Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Win.UltraWinTree Namespace

ClassAfterCellEnterEditModeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.AfterCellEnterEditMode event.
ClassAfterCellExitEditModeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.AfterCellExitEditMode event.
ClassAfterCheckSynchronizationCompleteEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterCheckSynchronizationComplete event.
ClassAfterColumnMovedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterColumnMoved event.
ClassAfterCopyEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.AfterCopy event,
ClassAfterCutEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.AfterCut event,
ClassAfterDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulated event.
ClassAfterNodeLayoutItemResizeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemResize event.
ClassAfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event.
ClassAfterPasteEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.AfterPaste event,
ClassAfterSortChangeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterSortChange event.
ClassBeforeCellActivateEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellActivate event.
ClassBeforeCellDeactivateEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellActivate event.
ClassBeforeCellEnterEditModeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellEnterEditMode event.
ClassBeforeCellExitEditModeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellExitEditMode event.
ClassBeforeCheckEventArgs Event parameters used by the UltraTree.BeforeCheck event.
ClassBeforeColumnMovedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeColumnMoved event.
ClassBeforeCopyEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforeCopy event,
ClassBeforeCutEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforeCut event,
ClassBeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulated event.
ClassBeforeNodeLayoutItemResizeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemResize event.
ClassBeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event.
ClassBeforeNodesDeletedEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take a node collection, a Boolean for displaying a message, and are cancelable.
ClassBeforePasteEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforePaste event,
ClassBeforeSelectEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforeSelect event
ClassBeforeSortChangeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeSortChange event.
ClassCancelableCellEventArgs Event arguments for cancelable events that pertain to an UltraTreeNodeCell object.
ClassCancelableNodeEventArgs Event parameters used for events that takes a node and are Cancelable.
ClassCancelableNodesEventArgs Event parameters base class used for the UltraTree.BeforeCopy, UltraTree.BeforeCut and UltraTree.BeforePaste events
ClassCellEventArgs Event arguments for events that pertain to an UltraTreeNodeCell object.
ClassCellValidationErrorEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.CellValidationError event.
ClassCellValueChangedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.CellValueChanged event.
ClassColumnHeaderAreaUIElement Represents the area in which the column headers of an UltraTreeColumnSet are displayed when the UltraTreeColumnSet.LabelStyle property is set to 'Separate'.
ClassColumnSetGeneratedEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.ColumnSetGenerated event.
ClassColumnSetsCollection A collection of UltraTreeColumnSet objects.
ClassColumnSetsCollection.ColumnSetEnumerator Enumerator for the ColumnSetsCollection class.
ClassDataErrorEventArgs Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.DataError event.
ClassDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventArgs Base class Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulated and UltraTree.AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulated events.
ClassExpansionIndicatorUIElement ExpansionIndicatorUIElement
ClassHorizontalScrollbarUIElement HorizontalScrollbarUIElement
ClassImageEnumerator Enumerator for the ImagesCollection
ClassImagesCollection A collection of Images.
ClassInitializeDataNodeEventArgs Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.InitializeDataNode event.
ClassNodeCheckBoxUIElement Checkbox UIElement class used for implementing CheckBox and CheckBoxTriState NodeStyles.
ClassNodeClientAreaUIElement NodeClientArea UIElement used to contain all client area UIElements.
ClassNodeConnectorUIElement UIElement for connector lines between nodes.
ClassNodeEnumerator Enumerator for the TreeNodesCollection
ClassNodeEventArgs Event parameters used for events that take a node.
ClassNodeLevelOverridesCollection Collection of NodeLevelOverride objects.
ClassNodeOptionButtonUIElement Node Option Button UI Element class used for implementing OptionButton NodeStyle
ClassNodePropertyEditor Summary description for NodePropertyEditor.
ClassNodeSelectableAreaUIElement NodeSelectableAreaUIElement is the area that can be clicked on to select a node. It includes the node image, NodeTextUIElement, LeftImages and RightImages collection.
ClassNodesEventArgs Event parameters base class used for the UltraTree.AfterCopy, UltraTree.AfterCut, UltraTree.AfterPaste and UltraTree.PasteError events
ClassNodeTextUIElement The UI Element for Node Text.
ClassOverride The Override object is used for properties that can be set and overriden on different levels of the tree.
ClassOverride.OverrideTypeConverter ColScrollRegion type converter.
ClassPasteErrorEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraTree.PasteError event,
ClassPreNodeAreaUIElement The UI Element for the PreNodeArea.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassScrollbarControl Class that wraps both horizontal and vertical scrollbars for use in a the UltraTree control.
ClassScrollbarIntersectionUIElement UIElement which occupies the square area at the lower right corner where the vertical and horizontal scrollbar meet.
ClassSelectedNodesCollection A collection of Selected Nodes.
ClassSelectEventArgs Event parameters used for the AfterSelect event
ClassSortedColumnsCollection Returns a collection of sorted UltraTreeNodeColumn objects.
