| Class | Description |
 | ActivateableGridItemBase | Abtract base class for grid items that are activateable (rows and cells) |
 | AddNewBox | Returns a reference to the AddNewBox object. This property is read-only at design-time and run-time. |
 | AddNewBoxUIElement | Summary description for AddNewBoxUIElement. |
 | AddNewRowButtonUIElement | Button UIElement that represents a UltraGridBand and is used to create a new row in the band. |
 | AddNewRowButtonUIElement.AddNewButtonAccessibleObject | Accessible object representing a AddNewRowButtonUIElement in the AddNewBox |
 | AfterAutoSizeColumnEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterAutoSizeColumn event |
 | AfterBandHiddenChangedEventArgs | EventArgs class associated with UltraGridBase.AfterBandHiddenChanged event. |
 | AfterCardCompressedStateChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for UltraGrid.AfterCardCompressedStateChanged event. |
 | AfterCardsScrollEventArgs | Event args for UltraGrid.AfterCardsScroll event. |
 | AfterColPosChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterColPosChanged event |
 | AfterGroupPosChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterGroupPosChangedEventArgs event |
 | AfterHeaderCheckStateChangedEventArgs | EventArgs class used to pass information during the AfterHeaderCheckStateChanged event. |
 | AfterHeaderEnterEditModeEventArgs | The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.AfterHeaderEnterEditMode event. |
 | AfterHeaderExitEditModeEventArgs | The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.AfterHeaderExitEditMode event. |
 | AfterRowEditTemplateClosedEventArgs | The event args used by the UltraGrid.AfterRowEditTemplateClosed event. |
 | AfterRowEditTemplateDisplayedEventArgs | The event args used by the UltraGrid.AfterRowEditTemplateDisplayed event. |
 | AfterRowFilterChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for AfterRowFilterChanged event. |
 | AfterRowFilterDropDownPopulateEventArgs | EventArgs for AfterRowFilterDropDownPopulate event. |
 | AfterRowFixedStateChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for AfterRowFixedStateChanged event. |
 | AfterRowLayoutItemResizedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterRowLayoutItemResized event. |
 | AfterSelectChangeEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterSelectChange event |
 | AfterSummaryDialogEventArgs | Event args associated with UltraGrid.AfterSummaryDialog event. |
 | AfterUltraGridPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for AfterUltraGridPerformAction event. |
 | AppearanceManager | Class for managing appearance properties. |
 | AsynchronousExportManager | Static class which manages asynchronous export operations in sequence. |
 | BandEnumerator | Enumerator for the BandsCollection |
 | BandEventArgs | Event parameters used for the events that take Band object as its arguments |
 | BandHeader | The class represents the header for a specific band |
 | BandHeader.BandHeaderAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a column header. |
 | BandHeadersUIElement | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | BandPropertyDescriptor | For Infragistics internal use only |
 | BandsCollection | Returns a flat collection of Band objects, one per hierarchical recordset. This property is read-only at run-time. |
 | BandsCollectionConverter | Summary description for BandsCollectionConverter. |
 | BandsCollectionUITypeEditor | BandsCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button. |
 | BandsSerializer | Contains a flat collection of Band objects, one per hierarchical recordset. This object is used internally by UltraGrid for serialization/deserisalization. |
 | BeforeAutoSizeColumnEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeAutoSizeColumn event |
 | BeforeBandHiddenChangedEventArgs | EventArgs class associated with UltraGridBase.BeforeBandHiddenChanged event. |
 | BeforeCardCompressedStateChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for UltraGrid.BeforeCardCompressedStateChanged event. |
 | BeforeCellUpdateEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeCellUpdate event |
 | BeforeColPosChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeColPosChanged event |
 | BeforeColRegionRemovedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionRemoved event |
 | BeforeColRegionScrollEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionScroll event |
 | BeforeColRegionSizeEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionSize event |
 | BeforeColRegionSplitEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeColRegionSplit event |
 | BeforeColumnChooserDisplayedEventArgs | EventArgs for BeforeColumnChooserDisplayed event. |
