreaAccessibleObject The Accessible object for the grid's caption ares.
ClassCardAreaScrollRegionUIElement UIElement that contains RowUIElements for the CardView style.
ClassCardAreaUIElement The CardAreaUIElement contains RowUIElements.
ClassCardCaptionUIElement Summary description for CardCaptionUIElement.
ClassCardExpansionUIElement UI element used as a button in compressed card view to allow the user to expand and collapse individual cards.
ClassCardLabelAreaUIElement Summary description for CardLabelAreaUIElement.
ClassCardLabelUIElement Summary description for CardLabelUIElement.
ClassCellButtonUIElement UI Element for displaying cell buttons
ClassCellDataErrorEventArgs Event parameters used for handling data error events
ClassCellEnumerator Enumerator for the CellsCollection
ClassCellEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take a row and column designating a cell (intersection of the row and the column)
ClassCellsCollection Returns a reference to a collection of Cell objects. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time.
ClassCellUIElement The ui element class for representing cells.
ClassCellUIElementBase The ui element base class for representing cells.
ClassCheckedListSettings Exposes properties which control the behavior of the checkboxes displayed in the dropdown list used by the UltraCombo control.
ClassCheckedRowsCollection Encapsulates the CheckedRows collection.
ClassChildBandEnumerator Enumerator for the ChildBandsCollection
ClassChildBandEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take ChildBand as its argument
ClassChildBandExpansionIndicatorHeaderUIElement ChildBandExpansionIndicatorUIElement
ClassChildBandExpansionIndicatorUIElement ChildBandExpansionIndicatorUIElement
ClassChildBandsCollection This is a collection of all ChildBand objects that relate to a specific parent row. For example, if band 0 was 'Customers' and it had 2 child bands, say 'Orders' and 'Invoices'. customer 12345 would have 2 ChildBand objects, one containing a collection of all of its orders and the other containing a collection of all of its invoices.
ClassClearAllFilterButtonClickedEventArgs EventArgs class used to pass information during the ClearAllFilterButton events.
ClassClickCellEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGrid.ClickCell event.
ClassColScrollbarUIElement ColScrollbarUIElement
ClassColScrollRegion Defines a region that scrolls columns. Adjacent column scroll regions are separated by splitter bars.
ClassColScrollRegion.ColScrollRegionTypeConverter ColScrollRegion type converter.
ClassColScrollRegionEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take ColScrollRegion as their argument
ClassColScrollRegionsCollection Collection of all column scrolling regions in a layout
ClassColScrollRegionsCollection.ColScrollRegionEnumerator inner class implements IEnumerator interface
ClassColSplitBoxUIElement The element that appears to the left of the horizontal scrollbar that is used fro spliiting ColScrollRegions regions.
ClassColSplitterBarUIElement The element that appears to the left of the horizontal scrollbar that is used for spliiting ColScrollRegions regions.
ClassColumnChooserButtonUIElement UI element class for the column chooser button element.
ClassColumnChooserDialog Dialog used for the column chooser functionality.
ClassColumnChooserGrid Grid that's embedded inside the column chooser.
ClassColumnChooserSourceGridFilter ReferenceConverter used for UltraGridColumnChooser's SourceGrid property.
ClassColumnDataTypeUITypeEditor UITypeEditor for selecting the data type of unbound columns.
ClassColumnEnumerator Enumerator for the ColumnsCollection
ClassColumnFilter ColumnFilter class.
ClassColumnFiltersCollection ColumnFiltersCollection class. UltraGridBand.ColumnFilters and RowsCollection.ColumnFilters return objects of this type.
ClassColumnHeader The class represents the header for a specific column
ClassColumnHeader.ColumnHeaderAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a column header.
ClassColumnHeaderEnumerator Enumerator for a collection of ColumnHeaders
ClassColumnLayoutInfo Class for holding row layout information for a column.
ClassColumnsCollection Returns a reference to a collection of Column objects. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time.
ClassColumnUITypeEditor UITypeEditor for the UltraGridColumn objects.
ClassComboEventManager Class for managing an UltraCombo's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassComboKeyActionMapping Key/Action mapping object for UltraCombo.
ClassComboKeyActionMappings Summary description for KeyActionMappings.
ClassComboKeyActionMappings.ComboKeyActionMappingEnumerator Summary description for KeyActionMappingEnumerator
ClassCustomRowFiltersDialog Dialog for letting users enter custom row filters.
ClassCustomRowFiltersDialogSettings Disposable class that encapsulates the dialog-specific settings.
ClassDataAreaUIElement The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassDataAreaUIElement.DataAreaAccessibleObject The Accessible object for the date area of a grid.
ClassDataErrorFilterCondition A class used for filtering rows based on whether the cells, in the column that this filter condition is associated with, have an IDataErrorInfo error on them.
ClassDataErrorIconUIElement The element class for representing data error icons in the cells and the row selectors.
ClassDataErrorInfo Class for handling data error info.
ClassDefaultableFlagsEnumUITypeEditor UITypeEditor class for editing flags enum that have non-zero Default enum member.
ClassDesignerPromptAreaUIElement Created at designtime only - used by the UltraGridDesigner to display prompts at designtime.
ClassDoubleClickCellEventArgs The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickCell event.
ClassDoubleClickHeaderEventArgs The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickHeader event.
ClassDoubleClickRowEventArgs The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickRow event.
ClassDropDownEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterDropDown and AfterCloseUp event
ClassDropDownEventManager Class for managing an UltraDropDown's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassEditButtonSpaceHolderUIElement UI element used to render background of the space reserved for an edit button element when using the ColumnStyle of Edit.
ClassEditButtonUIElement UI element that is used for displaying EditButton column style
ClassEmptyMessageRowCellAreaUIElement UIElement that serves as a container for the EmptyMessageUIElement. It is placed inside an EmptyMessageRowUIElement.
ClassEmptyMessageRowUIElement UIElement that serves as a container element for drawing te various empty messages.
ClassEmptyMessageUIElement UIElement for displaying image and text. Used specifically to display a message or show an image in the WinGrid when there is no data source or the data source contains no rows.
ClassEmptyRowCellAreaUIElement This element contains cell elements in empty rows.
ClassEmptyRowCellUIElement This element represents a cell in an empty row.
