| Class | Description |
 | AppearanceSetActive | Exposes an appearance for the normal, hot tracking, and active states. |
 | AppearanceSetBase | Exposes an appearance for the normal and hot tracking states. |
 | ApplicationBar | Encapsulates the bar displayed at the bottom of the UltraLiveTileView control which provides the user with access to commonly used commands. |
 | ApplicationBarButton | Encapsulates a button that is displayed on the ApplicationBar. |
 | ApplicationBarButton.ApplicationBarButtonTypeConverter | ApplicationBarButton object type converter. |
 | ApplicationBarButtonClickEventArgs | Contains information about the ApplicationBarButtonClick event. |
 | ApplicationBarButtonsCollection | Collection class for ApplicationBarButton objects. |
 | ApplicationBarButtonValueListDisplayingEventArgs | Contains information about the ApplicationBarButtonValueListDisplaying event. |
 | ApplicationBarButtonValueListItemSelectedEventArgs | Contains information about the ApplicationBarButtonValueListDisplaying event. |
 | ApplicationBarInitializingEventArgs | Contains information about the ApplicationBarInitializing event. |
 | ButtonAppearanceSet | Exposes an appearance for each state supported by an ApplicationBarButton. |
 | ContentDesignerMetrics | For internal use only. |
 | CultureSpecificLiveTileView | Represents one possible view for a live tile that is targeted at a specific culture. |
 | CultureSpecificLiveTileView.CultureSpecificLiveTileViewTypeConverter | CultureSpecificLiveTileView object type converter. |
 | CultureSpecificLiveTileViewsCollection | Collection class for CultureSpecificLiveTileView objects. |
 | CultureSpecificStaticTileView | Represents one possible view for a static tile that is targeted at a specific culture. |
 | CultureSpecificStaticTileView.CultureSpecificStaticTileViewTypeConverter | CultureSpecificStaticTileView object type converter. |
 | CultureSpecificStaticTileViewsCollection | Collection class for CultureSpecificStaticTileView objects. |
 | DefaultApplicationBarButton | Encapsulates a button that is displayed automatically on the ApplicationBar based on contextual information. |
 | DefaultApplicationBarButton.DefaultApplicationBarButtonTypeConverter | DefaultApplicationBarButton object type converter. |
 | DefaultApplicationBarButtonsCollection | Collection class for the ApplicationBar buttons that are displayed automatically by the control based on contextual information. |
 | ExpandedStateChangedEventArgs | Contains information about the ExpandedStateChanged event. |
 | ExpandedStateChangingEventArgs | Contains information about the ExpandedStateChanging event. |
 | FontSizeSet | Class which exposes a font size property each of the four relative sizes at which a tile's textual elements might be displayed. |
 | FramesCollectionBase<T> | Collection class for square and wide frames. |
 | GroupActivatedEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupActivated event. |
 | GroupActivatingEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupActivating event. |
 | GroupClickEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupClick event. |
 | GroupDragCompleteEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupDragComplete event. |
 | GroupDraggingEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupDragging event. |
 | GroupEnteredEditModeEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupEnteredEditMode event. |
 | GroupEnteringEditModeEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupEnteringEditMode event. |
 | GroupExitedEditModeEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupExitedEditMode event. |
 | GroupExitingEditModeEventArgs | Contains information about the GroupExitingEditMode event. |
 | IndexedCollectionBase<T> | Base class for collections of indexed items. |
 | KeyedCollectionBase<T> | Base class for collections of keyed items. |
 | KeyedObjectBase | Base class for objects with a key. |
 | LargeFramesCollection | Collection class for wide frames. |
 | LiveTile | Encapsulates a tile displayed within the UltraLiveTileView control. |
 | LiveTileBadge | Encapsulates the badge displayed by a live tile. |
 | LiveTileContentBase | Encapsulates the content displayed on a live tile. |
 | LiveTileContentBase.LiveTileContentBaseTypeConverter | LiveTileContentBase object type converter. |
 | LiveTileContentElementBase | Encapsulates the content displayed on a live tile. |
 | LiveTileContentElementsCollection | Collection class for content elements. |
 | LiveTileContentImageElement | Represents an image displayed on a custom live tile. |
 | LiveTileContentImageElement.LiveTileContentImageElementTypeConverter | TileBase object type converter. |
 | LiveTileContentTextElement | Represents textual content displayed on a custom live tile. |
 | LiveTileContentTextElement.LiveTileContentTextElementTypeConverter | TileBase object type converter. |
 | LiveTileFrame<T> | Represents a frame of content displayed by a tile. |
 | LiveTileFrameLarge | Encapsulates one frame in the frame animation for a large square. tile. |
 | LiveTileFrameLarge.LiveTileFrameLargeTypeConverter | LiveTileFrameLarge object type converter. |
 | LiveTileFrameMedium | Encapsulates one frame in the frame animation for a square tile. |