 | BeforeCustomRowFilterDialogEventArgs | Used for event parameter to BeforeCustomRowFilterDialog event. |
 | BeforeDisplayDataErrorTooltipEventArgs | Event args associated with UltraGrid.BeforeDisplayDataErrorTooltip event. |
 | BeforeExitEditModeEventArgs | Event parameters used for BeforeExitEditMode event. |
 | BeforeGroupPosChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeGroupPosChanged event |
 | BeforeHeaderCheckStateChangedEventArgs | EventArgs class used to pass information during the BeforeHeaderCheckStateChanged event. |
 | BeforeHeaderEnterEditModeEventArgs | The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.BeforeHeaderEnterEditMode event. |
 | BeforeHeaderExitEditModeEventArgs | The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.BeforeHeaderExitEditMode event. |
 | BeforeMultiCellOperationEventArgs | Event args associated with UltraGrid.BeforeMultiCellOperation event. |
 | BeforeRowEditTemplateClosedEventArgs | The event args used by the UltraGrid.BeforeRowEditTemplateClosed event. |
 | BeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayedEventArgs | The event args used by the UltraGrid.BeforeRowEditTemplateDisplayed event. |
 | BeforeRowFilterChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for BeforeRowFilterChanged event. |
 | BeforeRowFilterDropDownEventArgs | Used for event parameter to BeforeRowFilterDropDown event. |
 | BeforeRowFilterDropDownPopulateEventArgs | EventArgs for BeforeRowFilterDropDownPopulate event. |
 | BeforeRowFixedStateChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for BeforeRowFixedStateChanged event. |
 | BeforeRowInsertEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowInsert event |
 | BeforeRowLayoutItemResizedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowLayoutItemResized event. |
 | BeforeRowRegionRemovedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionRemoved event |
 | BeforeRowRegionScrollEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionScroll event |
 | BeforeRowRegionSizeEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionSize event |
 | BeforeRowRegionSplitEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowRegionSplit event |
 | BeforeRowResizeEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowResize event |
 | BeforeRowsDeletedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeRowsDeleted event |
 | BeforeSelectChangeEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeSelectChange event |
 | BeforeSortChangeEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeSortChange event |
 | BeforeSummaryDialogEventArgs | Used for event parameter to BeforeSummaryDialog event. |
 | BeforeUltraGridPerformActionEventArgs | EventArgs class used for BeforeUltraGridPerformAction event. |
 | ButtonConnectorUIElement | Summary description for ButtonConnectorUIElement. |
 | ButtonWithStyleUIElement | Base class of CellButtonUIElement and EditButtonUIElement. |
 | CancelableAutoSizeEditEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take AutoSizeEdit as their arguments and are cancelable |
 | CancelableBandEventArgs | Event parameters used for the events that take Band object as its arguments |
 | CancelableCellEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take a row and a column designating a cell (the cell at the intersection of the row and the column) as their argument and are cancelable |
 | CancelableChildBandEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeChildBandExpand and BeforeChildBandCollapse events |
 | CancelableDropDownEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeDropDown event |
 | CancelableGroupEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeGroupExpand and BeforeGroupCollapse events |
 | CancelableLogicalPrintPageEventArgs | Event parameters used for Logical Print Page event |
 | CancelablePrintEventArgs | Event parameters used for initialize print event, and before print event |
 | CancelablePrintPreviewEventArgs | Event parameters used for Initialize Print Preview event |
 | CancelableRowEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeCellActivate event |
 | CancelHeaderEventArgs | The event argument type used by events that involve a HeaderBase and can be cancelled. |
 | CaptionAreaUIElement | CaptionAreaUIElement. This represents the grid's caption. |
 | CaptionAreaUIElement.CaptionAreaAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for the grid's caption ares. |
 | CardAreaScrollRegionUIElement | UIElement that contains RowUIElements for the CardView style. |
 | CardAreaUIElement | The CardAreaUIElement contains RowUIElements. |
 | CardCaptionUIElement | Summary description for CardCaptionUIElement. |
 | CardExpansionUIElement | UI element used as a button in compressed card view to allow the user to expand and collapse individual cards. |