ClassEmptyRowsAreaUIElement This element hosts the empty row elements.
ClassEmptyRowSelectorUIElement This element represents a cell in an empty row.
ClassEmptyRowSettings Exposes properties related to empty rows functionality.
ClassEmptyRowUIElement This element represents an empty row.
ClassErrorEventArgs Event parameters used for handling data error events
ClassExpansionIndicatorUIElement ExpansionIndicatorUIElement
ClassExternalSummaryValueEventArgs Used for event parameter to ExternalSummaryValueRequested event.
ClassFilterCellUIElement The ui element class for representing cells.
ClassFilterCellValueChangedEventArgs EventArgs for FilterCellValueChanged event.
ClassFilterClearButtonUIElement UI element class for an operator element in a filter row element.
ClassFilterCondition Class used for defining a row filter condition.
ClassFilterConditionsCollection Collection of FilterCondition objects.
ClassFilterDropDownButtonUIElement A column or group swap button UI element
ClassFilterOperatorUIElement UI element class for an operator element in a filter row element.
ClassFilterRowCellAreaUIElement The RowCellAreaUIElement contains the CellUIElements for a specific row.
ClassFilterRowEventArgs Used as event parameter for FilterRow event.
ClassFilterRowSelectorUIElement The ui element for the row selectors of filter rows.
ClassFilterRowUIElement A class to represent a filter row.
ClassFilterValueListItem For Infragistics Use Only. ValueListItem used for predefined filter operands (i.e. "(All)", "(Custom)", etc).
ClassFixedCellSeparatorUIElement UIElement used for displaying separation between fixed headers and non-fixed headers.
ClassFixedHeaderIndicatorUIElement UIElement used for fixed header indicator.
ClassFixedIndicatorUIElementBase Base UIElement calss for fixed header and row indicators.
ClassFixedRowIndicatorUIElement UIElement used for fixed header indicator.
ClassFixedRowsCollection Class that stores fixed rows.
ClassFixedSummaryAreaUIElement Fixed area of summary footer.
ClassFixedSummaryLineUIElement A level in free form summary area.
ClassFreeFormSummaryAreaUIElement Free-form area of summary footer.
ClassFreeFormSummaryLineUIElement A level in free form summary area.
ClassGridBagLayoutDragManager Helper class which provides information to the LayoutDragStrategy. For internal Infragistics use only.
ClassGridEventManager Class for managing an UltraGrid's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassGridItemBase Abstract base class for grid items (cells, rows, columns, groups and bands)
ClassGridKeyActionMapping Key/Action mapping object for UltraGrid.
ClassGridKeyActionMappings Summary description for KeyActionMappings.
ClassGridKeyActionMappings.GridKeyActionMappingEnumerator Summary description for KeyActionMappingEnumerator
ClassGridScrollbarIntersectionUIElement This element occupies the square area at the lower right corner where a verticaal and horizontal scrollbar meet.
ClassGroupByBandLabelUIElement UIElement that displays the band caption in the GroupByBox
ClassGroupByBandLabelUIElement.GroupByBandlLabelAccessibleObject Accessible object representing a GroupByBandLabelUIElement in the GroupByBox
ClassGroupByBox Returns a reference to the GroupByBox object. This property is read-only at design-time and run-time.
ClassGroupByBoxPromptUIElement Used for showing prompt in the group by box ui element
ClassGroupByBoxPromptUIElement.GroupByPromptAccessibleObject Accessible object representing a GroupByBoxPromptUIElement in the GroupByBoxPromptUIElement.GroupByBox
ClassGroupByBoxUIElement Summary description for GroupByBoxUIElement.
ClassGroupByButtonUIElement Represents a column header or a band label inside a group-by box ui element.
ClassGroupByButtonUIElement.GroupByButtonAccessibleObject Accessible object representing a GroupByButtonUIElement in the GroupByBox
ClassGroupByRowConnectorUIElement The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassGroupByRowDescriptionUIElement UIElement for displaying the text in group-by rows.
ClassGroupByRowExpansionIndicatorUIElement GroupByRowExpansionIndicatorUIElement
ClassGroupByRowUIElement The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassGroupColumnEnumerator Enumerator for the GroupColumnsCollection
ClassGroupColumnsCollection A collection of Columns that belong to a specific group.
ClassGroupEnumerator Enumerator for the GroupsCollection
ClassGroupEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take Group as its argument
ClassGroupExpansionIndicatorUIElement AllowGroupCollapsingUIElement
ClassGroupHeader The class represents the header for a specific group
ClassGroupHeader.GroupHeaderAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a column header.
ClassGroupPropertyDescriptor For Infragistics internal use only
ClassGroupsCollection Returns the collection of Group objects. This property is read-only at run-time.
ClassGroupsCollectionConverter Summary description for GroupsCollectionConverter.
ClassGroupsCollectionUITypeEditor GroupsCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button.
ClassGroupUITypeEditor A UITypeEditor providing the selection of a template without the UI that is provided by the IListSource implementation.
ClassHeaderBase Returns the Header object associated with the object. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time.
ClassHeaderBase.HeaderAccessibleObjectBase The Accessible object for a column header.
ClassHeaderCheckBoxUIElement Checkbox UIElement class used for implementing the Header Checkbox functionality.
ClassHeaderEventArgs The event argument type used by events that involve a HeaderBase.
ClassHeadersCollection Collection of headers
ClassHeadersCollection.HeaderEnumerator inner class implements IEnumerator interface
ClassHeadersCollection.HeadersAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a row or band's column headers.
ClassHeadersRow A row class that represents headers.
ClassHeaderUIElement HeaderUIElement
ClassInitializeGroupByRowEventArgs Event parameters used the InitializeRow event.
ClassInitializeLayoutEventArgs Event parameters used the InitializeLayout event.
ClassInitializeRowEventArgs Event parameters used the InitializeRow event.
ClassInitializeRowsCollectionEventArgs EventArgs for InitializeRowsCollection event.
ClassInitializeTemplateAddRowEventArgs Event args associated with UltraGrid.InitializeTemplateAddRow event.
ClassLayoutEnumerator Enumerator for the LayoutsCollection
ClassLayoutsCollection A collection of Layouts.
ClassLogicalPageLayoutInfo Summary description for LogicalPageLayoutInfo.
