| Class | Description |
 | AfterCellEnterEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.AfterCellEnterEditMode event. |
 | AfterCellExitEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.AfterCellExitEditMode event. |
 | AfterCheckSynchronizationCompleteEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterCheckSynchronizationComplete event. |
 | AfterColumnMovedEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterColumnMoved event. |
 | AfterCopyEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.AfterCopy event, |
 | AfterCutEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.AfterCut event, |
 | AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulated event. |
 | AfterNodeLayoutItemResizeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemResize event. |
 | AfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event. |
 | AfterPasteEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.AfterPaste event, |
 | AfterSortChangeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.AfterSortChange event. |
 | BeforeCellActivateEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellActivate event. |
 | BeforeCellDeactivateEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellActivate event. |
 | BeforeCellEnterEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellEnterEditMode event. |
 | BeforeCellExitEditModeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.BeforeCellExitEditMode event. |
 | BeforeCheckEventArgs | Event parameters used by the UltraTree.BeforeCheck event. |
 | BeforeColumnMovedEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeColumnMoved event. |
 | BeforeCopyEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforeCopy event, |
 | BeforeCutEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforeCut event, |
 | BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulated event. |
 | BeforeNodeLayoutItemResizeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemResize event. |
 | BeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResizeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeNodeLayoutItemSpanResize event. |
 | BeforeNodesDeletedEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take a node collection, a Boolean for displaying a message, and are cancelable. |
 | BeforePasteEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforePaste event, |
 | BeforeSelectEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.BeforeSelect event |
 | BeforeSortChangeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeSortChange event. |
 | CancelableCellEventArgs | Event arguments for cancelable events that pertain to an UltraTreeNodeCell object. |
 | CancelableNodeEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that takes a node and are Cancelable. |
 | CancelableNodesEventArgs | Event parameters base class used for the UltraTree.BeforeCopy, UltraTree.BeforeCut and UltraTree.BeforePaste events |
 | CellEventArgs | Event arguments for events that pertain to an UltraTreeNodeCell object. |
 | CellValidationErrorEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.CellValidationError event. |
 | CellValueChangedEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.CellValueChanged event. |
 | ColumnHeaderAreaUIElement | Represents the area in which the column headers of an UltraTreeColumnSet are displayed when the UltraTreeColumnSet.LabelStyle property is set to 'Separate'. |
 | ColumnSetGeneratedEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.ColumnSetGenerated event. |
 | ColumnSetsCollection | A collection of UltraTreeColumnSet objects. |
 | ColumnSetsCollection.ColumnSetEnumerator | Enumerator for the ColumnSetsCollection class. |
 | DataErrorEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information about the UltraTree.DataError event. |
 | DataNodesCollectionPopulatedEventArgs | Base class Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.BeforeDataNodesCollectionPopulated and UltraTree.AfterDataNodesCollectionPopulated events. |
 | ExpansionIndicatorUIElement | ExpansionIndicatorUIElement |
 | HorizontalScrollbarUIElement | HorizontalScrollbarUIElement |
 | ImageEnumerator | Enumerator for the ImagesCollection |
 | ImagesCollection | A collection of Images. |
 | InitializeDataNodeEventArgs | Event arguments which provide information for the UltraTree.InitializeDataNode event. |
 | NodeCheckBoxUIElement | Checkbox UIElement class used for implementing CheckBox and CheckBoxTriState NodeStyles. |
 | NodeClientAreaUIElement | NodeClientArea UIElement used to contain all client area UIElements. |
 | NodeConnectorUIElement | UIElement for connector lines between nodes. |
 | NodeEnumerator | Enumerator for the TreeNodesCollection |
 | NodeEventArgs | Event parameters used for events that take a node. |
 | NodeLevelOverridesCollection | Collection of NodeLevelOverride objects. |
 | NodeOptionButtonUIElement | Node Option Button UI Element class used for implementing OptionButton NodeStyle |
 | NodePropertyEditor | Summary description for NodePropertyEditor. |