 | CardLabelAreaUIElement | Summary description for CardLabelAreaUIElement. |
 | CardLabelUIElement | Summary description for CardLabelUIElement. |
 | CellButtonUIElement | UI Element for displaying cell buttons |
 | CellDataErrorEventArgs | Event parameters used for handling data error events |
 | CellEnumerator | Enumerator for the CellsCollection |
 | CellEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take a row and column designating a cell (intersection of the row and the column) |
 | CellsCollection | Returns a reference to a collection of Cell objects. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time. |
 | CellUIElement | The ui element class for representing cells. |
 | CellUIElementBase | The ui element base class for representing cells. |
 | CheckedListSettings | Exposes properties which control the behavior of the checkboxes displayed in the dropdown list used by the UltraCombo control. |
 | CheckedRowsCollection | Encapsulates the CheckedRows collection. |
 | ChildBandEnumerator | Enumerator for the ChildBandsCollection |
 | ChildBandEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take ChildBand as its argument |
 | ChildBandExpansionIndicatorHeaderUIElement | ChildBandExpansionIndicatorUIElement |
 | ChildBandExpansionIndicatorUIElement | ChildBandExpansionIndicatorUIElement |
 | ChildBandsCollection | This is a collection of all ChildBand objects that relate to a specific parent row. For example, if band 0 was 'Customers' and it had 2 child bands, say 'Orders' and 'Invoices'. customer 12345 would have 2 ChildBand objects, one containing a collection of all of its orders and the other containing a collection of all of its invoices. |
 | ClearAllFilterButtonClickedEventArgs | EventArgs class used to pass information during the ClearAllFilterButton events. |
 | ClickCellEventArgs | The event args used by the UltraGrid.ClickCell event. |
 | ColScrollbarUIElement | ColScrollbarUIElement |
 | ColScrollRegion | Defines a region that scrolls columns. Adjacent column scroll regions are separated by splitter bars. |
 | ColScrollRegion.ColScrollRegionTypeConverter | ColScrollRegion type converter. |
 | ColScrollRegionEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take ColScrollRegion as their argument |
 | ColScrollRegionsCollection | Collection of all column scrolling regions in a layout |
 | ColScrollRegionsCollection.ColScrollRegionEnumerator | inner class implements IEnumerator interface |
 | ColSplitBoxUIElement | The element that appears to the left of the horizontal scrollbar that is used fro spliiting ColScrollRegions regions. |
 | ColSplitterBarUIElement | The element that appears to the left of the horizontal scrollbar that is used for spliiting ColScrollRegions regions. |
 | ColumnChooserButtonUIElement | UI element class for the column chooser button element. |
 | ColumnChooserDialog | Dialog used for the column chooser functionality. |
 | ColumnChooserGrid | Grid that's embedded inside the column chooser. |
 | ColumnChooserSourceGridFilter | ReferenceConverter used for UltraGridColumnChooser's SourceGrid property. |
 | ColumnDataTypeUITypeEditor | UITypeEditor for selecting the data type of unbound columns. |
 | ColumnEnumerator | Enumerator for the ColumnsCollection |
 | ColumnFilter | ColumnFilter class. |
 | ColumnFiltersCollection | ColumnFiltersCollection class. UltraGridBand.ColumnFilters and RowsCollection.ColumnFilters return objects of this type. |
 | ColumnHeader | The class represents the header for a specific column |
 | ColumnHeader.ColumnHeaderAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a column header. |
 | ColumnHeaderEnumerator | Enumerator for a collection of ColumnHeaders |
 | ColumnLayoutInfo | Class for holding row layout information for a column. |
 | ColumnsCollection | Returns a reference to a collection of Column objects. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time. |
 | ColumnUITypeEditor | UITypeEditor for the UltraGridColumn objects. |
 | ComboEventManager | Class for managing an UltraCombo's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event. |
 | ComboKeyActionMapping | Key/Action mapping object for UltraCombo. |
 | ComboKeyActionMappings | Summary description for KeyActionMappings. |
 | ComboKeyActionMappings.ComboKeyActionMappingEnumerator | Summary description for KeyActionMappingEnumerator |
 | CustomRowFiltersDialog | Dialog for letting users enter custom row filters. |
 | CustomRowFiltersDialogSettings | Disposable class that encapsulates the dialog-specific settings. |
 | DataAreaUIElement | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | DataAreaUIElement.DataAreaAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for the date area of a grid. |