ClassMaskErrorInfo class for handling mask error info
ClassMergedCellUIElement The ui element class for representing a merged cell.
ClassMultiCellOperationErrorInfo Contains information on the error that occurred during a multi-cell operation.
ClassMultiCellOperationInfo Contains nested classes and other infrastructure for performing multi-cell operations.
ClassMultiCellOperationInfo.CellsCollection Class associted with the BeforeMultiCellOperationEventArgs.Cells property.
ClassMultiCellOperationInfo.CellValueHolder A class that contains information on the cell value.
ClassMultiCellOperationInfo.CellValuesCollection Class associted with the BeforeMultiCellOperationEventArgs.NewValues property.
ClassNonBlanksClass For Infragistics internal use only.
ClassPageFooterUIElement Summary description for PageFooterUIElement.
ClassPageHeaderUIElement Summary description for PageHeaderUIElement.
ClassPlaceholderRowUIElement UIElement that serves as a placeholder for a row in a collection that is collapsed or where all of the rows are filtered out.
ClassPreRowAreaUIElement This ui element contains the expansion indicator of a non-group-by row.
ClassPrintPreviewSettings Class used to hold the Print Preview control Settings
ClassProcessRowParams ProcessRowParams class.
ClassProxyDataErrorIconUIElement A derived class for displaying the data error icon within an UltraGridCellProxy.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassRowAutoPreviewUIElement Summary description for RowAutoPreviewUIElement.
ClassRowCellAreaUIElement The RowCellAreaUIElement contains the CellUIElements for a specific row.
ClassRowCellAreaUIElementBase The base class for RowCellAreaUIElement.
ClassRowColRegionIntersectionUIElement Summary description for RowColRegionIntersectionUIElement.
ClassRowColRegionIntersectionUIElement.RowColRegionAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a row/column region intersection.
ClassRowColSplitterIntersectionUIElement UI element thats positioned at the intersection of row scroll region and col scroll region splitter bars.
ClassRowEditTemplateControlUIElement The main UIElement for the UltraGridRowEditTemplate control.
ClassRowEditTemplateDialogSettings A class containing various options for controlling the aspects of the form used to display the RowEditTemplate when using a DisplayMode of Modal or Modeless.
ClassRowEditTemplateRequestedEventArgs The event args used by the UltraGrid.RowEditTemplateRequested event.
ClassRowEditTemplateRowChangedEventArgs Used as event parameter for the RowEditTemplate's RowChanged event.
ClassRowEditTemplateUITypeEditor A UITypeEditor providing the selection of a template without the UI that is provided by the IListSource implementation.
ClassRowEnumerator Enumerator for a collection of rows
ClassRowEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take Row as its argument
ClassRowLayout RowLayout class. The RowLayout class contains information on how the cells in a row get laid out.
ClassRowLayout.RowLayoutTypeConverter RowLayoutTypeConverter type converter.
ClassRowLayoutColumnInfo Class for holding row layout information for a column.
ClassRowLayoutColumnInfo.RowLayoutColumnInfoTypeConverter RowLayoutTypeConverter type converter.
ClassRowLayoutColumnInfoPropertyDescriptor RowLayoutColumnInfosCollectionPropertyDescriptor class.
ClassRowLayoutColumnInfosCollection RowLayoutColumnInfosCollection class.
ClassRowLayoutColumnInfosCollectionConverter RowLayoutsCollectionConverter Class
ClassRowLayoutPropertyDescriptor RowLayoutPropertyDescriptor class.
ClassRowLayoutsCollection RowLayoutsCollection class.
ClassRowLayoutsCollectionConverter RowLayoutsCollectionConverter Class
ClassRowPromptUIElement UI element used for displaying a prompt in template add-row or a filter row.
ClassRowsCollection A collection of Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridRow objects
ClassRowsCollectionAccessibleObject The RowsCollectionAccessibleObject represents any area a RowsCollection would exist in a Grid's structure. The RowsCollectionAccessibleObject contains Headers, Rows, and possibly ScrollBars as children.
ClassRowScrollbarUIElement RowScrollbarUIElement
ClassRowScrollRegion Defines a region that scrolls rows. Adjacent row scroll regions are separated by splitter bars.
ClassRowScrollRegion.RowScrollRegionTypeConverter RowScrollRegion type converter.
ClassRowScrollRegionEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take RowScrollRegion as its argument
ClassRowScrollRegionsCollection Collection of all row scrolling regions in a layout
ClassRowScrollRegionsCollection.RowScrollRegionEnumerator inner class implements IEnumerator interface
ClassRowSelectedEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterDropDown and AfterCloseUp event
ClassRowSelectorEditTemplateUIElement A UIElement used for showing the RowEditTemplate.
ClassRowSelectorHeaderUIElement RowSelectorHeaderUIElement
ClassRowSelectorImageInfo Class encapsulating all the state-specific row selector images
ClassRowSelectorUIElement The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassRowSelectorUIElementBase The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassRowSplitBoxUIElement The element that appears above the vertical scrollbar that is used for spliiting RowScrollRegions regions.
ClassRowSplitterBarUIElement The element that appears to the top of the vertical scrollbar that is used fro spliiting RowScrollRegions regions.
ClassRowSummariesButtonUIElement ui elment for button on the column headers for showing the summaries dialog.
ClassRowUIElement The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassRowUIElementBase The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions.
ClassScrollRegionBase Summary description for ScrollRegionBase.
ClassScrollRegionsCollectionBase Collection of all row scrolling regions in a layout
ClassScrollRegionsCollectionBase.ScrollRegionBaseEnumerator inner class implements IEnumerator interface
ClassSelected Summary description for Class1.
ClassSelectedCellsCollection Summary description for SelectedCellsCollection.
ClassSelectedColsCollection Summary description for SelectedColsCollection.
ClassSelectedRowsCollection Summary description for SelectedRowsCollection.
ClassSiblingRowConnectorUIElement Daws the connector lines between sibling rows
ClassSortedColumnEnumerator Enumerator for the SortedColumnsCollection
ClassSortedColumnsCollection Returns a collection of sorted column objects. This property is not available at design-time.
ClassSortIndicatorUIElement Summary description for SortIndicatorUIElement.
