
SpecialRowSeparator Enumeration

Enum for specifying UltraGridOverride.SpecialRowSeparator property.
Public Enum SpecialRowSeparator 
   Inherits System.Enum
public enum SpecialRowSeparator : System.Enum 
AllSeparator is displayed for all special rows.
DefaultDefault is resolved to All.
EmptyRowsA separator is displayed before the empty rows. UltraGridLayout.EmptyRowSettings for more information on how to enable the empty rows functionality.
FilterRowA separator is displayed below the filter row.
FixedRowsA separator is displayed separating fixed rows from non-fixed rows is displayed.
HeadersA separator is displayed below the headers.
NoneNo separator is displayed.
ReservedReserved. For internal use only.
SummaryRowA separator is displayed below or above the summary depending upon whether the summary row is fixed on top or bottom respectively.
TemplateAddRowA separator is displayed below or above the template add-row depending upon whether the add-row is on top or bottom respectively.
The following code sets some of properties related to the Fixed Rows functionality.

Imports Infragistics.Shared
Imports Infragistics.Win
Imports Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid

    Private Sub UltraGrid1_InitializeLayout(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs) Handles UltraGrid1.InitializeLayout
        ' Set the fixed row style to Top. This indicates where the fixed rows
        ' are displayed.
        e.Layout.Override.FixedRowStyle = FixedRowStyle.Top

        ' Set the FixedRowIndicator to Button. This property can be set to None
        ' to prevent the user from fixing or unfixing rows via the user interface.
        e.Layout.Override.FixedRowIndicator = FixedRowIndicator.Button

        ' You can show or hide the fixed row indicator on an individual row using the
        ' AllowFixing property of the row.
        e.Layout.Rows(0).AllowFixing = DefaultableBoolean.False

        ' Specify how sorting affects the order of fixed rows. FixOrder keeps the
        ' fixed rows in the same order as they were fixed regardless of the sorting
        ' criteria.
        e.Layout.Override.FixedRowSortOrder = FixedRowSortOrder.FixOrder

        ' Appearance of the fixed row an be control using the FixedRowAppearance,
        ' FixedRowCellAppearance and FixedRowSelectorAppearance.
        e.Layout.Override.FixedRowAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightYellow
        e.Layout.Override.FixedRowCellAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue
        e.Layout.Override.FixedRowSelectorAppearance.BackColor = Color.Blue

        ' Display a separator between fixed rows and scrolling rows.
        ' SpecialRowSeparator property can be used to display separators between
        ' various 'special' rows, including between fixed and scrolling rows. This
        ' property is a flagged enum property so it can take multiple values.
        e.Layout.Override.SpecialRowSeparator = SpecialRowSeparator.FixedRows

        ' Appearance of the separator can be controlled using the 
        ' SpecialRowSeparatorAppearance property.
        e.Layout.Override.SpecialRowSeparatorAppearance.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(218, 217, 241)

        ' Height of the separator can be controlled as well using the 
        ' SpecialRowSeparatorHeight property.
        e.Layout.Override.SpecialRowSeparatorHeight = 6

        ' Border style of the separator can be controlled using the 
        ' BorderStyleSpecialRowSeparator property.
        e.Layout.Override.BorderStyleSpecialRowSeparator = UIElementBorderStyle.RaisedSoft

        ' FixedRowsLimit property can be used to specify a limit on how many rows 
        ' can be fixed. Default is 0 which means there is no limit.
        e.Layout.Override.FixedRowsLimit = 4

        ' Fix couple of rows. To fix a row simply add it to the FixedRows collection
        ' returned by the FixedRows property.

        ' Alternatively you can also fix rows by setting the Fixed property of the rows.
        ' This has the same affect as adding the row to its containing row collections
        ' FixedRows collection.
        e.Layout.Rows(2).Fixed = True

        ' You can also change the icons used in the fixed row indicators by setting
        ' the FixedRowOnImage and FixedRowOffImage.
        e.Layout.FixedRowOnImage = fixedImage
        e.Layout.FixedRowOffImage = unFixedImage
    End Sub
using Infragistics.Shared;
using Infragistics.Win;
using Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid;
using System.Diagnostics;

		private void UltraGrid1_InitializeLayout(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.InitializeLayoutEventArgs e)
			// Set the fixed row style to Top. This indicates where the fixed rows
			// are displayed.
			e.Layout.Override.FixedRowStyle = FixedRowStyle.Top;

			// Set the FixedRowIndicator to Button. This property can be set to None
			// to prevent the user from fixing or unfixing rows via the user interface.
			// Setting this to None will hide the indicators in the row selectors.
			e.Layout.Override.FixedRowIndicator = FixedRowIndicator.Button;

			// You can show or hide the fixed row indicator on an individual row using the
			// AllowFixing property of the row.
			e.Layout.Rows[0].AllowFixing = DefaultableBoolean.False;

			// Specify how sorting affects the order of fixed rows. FixOrder keeps the
			// fixed rows in the same order as they were fixed regardless of the sorting
			// criteria.
			e.Layout.Override.FixedRowSortOrder = FixedRowSortOrder.FixOrder;

			// Appearance of the fixed row an be control using the FixedRowAppearance,
			// FixedRowCellAppearance and FixedRowSelectorAppearance.
			e.Layout.Override.FixedRowAppearance.BackColor = Color.LightYellow;
			e.Layout.Override.FixedRowCellAppearance.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
			e.Layout.Override.FixedRowSelectorAppearance.BackColor = Color.Blue;

			// Display a separator between fixed rows and scrolling rows.
			// SpecialRowSeparator property can be used to display separators between
			// various 'special' rows, including between fixed and scrolling rows. This
			// property is a flagged enum property so it can take multiple values.
			e.Layout.Override.SpecialRowSeparator = SpecialRowSeparator.FixedRows;

			// Appearance of the separator can be controlled using the 
			// SpecialRowSeparatorAppearance property.
			e.Layout.Override.SpecialRowSeparatorAppearance.BackColor = Color.FromArgb( 218, 217, 241 );

			// Height of the separator can be controlled as well using the 
			// SpecialRowSeparatorHeight property.
			e.Layout.Override.SpecialRowSeparatorHeight = 6;

			// Border style of the separator can be controlled using the 
			// BorderStyleSpecialRowSeparator property.
			e.Layout.Override.BorderStyleSpecialRowSeparator = UIElementBorderStyle.RaisedSoft;

			// FixedRowsLimit property can be used to specify a limit on how many rows 
			// can be fixed. Default is 0 which means there is no limit.
			e.Layout.Override.FixedRowsLimit = 4;

			// Fix couple of rows. To fix a row simply add it to the FixedRows collection
			// returned by the FixedRows property.
			e.Layout.Rows.FixedRows.Add( e.Layout.Rows[0] );
			e.Layout.Rows.FixedRows.Add( e.Layout.Rows[1] );

			// Alternatively you can also fix rows by setting the Fixed property of the rows.
			// This has the same affect as adding the row to its containing row collections
			// FixedRows collection.
			e.Layout.Rows[2].Fixed = true;

			// You can also change the icons used in the fixed row indicators by setting
			// the FixedRowOnImage and FixedRowOffImage.
			e.Layout.FixedRowOnImage = fixedImage;
			e.Layout.FixedRowOffImage = unFixedImage;

Target Platforms: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 or later, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2008 (Server Core not supported), Windows Server 2008 R2 (Server Core supported with SP1 or later), Windows Server 2003 SP2

See Also