 | DataErrorFilterCondition | A class used for filtering rows based on whether the cells, in the column that this filter condition is associated with, have an IDataErrorInfo error on them. |
 | DataErrorIconUIElement | The element class for representing data error icons in the cells and the row selectors. |
 | DataErrorInfo | Class for handling data error info. |
 | DefaultableFlagsEnumUITypeEditor | UITypeEditor class for editing flags enum that have non-zero Default enum member. |
 | DesignerPromptAreaUIElement | Created at designtime only - used by the UltraGridDesigner to display prompts at designtime. |
 | DoubleClickCellEventArgs | The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickCell event. |
 | DoubleClickHeaderEventArgs | The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickHeader event. |
 | DoubleClickRowEventArgs | The event argument type used by the UltraGrid.DoubleClickRow event. |
 | DropDownEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterDropDown and AfterCloseUp event |
 | DropDownEventManager | Class for managing an UltraDropDown's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event. |
 | EditButtonSpaceHolderUIElement | UI element used to render background of the space reserved for an edit button element when using the ColumnStyle of Edit. |
 | EditButtonUIElement | UI element that is used for displaying EditButton column style |
 | EmptyMessageRowCellAreaUIElement | UIElement that serves as a container for the EmptyMessageUIElement. It is placed inside an EmptyMessageRowUIElement. |
 | EmptyMessageRowUIElement | UIElement that serves as a container element for drawing te various empty messages. |
 | EmptyMessageUIElement | UIElement for displaying image and text. Used specifically to display a message or show an image in the WinGrid when there is no data source or the data source contains no rows. |
 | EmptyRowCellAreaUIElement | This element contains cell elements in empty rows. |
 | EmptyRowCellUIElement | This element represents a cell in an empty row. |
 | EmptyRowsAreaUIElement | This element hosts the empty row elements. |
 | EmptyRowSelectorUIElement | This element represents a cell in an empty row. |
 | EmptyRowSettings | Exposes properties related to empty rows functionality. |
 | EmptyRowUIElement | This element represents an empty row. |
 | ErrorEventArgs | Event parameters used for handling data error events |
 | ExpansionIndicatorUIElement | ExpansionIndicatorUIElement |
 | ExternalSummaryValueEventArgs | Used for event parameter to ExternalSummaryValueRequested event. |
 | FilterCellUIElement | The ui element class for representing cells. |
 | FilterCellValueChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for FilterCellValueChanged event. |
 | FilterClearButtonUIElement | UI element class for an operator element in a filter row element. |
 | FilterCondition | Class used for defining a row filter condition. |
 | FilterConditionsCollection | Collection of FilterCondition objects. |
 | FilterDropDownButtonUIElement | A column or group swap button UI element |
 | FilterOperatorUIElement | UI element class for an operator element in a filter row element. |
 | FilterRowCellAreaUIElement | The RowCellAreaUIElement contains the CellUIElements for a specific row. |
 | FilterRowEventArgs | Used as event parameter for FilterRow event. |
 | FilterRowSelectorUIElement | The ui element for the row selectors of filter rows. |
 | FilterRowUIElement | A class to represent a filter row. |
 | FilterValueListItem | For Infragistics Use Only. ValueListItem used for predefined filter operands (i.e. "(All)", "(Custom)", etc). |
 | FixedCellSeparatorUIElement | UIElement used for displaying separation between fixed headers and non-fixed headers. |
 | FixedHeaderIndicatorUIElement | UIElement used for fixed header indicator. |
 | FixedIndicatorUIElementBase | Base UIElement calss for fixed header and row indicators. |
 | FixedRowIndicatorUIElement | UIElement used for fixed header indicator. |
 | FixedRowsCollection | Class that stores fixed rows. |
 | FixedSummaryAreaUIElement | Fixed area of summary footer. |
 | FixedSummaryLineUIElement | A level in free form summary area. |
 | FreeFormSummaryAreaUIElement | Free-form area of summary footer. |
 | FreeFormSummaryLineUIElement | A level in free form summary area. |
 | GridBagLayoutDragManager | Helper class which provides information to the LayoutDragStrategy. For internal Infragistics use only. |
 | GridEventManager | Class for managing an UltraGrid's events. It maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event. |
 | GridItemBase | Abstract base class for grid items (cells, rows, columns, groups and bands) |
 | GridKeyActionMapping | Key/Action mapping object for UltraGrid. |