 | LiveTileFrameMedium.LiveTileFrameMediumTypeConverter | LiveTileFrameMedium object type converter. |
 | LiveTileFrameWide | Encapsulates one frame in the frame animation for a wide tile. |
 | LiveTileFrameWide.LiveTileFrameWideTypeConverter | LiveTileFrameWide object type converter. |
 | LiveTileLargeContentBase | Base class for large square custom content classes. |
 | LiveTileLargeCustomContent | Encapsulates custom content to be displayed on a live tile whose size is 'Large'. |
 | LiveTileLargeTemplateContentBase | Encapsulates the content displayed on a large live tile when using one of the predefined Windows8 templates. |
 | LiveTileLogo | Encapsulates the logo displayed by a live tile. |
 | LiveTileMediumContentBase | Base class for square custom and template content classes. |
 | LiveTileMediumCustomContent | Encapsulates custom content to be displayed on a live tile whose size is 'Medium'. |
 | LiveTileMediumTemplateContentBase | Encapsulates the content displayed on a square live tile when using one of the predefined Windows8 templates. |
 | LiveTileTemplateImage | Class which exposes an image. |
 | LiveTileTemplateText | Encapsulates a block of text which is displayed on a live tile. |
 | LiveTileView | Represents a view for a live tile. |
 | LiveTileWideContentBase | Base class for wide custom and template content classes. |
 | LiveTileWideCustomContent | Encapsulates custom content to be displayed on a live tile whose size is 'Wide'. |
 | LiveTileWideTemplateContentBase | Encapsulates the content displayed on a wide live tile when using one of the predefined Windows8 templates. |
 | MediumFramesCollection | Collection class for square frames. |
 | MultiResolutionPropertySet<T> | Base class for objects which support each of the four relative screen resolutions at which a tile might be displayed. |
 | MultiResolutionTileImageSet | Exposes an image property for each of the four relative screen resolutions. |
 | MultiResolutionTileSizeSet | Exposes a property for each of the for each of the four different screen resolutions at which a tile might be displayed. |
 | MultiTextSizePropertySet<T> | Base class for objects which support each of the four relative sizes at which a tile's textual elements are displayed. |
 | ResolutionDependentMetrics | Exposes properties related to the sizing of various user interface elements, where the values are targeted for a specific relative screen resolution. |
 | ResolutionIndependentMetrics | Exposes properties related to the sizing of various user interface elements, where the values are not specific to any relative screen resolution. |
 | Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
 | SelectedTilesCollection | Collection which contains the tiles that are currently selected. |
 | StaticTile | Encapsulates a tile displayed within the UltraLiveTileView control. |
 | StaticTileView | Represents a view for a static tile. |
 | StaticTileView.StaticTileViewTypeConverter | StaticTileView object type converter. |
 | TileActivatedEventArgs | Contains information about the TileActivated event. |
 | TileActivatingEventArgs | Contains information about the TileActivating event. |
 | TileAppearanceSet | Exposes an appearance for each state supported by a tile. |
 | TileBase | Base class for static and live tiles. |
 | TileBase.TileTypeConverter | TileBase object type converter. |
 | TileCancelEventArgs | Contains information about tile related events that can be canceled. |
 | TileClickEventArgs | Contains information about the TileClick event. |
 | TileDragCompleteEventArgs | Contains information about the TileDragComplete event. |
 | TileDraggingEventArgs | Contains information about the TileDragging event. |
 | TileEventArgs | Contains information about tile related events. |
 | TileGroup | Encapsulates a tile group for the UltraLiveTileView control. |
 | TileGroup.TileGroupTypeConverter | TileGroup object type converter. |
 | TileGroupCancelEventArgs | Contains information about group related events that can be canceled. |
 | TileGroupEventArgs | Contains information about group related events. |
 | TileGroupsCollection | Collection class for TileGroup objects. |
 | TileGroupTextAreaAppearanceSet | Exposes an appearance for each state supported by the area within which a TileGroup's text is displayed. |
 | TileImage | Encapsulates the properties of an image which is displayed on a live or static tile. |
 | TileLargeBlockAndText01 | Two main text groups separated by a blank area: One string of large text, which can wrap over up to two lines, sitting over two strings of unwrapped regular text on two lines. Four strings on four lines, separated slightly into two sets. To the side is one string of large block text over a single, short line of bold, regular text. |
 | TileLargeBlockAndText02 | Two main text groups separated by a blank area: One string of large text, which can wrap over up to two lines, sitting over two strings of unwrapped regular text on two lines. Four strings on four lines, separated slightly into two sets. To the side is one string of large block text over a single, short line of bold, regular text. |
 | TileLargeImage | One image that fills the entire tile; no text. |