 | NodeSelectableAreaUIElement | NodeSelectableAreaUIElement is the area that can be clicked on to select a node. It includes the node image, NodeTextUIElement, LeftImages and RightImages collection. |
 | NodesEventArgs | Event parameters base class used for the UltraTree.AfterCopy, UltraTree.AfterCut, UltraTree.AfterPaste and UltraTree.PasteError events |
 | NodeTextUIElement | The UI Element for Node Text. |
 | Override | The Override object is used for properties that can be set and overriden on different levels of the tree. |
 | Override.OverrideTypeConverter | ColScrollRegion type converter. |
 | PasteErrorEventArgs | Event parameters used for the UltraTree.PasteError event, |
 | PreNodeAreaUIElement | The UI Element for the PreNodeArea. |
 | Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
 | ScrollbarControl | Class that wraps both horizontal and vertical scrollbars for use in a the UltraTree control. |
 | ScrollbarIntersectionUIElement | UIElement which occupies the square area at the lower right corner where the vertical and horizontal scrollbar meet. |
 | SelectedNodesCollection | A collection of Selected Nodes. |
 | SelectEventArgs | Event parameters used for the AfterSelect event |
 | SortedColumnsCollection | Returns a collection of sorted UltraTreeNodeColumn objects. |
 | SortedColumnsCollection.SortedColumnEnumerator | Enumerator for the SortedColumnsCollection. |
 | SortIndicatorUIElement | UIElement for the sort indicators that appear on the UltraTreeNodeColumnHeaderUIElement |
 | TreeColumnsCollection | A collection of UltraTreeNodeColumn objects. |
 | TreeColumnsCollection.UltraTreeNodeColumnEnumerator | Enumerator for the TreeColumnsCollection class. |
 | TreeEventManager | Class for managing an UltraTree's events. Maintains an enabled flag for each event as well as a nested 'in progress' count and it exposes events for firing each event. |
 | TreeKeyActionMapping | A TreeKeyActionMapping is an object which determines how the UltraTree reponds to keyboard input. |
 | TreeKeyActionMappings | A Collection of KeyActionMappings that determines how the UltraTree responds to keyboard input. |
 | TreeKeyActionMappings.TreeKeyActionMappingEnumerator | Returns a type safe enumerator for KeyActionMapping |
 | TreeNodeCellsCollection | A collection of UltraTreeNodeCell objects. |
 | TreeNodeCellsCollection.UltraTreeNodeCellEnumerator | Enumerator for the TreeNodeCellsCollection class. |
 | TreeNodeEditor | class to show dialog for nodes collection property |
 | TreeNodesCollection | A collection of UltraTreeNode objects. |
 | TreeNodeUIElement | The UI Element for a Tree Node. |
 | TreeScrollEventArgs | Defines the event parameters used by the UltraTree.Scroll event. |
 | UltraTree | Infragistics UltraWinTree control. |
 | UltraTree.UltraTreeApplicationSettings | Helps with the saving and loading of data from the default store |
 | UltraTreeColumnSet | Defines the set of properties which apply to columns displayed by the UltraTree control. |
 | UltraTreeColumnSet.UltraTreeColumnSetTypeConverter | Type converter for the UltraTreeColumnSet class. |
 | UltraTreeColumnSettings | Defines the set of properties which apply to columns displayed by the UltraTree control. |
 | UltraTreeNode | The UltraTreeNode object is the basic building block of the UltraTree. |
 | UltraTreeNode.NodeAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a node. |
 | UltraTreeNode.UltraTreeNodeTypeConverter | TypeConverter for an UltraWinTree TreeNode. |
 | UltraTreeNodeCell | Defines the properties of the object that represents a cell in the UltraTree control. |
 | UltraTreeNodeCell.CellAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a cell. |
 | UltraTreeNodeCellUIElement | Represents an UltraTreeNodeCell object in the user interface. |
 | UltraTreeNodeColumn | Defines the properties of the object that represents a column in the UltraTree control. |
 | UltraTreeNodeColumn.UltraTreeNodeColumnTypeConverter | Type converter for the UltraTreeNodeColumn class. |
 | UltraTreeNodeColumnDragManager | The class supports the Infragistics infrastructure and is not intended to be instantiated externally. |
 | UltraTreeNodeColumnHeaderUIElement | Represents the header of an UltraTreeNodeColumn object in the user interface. |
 | UltraTreeNodeColumnHeaderUIElement.HeaderAccessibleObject | The Accessible object for a headerUIElement. |
 | UltraTreeNodeLayoutInfo | Defines the properties of the layout of the UltraTreeNodeColumn object in the user interface. |
 | UltraTreePrintDocument | Component for rendering an UltraTree to the printer. |
 | UltraTreeRole | Role class for the UltraTree control. |
 | UltraTreeStreamer | Provides serialization support for UltraTree. |
 | UltraTreeUIElement | The main element for an UltraTree (occupies the entire client area. |
 | UltraWinTreeAssemblyStyleInfo | Class used by the app styling infrastructure that provides the role and component role defitions used by the assembly. |
 | ValidateLabelEditEventArgs | Event parameters used for the BeforeLabelEdit event |
 | VerticalScrollbarUIElement | A UI Element used for a Vertical Scrollbar. |