ClassSpecialBoxBase Returns a reference to the SpecialBoxBase object. This property is read-only at design-time and run-time.
ClassSpecialFilterOperand Defines a class for providing custom operands for filtering values. This class is meant to provide additional context for filtering that cannot simply be achieved with a FilterComparisonOperator and a value.
ClassSpecialFilterOperands A static class providing pre-defined operands.
ClassSpecialRowSeparatorUIElement UIElement used for displaying separation between special rows.
ClassSummaryDialog Summary description for SummaryDialog.
ClassSummaryDialogSettings Disposable class that encapsulates the dialog-specific settings.
ClassSummaryDisplayAreaContext Provides context information for the UltraGridSummaryRow.
ClassSummaryDisplayAreaContext.EqualityComparerWithoutGroupByRowContext Compares the SummaryDisplayAreaContexts accounting for all properties except for the GroupByRowContext.
ClassSummaryFooterCaptionUIElement UIElement for the caption area of the summary footers.
ClassSummaryFooterUIElement Summary footer ui element.
ClassSummarySettings SummarySettings object represents a summary. Objects of this type are also referred to as summaries.
ClassSummarySettings.ColumnsListUITypeEditor Base class for a UITypeEditor that provides a list
ClassSummarySettings.SummarySettingsConverter RowLayoutTypeConverter type converter.
ClassSummarySettingsCollection Collection of SummarySettings objects. See UltraGridBand.Summaries for more information.
ClassSummaryValue Class that holds information of a particular summary calculation.
ClassSummaryValueChangedEventArgs Used for event parameter to SummaryValueChanged event.
ClassSummaryValuesCollection Collection of SummaryValue objects that the RowsCollection exposes via its RowsCollection.SummaryValues property.
ClassSummaryValueUIElement A level in free form summary area.
ClassSwapButtonUIElement A column or group swap button UI element
ClassUltraCombo The UltraCombo control is like a ComboBox control, but the list is a multi-column, grid-like dropdown list.
ClassUltraComboUIElement The main element for an UltraCombo control (occupies the entire client area.
ClassUltraDropDown The UltraDropDown control provies a multi-column, grid-like dropdown list in a column of an UltraGrid control.
ClassUltraDropDownBase The base class for the UltraDropDown and UltraCombo control classes.
ClassUltraGrid The Infragistics UltraGrid control is designed to present, and optionally edit, both flat data (containing a single set of rows and columns) as well as hierarchical data in a variety of view styles.
ClassUltraGridBand An object that represents a set of related columns of data.
ClassUltraGridBand.ColumnVisiblePositionComparer A IComparer implementation for sorting columns by their visible positions.
ClassUltraGridBand.GroupVisiblePositionComparer A IComparer implementation for sorting groups by their visible positions.
ClassUltraGridBand.UltraGridBandTypeConverter UltraGridBand type converter.
ClassUltraGridBase Returns the UltraGrid control associated with an UltraGridLayout object. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time.
ClassUltraGridCardSettings Used to hold card view setting properties for a band.
ClassUltraGridCell This class represents a cell in the grid (a specific column in a specific row)
ClassUltraGridCell.CellAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a cell.
ClassUltraGridCellProxy A class used as a proxy for the editor of an UltraGridCell when used on a RowEditTemplate.
ClassUltraGridCellProxyOwnerInfo A class that allows a proxy to delegate many owner-related tasks to the the proxy's underlying owner.
ClassUltraGridCellProxyRole Component role used by an UltraGridCellProxy for its application styling information.
ClassUltraGridCellProxyUIElement The main UIElement for the UltraGridCellProxy control.
ClassUltraGridChildBand The UltraGridChildBand object contains a collection of child row's from a single band with a common parent row. For example, if band 0 was 'Customers' and it had 2 child bands, say 'Orders' and 'Invoices'. Customer 12345 would have 2 UltraGridChildBand objects, one containing a collection of all of its orders and the other containing a collection of all of its invoices.
ClassUltraGridColumn An object that represents a single column of data.
ClassUltraGridColumn.UltraGridColumnTypeConverter UltraGridColumn type converter.
ClassUltraGridColumnChooser This control allows the user to select which columns to display in an UltraGrid. It displays the list of columns that the user can hide or unhide from the UltraGrid.
ClassUltraGridComboEditor Editor for using an UltraCombo.
ClassUltraGridComboEditorOwner Editor owner for the UltraCombo
ClassUltraGridDisplayLayout The main display layout of an UltraGrid, UltraCombo or UltraDropDown control.
ClassUltraGridEmptyMessageRow Represents a row that is created when the data source contains zero rows or when the rows collection has all of its rows filtered out.
ClassUltraGridEmptyRow Represents empty rows. UltraGridLayout.EmptyRowSettings for more information on how to enable the Empty Rows Functionality.
ClassUltraGridFilterCell Class that represents a cell in a filter row.
ClassUltraGridFilterRow A class to represent a filter row.
ClassUltraGridGroup UltraGrid's Column object.
ClassUltraGridGroup.GroupLayoutInfo Class for holding row layout information for a group.
ClassUltraGridGroup.UltraGridGroupTypeConverter UltraGridGroup type converter.
ClassUltraGridGroupByRow The GroupByRow object corresponds to a GroupBy Row displayed in the grid.
ClassUltraGridLayout An object that maintains the structure and settings for an UltraGrid, UltraCombo or UltraDropDown control.
ClassUltraGridLayout.DisplayLayoutTypeConverter Layout object type converter.
ClassUltraGridLayout.LayoutTypeConverter Layout object type converter.
ClassUltraGridOverride The UltraGridOverride class allows the setting of properties on multiple levels of the grid.
ClassUltraGridOverride.UltraGridOverrideTypeConverter UltraGridOverride type converter.
ClassUltraGridPlaceholderRow A class to represent a placeHolder row which is used when all of the rows in a collection are filtered out or when a child band is collapsed.
ClassUltraGridPrintDocument A System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument used to print the contents of an associated UltraGrid
ClassUltraGridRole Role class for the UltraGridBase derived controls.
ClassUltraGridRow Represents a row from the attached data source.
ClassUltraGridRow.ResolvedUltraGridRowDataErrorInfo Returns the resolved IDataErrorInfo for an UltraGridRow. This includes the UltraGridRow.DataErrorInfo as well as the IDataErrorInfo implementation of the row's ListObject.