 | TileLargeImageAndText01 | One large image above one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of two lines. |
 | TileLargeImageAndText02 | One image above two strings of regular text on two lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileLargeImageAndTextOverlay01 | Background: a single image that fills the entire tile. Foreground: One string of text wrapped over a maximum of three lines. |
 | TileLargeImageAndTextOverlay02 | Background: a single image that fills the entire tile. Foreground: At the top, one string of large text wrapped over a maximum of two lines; at the bottom, one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of three lines. |
 | TileLargeImageAndTextOverlay03 | Background: a single image that fills the entire tile. Foreground: At the top, one string of large text wrapped over a maximum of two lines; at the bottom, three strings of regular text on three lines that do not wrap. |
 | TileLargeImageCollection | Four small square images overlaid across the top one large, full-tile, square image. Note that the small images cut off the top of the large image. |
 | TileLargeImageCollectionAndText01 | TileLargeImageCollection with the addition of a text ribbon across the bottom of the tile. The text area contains one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of two lines. Note that the text area cuts off the bottom of the large image. |
 | TileLargeImageCollectionAndText02 | TileLargeImageCollection with the addition of a text ribbon across the bottom of the tile. The text area contains two strings of regular text on two lines. Text does not wrap. Note that the text area cuts off the bottom of the large image. |
 | TileLargeSmallImagesAndTextList01 | Three sets of information, each of which consists of one small square image to the left of one header string in larger text over two strings of regular text on the next two lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileLargeSmallImagesAndTextList02 | Up to three sets of information, each of which consists of one small square image to the left of one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of three lines. |
 | TileLargeSmallImagesAndTextList03 | Up to three sets of information, each of which consists of one small square image to the left of one string of large text over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of two lines. |
 | TileLargeSmallImagesAndTextList04 | Up to three sets of information, each of which consists of one small rectangular image to the right of one string of large text over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of two lines. Images wider than the image area will be cropped. |
 | TileLargeText01 | One header string in larger text on the first line, nine strings of regular text on the next nine lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileLargeText02 | One header string in larger text over eighteen short strings arranged in two columns of nine lines each. Columns are of equal width. |
 | TileLargeText03 | Eleven strings of regular text on eleven lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileLargeText04 | Twenty-two short strings of regular text, arranged in two columns of eleven lines each. Columns are of equal width. |
 | TileLargeText05 | One header string in larger text over eighteen short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of nine lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileLargeText07, but the first column is wider. |
 | TileLargeText06 | Twenty-two short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of eleven lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileLargeText08, but the first column is wider. |
 | TileLargeText07 | One header string in larger text over eighteen short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of nine lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileLargeText05, but the first column is narrower. |
 | TileLargeText08 | Twenty-two short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of eleven lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileLargeText06, but the first column is narrower. |
 | TileLargeTextList01 | Three stacked notifications, each containing one header string in larger text on the first line, two strings of regular text on the next two lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileLargeTextList02 | Three stacked notifications, each containing one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of three lines. |
 | TileLargeTextList03 | Three stacked notifications, each containing one header string in larger text over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of two lines. |
 | TileMediumBlock | One short string of large block text over a single, short line of bold, regular text. |
 | TileMediumImage | One square image that fills the entire tile, no text. |
 | TileMediumText01 | One header string in larger text on the first line; three strings of regular text on each of the next three lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileMediumText02 | One header string in larger text on the first line, over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of three lines. |
 | TileMediumText03 | Four strings of regular text on four lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileMediumText04 | One string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of four lines. |