 | GridKeyActionMappings | Summary description for KeyActionMappings. |
 | GridKeyActionMappings.GridKeyActionMappingEnumerator | Summary description for KeyActionMappingEnumerator |
 | GridScrollbarIntersectionUIElement | This element occupies the square area at the lower right corner where a verticaal and horizontal scrollbar meet. |
 | GroupByBandLabelUIElement | UIElement that displays the band caption in the GroupByBox |
 | GroupByBandLabelUIElement.GroupByBandlLabelAccessibleObject | Accessible object representing a GroupByBandLabelUIElement in the GroupByBox |
 | GroupByBox | Returns a reference to the GroupByBox object. This property is read-only at design-time and run-time. |
 | GroupByBoxPromptUIElement | Used for showing prompt in the group by box ui element |
 | GroupByBoxPromptUIElement.GroupByPromptAccessibleObject | Accessible object representing a GroupByBoxPromptUIElement in the GroupByBoxPromptUIElement.GroupByBox |
 | GroupByBoxUIElement | Summary description for GroupByBoxUIElement. |
 | GroupByButtonUIElement | Represents a column header or a band label inside a group-by box ui element. |
 | GroupByButtonUIElement.GroupByButtonAccessibleObject | Accessible object representing a GroupByButtonUIElement in the GroupByBox |
 | GroupByRowConnectorUIElement | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | GroupByRowDescriptionUIElement | UIElement for displaying the text in group-by rows. |
 | GroupByRowExpansionIndicatorUIElement | GroupByRowExpansionIndicatorUIElement |
 | GroupByRowUIElement | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | GroupColumnEnumerator | Enumerator for the GroupColumnsCollection |
 | GroupColumnsCollection | A collection of Columns that belong to a specific group. |
 | GroupEnumerator | Enumerator for the GroupsCollection |
 | GroupEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take Group as its argument |
 | GroupExpansionIndicatorUIElement | AllowGroupCollapsingUIElement |
 | GroupHeader | The class represents the header for a specific group |
 | GroupHeader.GroupHeaderAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a column header. |
 | GroupPropertyDescriptor | For Infragistics internal use only |
 | GroupsCollection | Returns the collection of Group objects. This property is read-only at run-time. |
 | GroupsCollectionConverter | Summary description for GroupsCollectionConverter. |
 | GroupsCollectionUITypeEditor | GroupsCollectionUITypeEditor prevents the default collection type editor from displaying an ellipsis button. |
 | GroupUITypeEditor | A UITypeEditor providing the selection of a template without the UI that is provided by the IListSource implementation. |
 | HeaderBase | Returns the Header object associated with the object. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time. |
 | HeaderBase.HeaderAccessibleObjectBase | The Accessible object for a column header. |
 | HeaderCheckBoxUIElement | Checkbox UIElement class used for implementing the Header Checkbox functionality. |
 | HeaderEventArgs | The event argument type used by events that involve a HeaderBase. |
 | HeadersCollection | Collection of headers |
 | HeadersCollection.HeaderEnumerator | inner class implements IEnumerator interface |
 | HeadersCollection.HeadersAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a row or band's column headers. |
 | HeadersRow | A row class that represents headers. |
 | HeaderUIElement | HeaderUIElement |
 | InitializeGroupByRowEventArgs | Event parameters used the InitializeRow event. |
 | InitializeLayoutEventArgs | Event parameters used the InitializeLayout event. |
 | InitializeRowEventArgs | Event parameters used the InitializeRow event. |
 | InitializeRowsCollectionEventArgs | EventArgs for InitializeRowsCollection event. |
 | InitializeTemplateAddRowEventArgs | Event args associated with UltraGrid.InitializeTemplateAddRow event. |
 | LayoutEnumerator | Enumerator for the LayoutsCollection |
 | LayoutsCollection | A collection of Layouts. |
 | LogicalPageLayoutInfo | Summary description for LogicalPageLayoutInfo. |
 | MaskErrorInfo | class for handling mask error info |
 | MergedCellUIElement | The ui element class for representing a merged cell. |
 | MultiCellOperationErrorInfo | Contains information on the error that occurred during a multi-cell operation. |
 | MultiCellOperationInfo | Contains nested classes and other infrastructure for performing multi-cell operations. |
 | MultiCellOperationInfo.CellsCollection | Class associted with the BeforeMultiCellOperationEventArgs.Cells property. |
 | MultiCellOperationInfo.CellValueHolder | A class that contains information on the cell value. |
 | MultiCellOperationInfo.CellValuesCollection | Class associted with the BeforeMultiCellOperationEventArgs.NewValues property. |