ClassUltraGridRow.RowAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a row.
ClassUltraGridRow.UltraGridRowDataErrorInfo Stores IDataErrorInfo data for the row.
ClassUltraGridRowEditTemplate The RowEditTemplate is provided as a means of editing a row in the grid using a customizable interface.
ClassUltraGridRowEditTemplateRole Component role used by an UltraGridRowEditTemplate for its application styling information.
ClassUltraGridSpecialRowBase Base class for non-data rows, like UltraGridFilterRow and UltraGridSummaryRow.
ClassUltraGridSummaryRow A class to represent a summary row.
ClassUltraGridUIElement The main element for an UltraGrid (occupies the entire client area.
ClassUltraWinGridAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
ClassVisibleHeader Summary description for VisibleHeader.
ClassVisibleHeadersCollection Collection of all VisibleHeaders within a specific Header scrolling region.
ClassVisibleHeadersCollection.VisibleHeaderEnumerator Enumerator for a collection of VisibleHeaders
ClassVisibleRow This class reperesents an instance of a Row within a specific RowScrollRegion
ClassVisibleRowsCollection Collection of all VisibleRows within a specific row scrolling region.
ClassVisibleRowsCollection.VisibleRowEnumerator inner class implements IEnumerator interface
InterfaceIColumnUITypeEditorInfo For Infragistics Internal Use Only
InterfaceICustomSummaryCalculator Interface user would implement to calculate custom summaries. SummarySettings.CustomSummaryCalculator for more information.
InterfaceIFilterUIProvider An interface for providing an extended filtering UI mechanism.
InterfaceIFilterUIProviderEx An interface used in conjunction with the IFilterUIProvider interface to extend the filtering UI mechanism to indicate which cell values should appear in the filter tree.
InterfaceIGroupByEvaluator Interface to be used for determining how rows are grouped.
InterfaceIGroupByEvaluatorEx Interface to be used for determining how rows are grouped.
InterfaceIMergedCellEvaluator Interface that can be implemented to specify custom logic for determining which cells get merged.
InterfaceIProvideRowLayoutColumnInfo For internal use only.
InterfaceIUltraGridDesigner For Infragistics Internal Use Only
InterfaceIUltraGridExporter IUltraGridExporter interface.
InterfaceIUltraGridExporterAsynch IUltraGridExporter interface.
DelegateAfterAutoSizeColumnEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired after a column is autosized.
DelegateAfterBandHiddenChangedEventHandler Delegate for AfterBandHiddenChanged event.
DelegateAfterCardCompressedStateChangedEventHandler Delegate for AfterCardCompressedStateChanged event.
DelegateAfterCardsScrollEventHandler Delegate for AfterCardsScrollEventArgs event.
DelegateAfterColPosChangedEventHandler delegate for after a column has been moved, sized or swapped
DelegateAfterGroupPosChangedEventHandler delegate for after a group has been moved, sized or swapped
DelegateAfterHeaderCheckStateChangedEventHandler The delegate type used by the AfterHeaderCheckStateChangedEvent event
DelegateAfterRowEditTemplateClosedEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.AfterRowEditTemplateClosed event.
DelegateAfterRowEditTemplateDisplayedEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.BeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayed event.
DelegateAfterRowFilterChangedEventHandler Delegate for AfterRowFilterChanged event.
DelegateAfterRowFilterDropDownPopulateEventHandler Delegate for AfterRowFilterDropDownPopulate event.
DelegateAfterRowFixedStateChangedEventHandler Delegate for AfterRowFixedStateChanged event.
DelegateAfterRowLayoutItemResizedEventHandler Delegate for AfterRowLayoutItemResized event.
DelegateAfterSelectChangeEventHandler delegate for after any kind of selection state changes
DelegateAfterSummaryDialogEventHandler Delegate for AfterSummaryDialog event.
DelegateAfterUltraGridPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for AfterUltraGridPerformAction event.
DelegateBandEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a BandEventArgs as the event args
DelegateBeforeAutoSizeColumnEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a column is autosized.
DelegateBeforeBandHiddenChangedEventHandler Delegate for BeforeBandHiddenChanged event.
DelegateBeforeCardCompressedStateChangedEventHandler Delegate for BeforeCardCompressedStateChanged event.
DelegateBeforeCellUpdateEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a cell is updated
DelegateBeforeColPosChangedEventHandler delegate for before a column has been moved, sized or swapped
DelegateBeforeColRegionRemovedEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a col scroll region is removed
DelegateBeforeColRegionScrollEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a col scroll region is scrolled
DelegateBeforeColRegionSizeEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a col scroll region is resized
DelegateBeforeColRegionSplitEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a col scroll region is split
DelegateBeforeColumnChooserDisplayedEventHandler Delegate for BeforeColumnChooserDisplayed event.
DelegateBeforeCustomRowFilterDialogEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before custom row filters dialog is displayed.
DelegateBeforeDisplayDataErrorTooltipEventHandler Delegate for BeforeDisplayDataErrorTooltip event.
DelegateBeforeExitEditModeEventHandler delegate for handling BeforeExitEditMode event which is fired before exitting the edit mode.
DelegateBeforeGroupPosChangedEventHandler delegate for before a group has been moved, sized or swapped
DelegateBeforeHeaderCheckStateChangedEventHandler The delegate type used by the BeforeHeaderCheckStateChangedEvent event
DelegateBeforeMultiCellOperationEventHandler Delegate for BeforeMultiCellOperation event.
DelegateBeforePrintEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when a Before Print event occurs
DelegateBeforeRowEditTemplateClosedEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.BeforeRowEditTemplateClosed event.
DelegateBeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayedEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.BeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayed event.
DelegateBeforeRowFilterChangedEventHandler Delegate for BeforeRowFilterChanged event.
DelegateBeforeRowFilterDropDownEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before row-filter dropdown is dropped down.
DelegateBeforeRowFilterDropDownPopulateEventHandler Delegate for BeforeRowFilterDropDownPopulate event.
DelegateBeforeRowFixedStateChangedEventHandler Delegate for BeforeRowFixedStateChanged event.
DelegateBeforeRowInsertEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a row is being inserted
DelegateBeforeRowLayoutItemResizedEventHandler Delegate for BeforeRowLayoutItemResized event.
DelegateBeforeRowRegionRemovedEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when a row scroll region is removed
DelegateBeforeRowRegionScrollEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a row scroll region is scrolled
DelegateBeforeRowRegionSizeEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a row scroll region is resized
DelegateBeforeRowRegionSplitEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a row scroll region is split
DelegateBeforeRowResizeEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before a row is resized
DelegateBeforeRowsDeletedEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired before rows are deleted
DelegateBeforeSelectChangeEventHandler delegate for before any kind of selection state changes
DelegateBeforeSortChangeEventHandler delegate for before the sort indicator has changed
DelegateBeforeSummaryDialogEventHandler Delegate for BeforeSummaryDialog event.
DelegateBeforeUltraGridPerformActionEventHandler Delegate for BeforeUltraGridPerformAction event.
DelegateCancelableAutoSizeEditEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a CancelableAutoSizeEditEventArgs as the event args
DelegateCancelableCellEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a CancelableCellEventArgs as the event args
DelegateCancelableRowEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a CancelableRowEventArgs as the event args
DelegateCellDataErrorEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when data update error occurs
DelegateCellEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a CellEventArgs as the event args
DelegateClearAllFilterButtonClickedEventHandler The delegate type used by the ClearAllFilterButtonClicked events.
DelegateClickCellEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.ClickCell event.
DelegateColScrollRegionEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a ColScrollRegionEventArgs as the event args
DelegateDoubleClickCellEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickCell event.
DelegateDoubleClickHeaderEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickHeader event.
DelegateDoubleClickRowEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickRow event.
DelegateDropDownEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when a new row is selected in the ultradropdown
DelegateErrorEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when data update error occurs
DelegateExternalSummaryValueRequestedEventHandler delegate for ExternalSummaryValueRequested event.
DelegateFilterCellValueChangedEventHandler Delegate for FilterCellValueChanged event.
DelegateFilterRowEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when a row is being filtered using row filters.
DelegateInitializeGroupByRowEventHandler delegate for handling event that occurs when a group by row is initialized
DelegateInitializeLayoutEventHandler delegate for handling event that occurs when the layout is initialized
DelegateInitializeLogicalPrintPageEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when a Initialize Logical Print Page event occurs
DelegateInitializePrintEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when a Initialize Print event occurs
DelegateInitializePrintPreviewEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired when a Initialize Print Preview event occurs
DelegateInitializeRowEventHandler delegate for handling event that occurs when a row is initialized
DelegateInitializeRowsCollectionEventHandler Delegate for InitializeRowsCollection event.
DelegateInitializeTemplateAddRowEventHandler Delegate for InitializeTemplateAddRow event.
DelegateItemNotInListEventHandler Delegate for ItemNotInList event.
DelegateRowEditTemplateRequestedEventHandler The delegate type used by the UltraGrid.RowEditTemplateRequested event.
DelegateRowEditTemplateRowChangedEventHandler Delegate that is used for the RowChanged event of the RowEditTemplate.
DelegateRowEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a RowEventArgs as the event args
DelegateRowScrollRegionEventHandler delegate for handling events that take a RowScrollRegionEventArgs as the event args
DelegateRowSelectedEventHandler delegate for handling event that is fired whe a new row is selected in the ultradropdown
DelegateSummaryValueChangedEventHandler delegate for SummaryValueChanged event.
EnumerationActivation Determines how the cell will behave when it is activated.
EnumerationAddNewBoxStyle Constants that specify whether the AddNewBox will appear at full size or compacted.
EnumerationAddRowEditNotificationInterface Enum for specifying the UltraGridOverride.AddRowEditNotificationInterface property.
EnumerationAllowAddNew Enum used for specifying the Override's UltraGridOverride.AllowAddNew property.
EnumerationAllowCardPrinting Enum for specifying UltraGridLayout.AllowCardPrinting property.
EnumerationAllowColMoving Used to specify whether columns can be moved.
EnumerationAllowColSizing Used to specify whether columns can be resized.
EnumerationAllowColSwapping Enumeration used for specifying whether to allow col swapping on columns.
EnumerationAllowGroupMoving Used to specify whether groups can be moved.
EnumerationAllowGroupSwapping Enum for specifying whether groups are allowed to swap with other groups.
EnumerationAllowHeaderEditing Indicates whether the header can be edited and hode edit mode is initiated.
EnumerationAllowMultiCellOperation Enum used for specifying the UltraGridOverride.AllowMultiCellOperations property.
EnumerationAllowRowSummaries Enum for specifying whether to allow row summaries at override level as well as individual column level.
EnumerationAllRowsFilteredOutExpansionIndicatorBehavior Enum used for determing whether expansion indicators are shown in the case where all of the child rows of the row are filtered out.
EnumerationAutoFitStyle Enum for specifying UltraGridLayout.AutoFitStyle property.
EnumerationAutoResizeColumnWidthOptions Specifies various factors that should be taken into consideration while calculating width of a column.
EnumerationBandExpansionIndicators Indicates the cell values displayed in the IFilterUIProvider drop down.
EnumerationBandOrigin Enum for specifying what parts of the Band to include when calculating band origin.
EnumerationButtonDisplayStyle Enum to specify the style of displaying buttons in various column styles.
EnumerationCardCompressedState enum to specify different Card Compressed states for a Row in Compressed Card View
EnumerationCardScrollbars Used for specifying UltraGridCardSettings.CardScrollbars property.
EnumerationCardStyle Used to specify the Card Style.
EnumerationCase Used to specify the case of text in a column.
EnumerationCellClickAction Used to specify how a cell should react to being clicked.
EnumerationCellDisplayStyle Enum for specifying CellDisplayStyle property.
EnumerationCellHottrackInvalidationStyle Enum for specifying UltraGridLayout.CellHottrackInvalidationStyle property.
EnumerationChildRow Used to specify the relationship between the current row and its child rows.
EnumerationClippingOverride Enum to specify if text should be clipped when sent to the printer.
EnumerationClipRowBehavior Enum for specifying LogicalPageLayoutInfo.ClipRowBehavior property.
EnumerationColScrollAction Enum to specify how to scroll a column scroll region.