 | TilesCollection | Collection class for TileBase derived objects. |
 | TileSelectionChangedEventArgs | Contains information about the TileSelectionChanged event. |
 | TileSelectionChangingEventArgs | Contains information about the TileSelectionChanging event. |
 | TileWideBlockAndText01 | Four strings of regular, unwrapped text on the left; large block text over a single, short string of bold, regular text on the right. |
 | TileWideBlockAndText02 | One string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of four lines on the left; large block text over a single, short string of bold, regular text on the right. |
 | TileWideImage | One wide image that fills the entire tile, no text. |
 | TileWideImageAndText01 | One wide image over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of two lines. |
 | TileWideImageAndText02 | One wide image over two strings of regular text on two lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileWideImageCollection | One large square image with four smaller square images to its right, no text. |
 | TileWideSmallImageAndText01 | On the left, one small image; on the right, one string of large text wrapped over a maximum of three lines. |
 | TileWideSmallImageAndText02 | On the left, one small image; on the right, one header string in larger text on the first line over four strings of regular text on the next four lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileWideSmallImageAndText03 | On the left, one small image; on the right, one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of five lines. |
 | TileWideSmallImageAndText04 | On the left, one small image; on the right, one header string of larger text on the first line over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of four lines. |
 | TileWideSmallImageAndText05 | On the left, one header string in larger text over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of four lines; on the right, one small image with a 3:4 aspect ratio. |
 | TileWideText01 | One header string in larger text on the first line, four strings of regular text on the next four lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileWideText02 | One header string in larger text over eight short strings arranged in two columns of four lines each. Columns are of equal width. |
 | TileWideText03 | One string of large text wrapped over a maximum of three lines. |
 | TileWideText04 | One string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of five lines. |
 | TileWideText05 | Five strings of regular text on five lines. Text does not wrap. |
 | TileWideText06 | Ten short strings of regular text, arranged in two columns of five lines each. Columns are of equal width. |
 | TileWideText07 | One header string in larger text over eight short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of four lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileWideText10, except that the first column is wider. |
 | TileWideText08 | Ten short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of five lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileWideText11, but the first column is wider. |
 | TileWideText09 | One header string in larger text over one string of regular text wrapped over a maximum of four lines. |
 | TileWideText10 | One header string in larger text over eight short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of four lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileWideText07, except that the first column is narrower. |
 | TileWideText11 | Ten short strings of regular text arranged in two columns of five lines each. The column widths are such that the first column acts as a label and the second column as the content. This template is similar to TileWideText08, except that the first column is narrower. |
 | UltraLiveTileView | Infragistics Windows Forms control which emulates the look and feel of Windows8 live tiles. |
 | UltraLiveTileViewEventManager | Class which manages events for the UltraLiveTileView control |
 | UltraLiveTileViewKeyActionMapping | Determines how the the control reponds to keyboard input. |
 | UltraLiveTileViewKeyActionMappings | A collection of objects which define the default keyboard behavior for the UltraLiveTileView control. |
 | UltraLiveTileViewKeyActionMappings.UltraLiveTileViewKeyActionMappingEnumerator | Returns a type safe enumerator for KeyActionMapping |
 | UltraLiveTileViewMetrics | Exposes metrics related properties for each of the four relative screen resolutions at which a tile may be displayed. |
 | UltraLiveTileViewRole | Role class for the UltraLiveTileView control. |
 | UltraLiveTileViewScrollBarLook | A ScrollBarLook derived class which exposes appearance-related properties for the UltraLiveTileView control. |
 | UltraLiveTileViewUIRoleName | Static class used to provide the names of the ui roles defined in the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinLivreTileView assembly. |
 | UltraWinLiveTileViewAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |
 | VisibleApplicationBarButtonsCollection | Collection class for ApplicationBarButton used by the |
 | WideFramesCollection | Collection class for wide frames. |