 | NonBlanksClass | For Infragistics internal use only. |
 | PageFooterUIElement | Summary description for PageFooterUIElement. |
 | PageHeaderUIElement | Summary description for PageHeaderUIElement. |
 | PlaceholderRowUIElement | UIElement that serves as a placeholder for a row in a collection that is collapsed or where all of the rows are filtered out. |
 | PreRowAreaUIElement | This ui element contains the expansion indicator of a non-group-by row. |
 | PrintPreviewSettings | Class used to hold the Print Preview control Settings |
 | ProcessRowParams | ProcessRowParams class. |
 | ProxyDataErrorIconUIElement | A derived class for displaying the data error icon within an UltraGridCellProxy. |
 | Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
 | RowAutoPreviewUIElement | Summary description for RowAutoPreviewUIElement. |
 | RowCellAreaUIElement | The RowCellAreaUIElement contains the CellUIElements for a specific row. |
 | RowCellAreaUIElementBase | The base class for RowCellAreaUIElement. |
 | RowColRegionIntersectionUIElement | Summary description for RowColRegionIntersectionUIElement. |
 | RowColRegionIntersectionUIElement.RowColRegionAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a row/column region intersection. |
 | RowColSplitterIntersectionUIElement | UI element thats positioned at the intersection of row scroll region and col scroll region splitter bars. |
 | RowEditTemplateControlUIElement | The main UIElement for the UltraGridRowEditTemplate control. |
 | RowEditTemplateDialogSettings | A class containing various options for controlling the aspects of the form used to display the RowEditTemplate when using a DisplayMode of Modal or Modeless. |
 | RowEditTemplateRequestedEventArgs | The event args used by the UltraGrid.RowEditTemplateRequested event. |
 | RowEditTemplateRowChangedEventArgs | Used as event parameter for the RowEditTemplate's RowChanged event. |
 | RowEditTemplateUITypeEditor | A UITypeEditor providing the selection of a template without the UI that is provided by the IListSource implementation. |
 | RowEnumerator | Enumerator for a collection of rows |
 | RowEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take Row as its argument |
 | RowLayout | RowLayout class. The RowLayout class contains information on how the cells in a row get laid out. |
 | RowLayout.RowLayoutTypeConverter | RowLayoutTypeConverter type converter. |
 | RowLayoutColumnInfo | Class for holding row layout information for a column. |
 | RowLayoutColumnInfo.RowLayoutColumnInfoTypeConverter | RowLayoutTypeConverter type converter. |
 | RowLayoutColumnInfoPropertyDescriptor | RowLayoutColumnInfosCollectionPropertyDescriptor class. |
 | RowLayoutColumnInfosCollection | RowLayoutColumnInfosCollection class. |
 | RowLayoutColumnInfosCollectionConverter | RowLayoutsCollectionConverter Class |
 | RowLayoutPropertyDescriptor | RowLayoutPropertyDescriptor class. |
 | RowLayoutsCollection | RowLayoutsCollection class. |
 | RowLayoutsCollectionConverter | RowLayoutsCollectionConverter Class |
 | RowPromptUIElement | UI element used for displaying a prompt in template add-row or a filter row. |
 | RowsCollection | A collection of Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridRow objects |
 | RowsCollectionAccessibleObject | The RowsCollectionAccessibleObject represents any area a RowsCollection would exist in a Grid's structure. The RowsCollectionAccessibleObject contains Headers, Rows, and possibly ScrollBars as children. |
 | RowScrollbarUIElement | RowScrollbarUIElement |
 | RowScrollRegion | Defines a region that scrolls rows. Adjacent row scroll regions are separated by splitter bars. |
 | RowScrollRegion.RowScrollRegionTypeConverter | RowScrollRegion type converter. |
 | RowScrollRegionEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take RowScrollRegion as its argument |
 | RowScrollRegionsCollection | Collection of all row scrolling regions in a layout |
 | RowScrollRegionsCollection.RowScrollRegionEnumerator | inner class implements IEnumerator interface |
 | RowSelectedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterDropDown and AfterCloseUp event |
 | RowSelectorEditTemplateUIElement | A UIElement used for showing the RowEditTemplate. |
 | RowSelectorHeaderUIElement | RowSelectorHeaderUIElement |
 | RowSelectorImageInfo | Class encapsulating all the state-specific row selector images |
 | RowSelectorUIElement | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | RowSelectorUIElementBase | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | RowSplitBoxUIElement | The element that appears above the vertical scrollbar that is used for spliiting RowScrollRegions regions. |