EnumerationColumnAutoSizeMode Enum used for specifying how the column is autosized when the user double-clicks on the edge of a column.
EnumerationColumnChooserStyle Enum for specifying the UltraGridColumnChooser.Style property.
EnumerationColumnClipMode Enum for specifying LogicalPageLayoutInfo.ColumnClipMode property.
EnumerationColumnDisplayOrder Enum for specifying UltraGridColumnChooser.ColumnDisplayOrder property.
EnumerationColumnSizingArea Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.ColumnSizingArea property.
EnumerationColumnStyle Enum used for specifying the UltraGridColumn.Style property.
EnumerationComboEventIds Uniquely identifies each UltraCombo specific event
EnumerationDataErrorSource Used to indicate how the Data error occurred.
EnumerationDropDownEventIds Uniquely identifies each UltraDropDown specific event
EnumerationDropDownSearchMethod Indicates the method used to search an UltraDropDown or UltraCombo Control when searching for a DisplayText or DataValue.
EnumerationEditAreaDisplayStyle Determines whether the UltraCombo displays the image of the selected item in the edit portion of the control.
EnumerationEmptyMessageUIElement.EmptyMessageType Enumeration indicating the type of empty message that will be displayed.
EnumerationEmptyRowStyle Enum for specifying EmptyRowSettings.Style property.
EnumerationErrorType Used for specifying what type of error.
EnumerationEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraGrid specific events
EnumerationExcludeFromColumnChooser Enum for specifying the Column's UltraGridColumn.ExcludeFromColumnChooser and Band's UltraGridBand.ExcludeFromColumnChooser properties.
EnumerationFilterClearButtonLocation The enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.FilterClearButtonLocation property.
EnumerationFilterComparisionOperator Enum for specifying the comparision operator.
EnumerationFilterComparisonStyle Type of grid filter comparison style
EnumerationFilterComparisonType Enum for specifying Override's UltraGridOverride.FilterComparisonType and the Column's UltraGridColumn.FilterComparisonType properties.
EnumerationFilterEvaluationTrigger Enum for specifying Override's UltraGridOverride.FilterEvaluationTrigger and the Column's UltraGridColumn.FilterEvaluationTrigger properties.
EnumerationFilterLogicalOperator Enum for specifying logical operator that should be used to combine all the FilterConditions in ColumnFilter.
EnumerationFilterOperandDropDownItems An enumeration that indicates which operands should be shown in the filter dropdown menu.
EnumerationFilterOperandStyle Enum for specifying Override's UltraGridOverride.FilterOperandStyle and Column's UltraGridColumn.FilterOperandStyle properties.
EnumerationFilterOperatorDefaultValue Enum for specifying Override's UltraGridOverride.FilterOperatorDefaultValue and Column's UltraGridColumn.FilterOperatorDefaultValue properties.
EnumerationFilterOperatorDropDownItems Enum for specifying Override's UltraGridOverride.FilterOperatorDropDownItems and Column's UltraGridColumn.FilterOperatorDropDownItems properties.
EnumerationFilterOperatorLocation Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.FilterOperatorLocation property.
EnumerationFilterUIType Enum for specifying Override's UltraGridOverride.FilterUIType property.
EnumerationFixedHeaderIndicator Enum used for specifying whether the user is allowed to fix and unfix headers.
EnumerationFixedRowIndicator Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.FixedRowIndicator property.
EnumerationFixedRowSortOrder Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.FixedRowSortOrder property.
EnumerationFixedRowStyle Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.FixedRowStyle property.
EnumerationFormulaRowIndexSource Enum used for specifying UltraGridOverride.FormulaRowIndexSource property.
EnumerationGridBagLayoutDragManager.GridBagLayoutDragType Enum indicating the type of GridBagLayoutDrag.
EnumerationGridCellProxyPropertyIds Uniquely identifies properties of the UltraGridCellProxy class.
EnumerationGridEventIds Uniquely identifies each UltraGrid specific event
EnumerationGridRowType Used for specifying the rowType parameter of the UltraGridBand's UltraGridBand.GetRowEnumerator and RowsCollection's RowsCollection.GetRowEnumerator methods.
EnumerationGroupByBoxStyle Constants that specify whether the GroupByBox will appear at full size or compacted
EnumerationGroupByMode Enum used for specifying the UltraGridColumn.GroupByMode property.
EnumerationGroupByRowExpansionStyle Used by the UltraGridOverride.GroupByRowExpansionStyle property.
EnumerationGroupByRowInitialExpansionState Used by the UltraGridOverride.GroupByRowInitialExpansionState property.
EnumerationGroupBySummaryDisplayStyle Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.GroupBySummaryDisplayStyle property.
EnumerationHeaderCheckBoxAlignment Enum used for specifying the position of the UltraGridColumn's Header checkbox relative to the caption
EnumerationHeaderCheckBoxEventFiring Constants which determine whether the ValueChanged event fires for each cell whose value changes as a result of changes in the header checkbox value, or only once after all cell values have been changed.
EnumerationHeaderCheckBoxSynchronization Enum used for specifying how the UltraGridCell Values will be synchronized with UltraGridColumn's Header checkbox
EnumerationHeaderCheckBoxVisibility Enum used for specifying when the UltraGridColumn's Header checkbox should should be displayed
EnumerationHeaderClickAction Used to specify how a column or group header should react to being clicked.
EnumerationHeaderPlacement Enum for specifying the UltraGridOverride.HeaderPlacement property.
EnumerationInvalidValueBehavior Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.InvalidValueBehavior and UltraGridColumn.InvalidValueBehavior properties.
EnumerationLabelPosition LabelPosition is used to specify if and where the column header will be shown.
EnumerationLoadStyle Enum associated with UltraGridLayout.LoadStyle property.
EnumerationMergedCellContentArea Enum for specifying the UltraGridOverride.MergedCellContentArea and UltraGridColumn.MergedCellContentArea properties.
EnumerationMergedCellEvaluationType Enum for specifying the UltraGridColumn.MergedCellEvaluationType property.
EnumerationMergedCellStyle Enum for specifying the Override's UltraGridOverride.MergedCellStyle and Column's UltraGridColumn.MergedCellStyle properties.
EnumerationMultiCellOperation Used for specifying which operation is being performed.