ClassSortedColumnsCollection.SortedColumnEnumerator Enumerator for the SortedColumnsCollection.
ClassSortIndicatorUIElement UIElement for the sort indicators that appear on the UltraTreeNodeColumnHeaderUIElement
ClassTreeColumnsCollection A collection of UltraTreeNodeColumn objects.
ClassTreeColumnsCollection.UltraTreeNodeColumnEnumerator Enumerator for the TreeColumnsCollection class.
ClassTreeEventManager Class for managing an UltraTree's events. Maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event.
ClassTreeKeyActionMapping A TreeKeyActionMapping is an object which determines how the UltraTree reponds to keyboard input.
ClassTreeKeyActionMappings A Collection of KeyActionMappings that determines how the UltraTree responds to keyboard input.
ClassTreeKeyActionMappings.TreeKeyActionMappingEnumerator Returns a type safe enumerator for KeyActionMapping
ClassTreeNodeCellsCollection A collection of UltraTreeNodeCell objects.
ClassTreeNodeCellsCollection.UltraTreeNodeCellEnumerator Enumerator for the TreeNodeCellsCollection class.
ClassTreeNodeEditor class to show dialog for nodes collection property
ClassTreeNodesCollection A collection of UltraTreeNode objects.
ClassTreeNodeUIElement The UI Element for a Tree Node.
ClassTreeScrollEventArgs Defines the event parameters used by the UltraTree.Scroll event.
ClassUltraTree Infragistics UltraWinTree control.
ClassUltraTree.UltraTreeApplicationSettings Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store
ClassUltraTreeColumnSet Defines the set of properties which apply to columns displayed by the UltraTree control.
ClassUltraTreeColumnSet.UltraTreeColumnSetTypeConverter Type converter for the UltraTreeColumnSet class.
ClassUltraTreeColumnSettings Defines the set of properties which apply to columns displayed by the UltraTree control.
ClassUltraTreeNode The UltraTreeNode object is the basic building block of the UltraTree.
ClassUltraTreeNode.NodeAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a node.
ClassUltraTreeNode.UltraTreeNodeTypeConverter TypeConverter for an UltraWinTree TreeNode.
ClassUltraTreeNodeCell Defines the properties of the object that represents a cell in the UltraTree control.
ClassUltraTreeNodeCell.CellAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a cell.
ClassUltraTreeNodeCellUIElement Represents an UltraTreeNodeCell object in the user interface.
ClassUltraTreeNodeColumn Defines the properties of the object that represents a column in the UltraTree control.
ClassUltraTreeNodeColumn.UltraTreeNodeColumnTypeConverter Type converter for the UltraTreeNodeColumn class.
ClassUltraTreeNodeColumnDragManager The class supports the Infragistics infrastructure and is not intended to be instantiated externally.
ClassUltraTreeNodeColumnHeaderUIElement Represents the header of an UltraTreeNodeColumn object in the user interface.
ClassUltraTreeNodeColumnHeaderUIElement.HeaderAccessibleObject The Accessible object for a headerUIElement.
ClassUltraTreeNodeLayoutInfo Defines the properties of the layout of the UltraTreeNodeColumn object in the user interface.
ClassUltraTreePrintDocument Component for rendering an UltraTree to the printer.
ClassUltraTreeRole Role class for the UltraTree control.
ClassUltraTreeStreamer Provides serialization support for UltraTree.
ClassUltraTreeUIElement The main element for an UltraTree (occupies the entire client area.
ClassUltraWinTreeAssemblyStyleInfo Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly.
ClassValidateLabelEditEventArgs Event parameters used for the BeforeLabelEdit event
ClassVerticalScrollbarUIElement A UI Element used for a Vertical Scrollbar.
DelegateAfterCellEnterEditModeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterCellEnterEditMode event.
DelegateAfterCellExitEditModeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterCellExitEditMode event.
DelegateAfterColumnMovedEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterColumnMoved event.
DelegateAfterCopyEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterCopy event.
DelegateAfterCutEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterCut event.
DelegateAfterDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulated event.
DelegateAfterNodeCancelUpdateEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterNodeCancelUpdate event.
DelegateAfterNodeChangedEventHandler Delegate for the AfterNodeChangedEventHandler
DelegateAfterNodeLayoutItemResizeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemResize event.
DelegateAfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event.
DelegateAfterNodeSelectEventHandler Delegate for the AfterNodeSelectEventHandler
DelegateAfterNodeUpdateEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterNodeUpdate event.
DelegateAfterPasteEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterPaste event.
DelegateAfterSortChangeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.AfterSortChange event.
DelegateBeforeCellActivateEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeCellActivate event.
DelegateBeforeCellDeactivateEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeCellDeactivate event.
DelegateBeforeCellEnterEditModeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeCellEnterEditMode event.
DelegateBeforeCellExitEditModeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeCellExitEditMode event.
DelegateBeforeCheckEventHandler Delegate for the BeforeCheck event handler
DelegateBeforeColumnMovedEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeColumnMoved event.
DelegateBeforeCopyEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeCopy event.
DelegateBeforeCutEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeCut event.
DelegateBeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulated event.
DelegateBeforeNodeCancelUpdateEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeCancelUpdate event.
DelegateBeforeNodeChangedEventHandler Delegate for the BeforeNodeChangedEventHandler
DelegateBeforeNodeDeleteChangedEventHandler Delegate for the BeforeNodeDeleteChangedEventHandler
DelegateBeforeNodeLayoutItemResizeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemResize event.
DelegateBeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event.
DelegateBeforeNodeSelectEventHandler Delegate for the BeforeNodeSelectEventHandler
DelegateBeforeNodeUpdateEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeUpdate event.
DelegateBeforePasteEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforePaste event.
DelegateBeforeSortChangeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemResize event.
DelegateCellValidationErrorEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.CellValidationError event.
DelegateCellValueChangedEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.CellValueChanged event.
DelegateChangedEventHandler /// Delegate for the ChangedEventHandler
DelegateColumnSetGeneratedEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.ColumnSetGenerated event.
DelegateDataErrorEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.DataError event.
DelegateInitializeDataNodeEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.InitializeDataNode event.
DelegatePasteErrorEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.PasteError event.
DelegateTreeScrollEventHandler Delegate for the UltraTree.Scroll event handler
DelegateValidateLabelEditEventHandler Delegate for the ValidateLabelEditEventHandler
EnumerationAllowAutoDragExpand Used to specify whether a node will automatically expand when a drag operation hovers over that node
EnumerationAllowCellEdit Constants which describe whether the end user is allowed to edit cell values.
EnumerationAutoFitColumns Enumeration that describes Whether UltraTreeNodeColumns are automatically sized to occupy the available horizontal space.
EnumerationButtonDisplayStyle Constants which determine the manner in which editor buttons are displayed within cells.
EnumerationCellClickAction Constants which describe the action which results from the end user clicking on a cell.
EnumerationColumnAutoSizeMode Enumeration that describes how UltraTreeNodeColumns are auto-sized.
EnumerationEventGroups Identifies groups of UltraTree specific events
EnumerationExpandAllType Specifies the type of expansion for the ExpandAll method
EnumerationHideExpansionIndicators Determines the display style of the tree which controls the appearance and behavior of nodes, expansion indicators, scrolling behavior, etc.
EnumerationLayoutSizing Enumeration used by the UltraTreeColumnSet.AllowCellSizing and UltraTreeNodeLayoutInfo.AllowLabelSizing properties.
EnumerationNodeConnectorStyle Enumeration for specifying sibling row connector styles
EnumerationNodeDoubleClickAction Determines what happens when double-clicking on a node.
EnumerationNodeLayoutLabelPosition Enumeration used by the UltraTreeColumnSet.LabelPosition property.
EnumerationNodeLayoutLabelStyle Enumeration used by the UltraTreeColumnSet.LabelStyle property.
EnumerationNodePosition Used to specify a node position.
EnumerationNodeStyle Used to specify the style of a node.
EnumerationNullable Constants which describe the way an UltraTreeNodeColumn handles empty cell values.
EnumerationPropertyIds Values that uniquely identify each control property.
EnumerationScrollbar Determines if a scrollbar will be shown.
EnumerationScrollBarChange Enumeration indicating the type of scrollbar change.
EnumerationScrollBarType Determines if the scrollbar is vertical or horizontal.
EnumerationScrollBounds Specifies the vertical scrolling behavior for the UltraTree control.
EnumerationSelectionBehavior Determines whether UltraTreeNode instance which belong to different UltraTreeNode.Nodes collections can be selected concurrently.
EnumerationSelectType Used to specify the type of selection that is allowed for an object.
EnumerationShowBandNodes Enumeration used by the UltraTreeColumnSettings.ShowBandNodes property.
EnumerationShowEditorButtons Specifies when to use the Override.ShowEditorButtons.
EnumerationShowExpansionIndicator Determines if and when the Expansion Indicator is displayed for nodes.
EnumerationSortType Used to specify the type of sorting performed on the nodes collection.
EnumerationTabNavigation Constants which describe how the Tab key is used when navigating between cells.
EnumerationTipStyleCell Specifies whether tooltips are displayed when a cell's text is not fully visible.
EnumerationTipStyleNode Specifies the style of the tips that appear when a node's text is not fully visible
EnumerationTreeEventIds Uniquely identifies each UltraGrid-specific event
EnumerationUltraTreeAction Enumerates the possible actions that can be performed on the Tree
EnumerationUltraTreeDisplayStyle Determines the display style of the tree which controls the appearance and behavior of nodes, expansion indicators, scrolling behavior, etc.
EnumerationUltraTreeState Bit flags that describe the state of the control. For example,
EnumerationUpdateMode Constants which determine under which circumstances modifications to cell values are committed to the underlying data source.
EnumerationViewStyle Enumeration used by the UltraTree.ViewStyle property.
See Also