 | RowSplitterBarUIElement | The element that appears to the top of the vertical scrollbar that is used fro spliiting RowScrollRegions regions. |
 | RowSummariesButtonUIElement | ui elment for button on the column headers for showing the summaries dialog. |
 | RowUIElement | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | RowUIElementBase | The DataAreaUIElement contains the row and column scrolling regions. |
 | ScrollRegionBase | Summary description for ScrollRegionBase. |
 | ScrollRegionsCollectionBase | Collection of all row scrolling regions in a layout |
 | ScrollRegionsCollectionBase.ScrollRegionBaseEnumerator | inner class implements IEnumerator interface |
 | Selected | Summary description for Class1. |
 | SelectedCellsCollection | Summary description for SelectedCellsCollection. |
 | SelectedColsCollection | Summary description for SelectedColsCollection. |
 | SelectedRowsCollection | Summary description for SelectedRowsCollection. |
 | SiblingRowConnectorUIElement | Daws the connector lines between sibling rows |
 | SortedColumnEnumerator | Enumerator for the SortedColumnsCollection |
 | SortedColumnsCollection | Returns a collection of sorted column objects. This property is not available at design-time. |
 | SortIndicatorUIElement | Summary description for SortIndicatorUIElement. |
 | SpecialBoxBase | Returns a reference to the SpecialBoxBase object. This property is read-only at design-time and run-time. |
 | SpecialFilterOperand | Defines a class for providing custom operands for filtering values. This class is meant to provide additional context for filtering that cannot simply be achieved with a FilterComparisonOperator and a value. |
 | SpecialFilterOperands | A static class providing pre-defined operands. |
 | SpecialRowSeparatorUIElement | UIElement used for displaying separation between special rows. |
 | SummaryDialog | Summary description for SummaryDialog. |
 | SummaryDialogSettings | Disposable class that encapsulates the dialog-specific settings. |
 | SummaryDisplayAreaContext | Provides context information for the UltraGridSummaryRow. |
 | SummaryDisplayAreaContext.EqualityComparerWithoutGroupByRowContext | Compares the SummaryDisplayAreaContexts accounting for all properties except for the GroupByRowContext. |
 | SummaryFooterCaptionUIElement | UIElement for the caption area of the summary footers. |
 | SummaryFooterUIElement | Summary footer ui element. |
 | SummarySettings | SummarySettings object represents a summary. Objects of this type are also referred to as summaries. |
 | SummarySettings.ColumnsListUITypeEditor | Base class for a UITypeEditor that provides a list |
 | SummarySettings.SummarySettingsConverter | RowLayoutTypeConverter type converter. |
 | SummarySettingsCollection | Collection of SummarySettings objects. See UltraGridBand.Summaries for more information. |
 | SummaryValue | Class that holds information of a particular summary calculation. |
 | SummaryValueChangedEventArgs | Used for event parameter to SummaryValueChanged event. |
 | SummaryValuesCollection | Collection of SummaryValue objects that the RowsCollection exposes via its RowsCollection.SummaryValues property. |
 | SummaryValueUIElement | A level in free form summary area. |
 | SwapButtonUIElement | A column or group swap button UI element |
 | UltraCombo | The UltraCombo control is like a ComboBox control, but the list is a multi-column, grid-like dropdown list. |
 | UltraComboUIElement | The main element for an UltraCombo control (occupies the entire client area. |
 | UltraDropDown | The UltraDropDown control provies a multi-column, grid-like dropdown list in a column of an UltraGrid control. |
 | UltraDropDownBase | The base class for the UltraDropDown and UltraCombo control classes. |
 | UltraGrid | The Infragistics UltraGrid control is designed to present, and optionally edit, both flat data (containing a single set of rows and columns) as well as hierarchical data in a variety of view styles. |
 | UltraGridBand | An object that represents a set of related columns of data. |
 | UltraGridBand.ColumnVisiblePositionComparer | A IComparer implementation for sorting columns by their visible positions. |
 | UltraGridBand.GroupVisiblePositionComparer | A IComparer implementation for sorting groups by their visible positions. |
 | UltraGridBand.UltraGridBandTypeConverter | UltraGridBand type converter. |
 | UltraGridBase | Returns the UltraGrid control associated with an UltraGridLayout object. This property is read-only at run-time. This property is not available at design-time. |
 | UltraGridCardSettings | Used to hold card view setting properties for a band. |
 | UltraGridCell | This class represents a cell in the grid (a specific column in a specific row) |
 | UltraGridCell.CellAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a cell. |