EnumerationMultiCellOperationErrorInfo.ErrorAction Used for specifying the MultiCellOperationErrorInfo.Action property.
EnumerationMultiCellSelectionMode Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.MultiCellSelectionMode property.
EnumerationMultipleBandSupport Enum for specifying the UltraGridColumnChooser.MultipleBandSupport property.
EnumerationNewBandLoadStyle The enum associated with the Layout's UltraGridLayout.NewBandLoadStyle property.
EnumerationNewColumnLoadStyle The enum associated with the Layout's UltraGridLayout.NewColumnLoadStyle property.
EnumerationNullable Used to specify the way null values are stored.
EnumerationOperandListFilterBehavior Indicates the cell values displayed in the IFilterUIProvider drop down.
EnumerationPerformAutoSizeType Enum for specifying the aruguement to an overload of UltraGridColumn.PerformAutoResize.
EnumerationPosChangedType Used to specify what type of position change has occurred
EnumerationProcessMode Enum specifying how to apply sorting and filtering
EnumerationPropertyCategories Category Properties
EnumerationPropertyIds uniquely identify each property.
EnumerationRecursionType Enum specifying level of recursion to apply to a RowCollection method
EnumerationRefreshRow Used to specify the actions for the Refresh method.
EnumerationReserveSortIndicatorSpaceWhenAutoSizing Represents the different ways to auto-size a column with regard to the space needed for the sort indicator.
EnumerationRowArea Contains values which represent the various parts of a row in the grid.
EnumerationRowConnectorStyle Enum for specifying sibling row connector styles.
EnumerationRowEditTemplateDialogSettingsPropertyIds Uniquely identifies properties of the RowEditTemplateDialogSettings class.
EnumerationRowEditTemplateDisplayMode Enum for specifying how the RowEditTemplate should be displayed.
EnumerationRowEditTemplateUIType Indicates when the grid will show the RowEditTemplate, if set.
EnumerationRowFilterAction Specifies what action to take on rows that are filtered out.
EnumerationRowFilterMode Dicates whether row filtering takes place at band level or rows collection level.
EnumerationRowLayoutCellNavigation Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.RowLayoutCellNavigationVertical property.
EnumerationRowLayoutColumnInfoContext An enum which indicates the type of context for a RowLayoutColumnInfo object.
EnumerationRowLayoutItemResizeType Indicates the type of resize taking place during the resizing or Span resizing of a Layout Item.
EnumerationRowLayoutLabelStyle Enum for specifying whether the column labels are positioned with the cells or in a separate column headers area above the rows.
EnumerationRowLayoutSizing Enum for specifying label and cell resizing mode in the row-layout mode.
EnumerationRowLayoutStyle Specifies the way in which the band's columns are arranged.
EnumerationRowPropertyCategories Used for specifying which settings to carried over from grid rows to print rows when printing.
EnumerationRowScrollAction Enum to specify how to scroll a row scroll region.
EnumerationRowSelectorNumberStyle Enum used for specifying UltraGridOverride.RowSelectorNumberStyle property.
EnumerationRowSizing Used to specify the way rows can be resized.
EnumerationRowSizingArea Used to specify the interface used to resize rows.
EnumerationRowUpdateCancelAction Indicates the action should be taken when BeforeRowUpdate event is cancelled.
EnumerationScrollbar Determines if a scrollbar will be shown on a specific row or column scroll region
EnumerationScrollbars Specifies if vertical and/or horizontal scrollbars will be shown
EnumerationScrollBounds Enum for specifying UltraGridLayout.ScrollBounds property.
EnumerationScrollStyle Controls how scrolling is done in the grid.
EnumerationSelectType Used to specify the type of selection that is allowed for an object.
EnumerationShowBandLabels Used for spcifying how band lables are displayed in the group-by-box.
EnumerationShowExpansionIndicator Enum used for specifying the Override's UltraGridOverride.ExpansionIndicator and Row's UltraGridRow.ExpansionIndicator properties.
EnumerationSiblingRow Used to specify the relationship between the current row and its sibling rows.
EnumerationSizingMode Used to specify how ScrollRegions can be resized.
EnumerationSortComparisonType Used for specifying the Override's UltraGridOverride.SortComparisonType and Column's UltraGridColumn.SortComparisonType properties.
EnumerationSortDirection Used to specify the method that should be used to sort the column for initial sort.
EnumerationSortIndicator Used to specify the method that should be used to sort the column.
EnumerationSpecialRowSeparator Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.SpecialRowSeparator property.
EnumerationSummaryDisplayAreas Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.SummaryDisplayArea property.
EnumerationSummaryPosition Indicates the location where a summary will be displayed.
EnumerationSummaryType Used to specify the type of summary to calculate on a SummarySettings object.
EnumerationSupportDataErrorInfo Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.SupportDataErrorInfo property.
EnumerationTabNavigation Used to specify how the TAB key is used when navigating the program.
EnumerationTemplateDisplaySource Used to specify how a RowEditTemplate is shown.
EnumerationTipStyle Used for specifying tool tip styles for sibling row connectors, cells and scroll tips.
EnumerationUltraComboAction Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the combo
EnumerationUltraComboState Bit flags that describe the state of the control. For example, if the first cell in the second row is active but not in edit mode bits Row, Cell, and FirstCell will be set.
EnumerationUltraComboStyle The enumerator used for specifiying the style for an UltraCombo control.
EnumerationUltraGridAction Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the grid
EnumerationUltraGridState Bit flags that describe the state of the control. For example, if the first cell in the second row is active but not in edit mode bits Row, Cell, and FirstCell will be set.
EnumerationUpdateMode Used for specifying how the bound IList is updated when any changes are made to the data displayed in the grid. Default UpdateMode when not specified is OnRowChangeOrLostFocus.
EnumerationUseScrollWindow Used for specifying UltraGridLayout.UseScrollWindow method.
EnumerationViewStyle Used to specify whether the grid will display single or multiple bands.
EnumerationViewStyleBand Used to specify whether bands will display horizontally or vertically.
EnumerationVisibleRelation Used to specify the relationship between a column or group and another one in the same band in visible position order.
EnumerationXsdConstraintFlags Used to specify the constraints found in an XSD file which should be applied to the bands and columns of the grid.
See Also