 | UltraGridCellProxy | A class used as a proxy for the editor of an UltraGridCell when used on a RowEditTemplate. |
 | UltraGridCellProxyOwnerInfo | A class that allows a proxy to delegate many owner-related tasks to the the proxy's underlying owner. |
 | UltraGridCellProxyRole | Component role used by an UltraGridCellProxy for its application styling information. |
 | UltraGridCellProxyUIElement | The main UIElement for the UltraGridCellProxy control. |
 | UltraGridChildBand | The UltraGridChildBand object contains a collection of child row's from a single band with a common parent row. For example, if band 0 was 'Customers' and it had 2 child bands, say 'Orders' and 'Invoices'. Customer 12345 would have 2 UltraGridChildBand objects, one containing a collection of all of its orders and the other containing a collection of all of its invoices. |
 | UltraGridColumn | An object that represents a single column of data. |
 | UltraGridColumn.UltraGridColumnTypeConverter | UltraGridColumn type converter. |
 | UltraGridColumnChooser | This control allows the user to select which columns to display in an UltraGrid. It displays the list of columns that the user can hide or unhide from the UltraGrid. |
 | UltraGridComboEditor | Editor for using an UltraCombo. |
 | UltraGridComboEditorOwner | Editor owner for the UltraCombo |
 | UltraGridDisplayLayout | The main display layout of an UltraGrid, UltraCombo or UltraDropDown control. |
 | UltraGridEmptyMessageRow | Represents a row that is created when the data source contains zero rows or when the rows collection has all of its rows filtered out. |
 | UltraGridEmptyRow | Represents empty rows. UltraGridLayout.EmptyRowSettings for more information on how to enable the Empty Rows Functionality. |
 | UltraGridFilterCell | Class that represents a cell in a filter row. |
 | UltraGridFilterRow | A class to represent a filter row. |
 | UltraGridGroup | UltraGrid's Column object. |
 | UltraGridGroup.GroupLayoutInfo | Class for holding row layout information for a group. |
 | UltraGridGroup.UltraGridGroupTypeConverter | UltraGridGroup type converter. |
 | UltraGridGroupByRow | The GroupByRow object corresponds to a GroupBy Row displayed in the grid. |
 | UltraGridLayout | An object that maintains the structure and settings for an UltraGrid, UltraCombo or UltraDropDown control. |
 | UltraGridLayout.DisplayLayoutTypeConverter | Layout object type converter. |
 | UltraGridLayout.LayoutTypeConverter | Layout object type converter. |
 | UltraGridOverride | The UltraGridOverride class allows the setting of properties on multiple levels of the grid. |
 | UltraGridOverride.UltraGridOverrideTypeConverter | UltraGridOverride type converter. |
 | UltraGridPlaceholderRow | A class to represent a placeHolder row which is used when all of the rows in a collection are filtered out or when a child band is collapsed. |
 | UltraGridPrintDocument | A System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument used to print the contents of an associated UltraGrid |
 | UltraGridRole | Role class for the UltraGridBase derived controls. |
 | UltraGridRow | Represents a row from the attached data source. |
 | UltraGridRow.ResolvedUltraGridRowDataErrorInfo | Returns the resolved IDataErrorInfo for an UltraGridRow. This includes the UltraGridRow.DataErrorInfo as well as the IDataErrorInfo implementation of the row's ListObject. |
 | UltraGridRow.RowAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a row. |
 | UltraGridRow.UltraGridRowDataErrorInfo | Stores IDataErrorInfo data for the row. |
 | UltraGridRowEditTemplate | The RowEditTemplate is provided as a means of editing a row in the grid using a customizable interface. |
 | UltraGridRowEditTemplateRole | Component role used by an UltraGridRowEditTemplate for its application styling information. |
 | UltraGridSpecialRowBase | Base class for non-data rows, like UltraGridFilterRow and UltraGridSummaryRow. |
 | UltraGridSummaryRow | A class to represent a summary row. |
 | UltraGridUIElement | The main element for an UltraGrid (occupies the entire client area. |
 | UltraWinGridAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |
 | VisibleHeader | Summary description for VisibleHeader. |
 | VisibleHeadersCollection | Collection of all VisibleHeaders within a specific Header scrolling region. |
 | VisibleHeadersCollection.VisibleHeaderEnumerator | Enumerator for a collection of VisibleHeaders |
 | VisibleRow | This class reperesents an instance of a Row within a specific RowScrollRegion |
 | VisibleRowsCollection | Collection of all VisibleRows within a specific row scrolling region. |
 | VisibleRowsCollection.VisibleRowEnumerator | inner class implements IEnumerator interface |