Class | Description | |
AccessibleObjectWrapper | Represents an object that will expose information via accessibility. | |
AccessibleObjectWrapper.UltraAccessibleObject | A synchronized child accessible object | |
AdjustableUIElement | Abstract base class derived by classes that want to support letting the user resize or move the element via the mouse | |
AnimatedImageManager | Static manager that keeps track of animated images so they are properly animated and cleaned up. | |
AnimatedImageManager.ImageFrameChangedEventArgs | EventArgs for the AnimatedImageManager.ImageFrameChanged event. | |
Appearance | A class that contains a set of properties related to the visual appearance of an object. | |
Appearance.AppearanceCursorConverter | Custom System.Windows.Forms.CursorConverter class | |
Appearance.AppearanceImageTypeConverter | Appearance Image property type converter. | |
Appearance.AppearanceTypeConverter | Appearance object type converter. | |
AppearanceBase | An abstract base class that is used to expose apperance related properties. | |
AppearanceEnumerator | Enumerator for the AppearanceCollection | |
AppearanceHolder | AppearanceHolder is used internally by a class that will expose one or more Appearance properties and an Appearances collection. During serialization the AppearanceHolder will serialize either the Appearance object or, if the Appearance is a member of the collection, its key or id. This is because the Appearance object will get serialized as part of the collection. | |
AppearancesCollection | A collection of Appearance objects. | |
AppearancesManager | Class for managing multiple appearance properties. | |
BeforeExitEditModeEventArgs | Event parameters used for when an event is raised by an embeddable element. | |
BindableValueList | Represents a ValueList with support for databinding. | |
ButtonUIElement | Element that behaves like a command button. | |
ButtonUIElementBase | Abstract base class for button elements. | |
ButtonUIElementBase.ButtonElementAccessibleObject | Accessible object that represents a button element. | |
ButtonWithTextUIElementBase | Abstract base class for button elements that can have text (e.g. command buttons, checkboxs and option buttons. | |
CheckBoxImageGlyphInfo | The CheckBoxGlyphInfo object handles the drawing of CheckBox glyphs in various states | |
CheckBoxUIElement | Element that behaves like a check box control. | |
CheckBoxWithImageUIElement | Summary description for CheckBoxUIElementWithImage. | |
CheckEditor | Embeddable CheckBox Editor class. | |
CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement | CheckEditorCheckBoxUIElement, derived from CheckBoxWithImageUIElement provides customized UI functionality for the CheckEditor class. | |
CheckEditorImageAndTextButtonUIElement | CheckEditorImageAndTextButtonUIElement, provides statebutton functionality for CheckEditor. | |
CheckedValueListItemsCollection | Collection class for ValueListItems whose CheckState property returns 'Checked'. | |
CheckIndicatorUIElement | The element that renders itself a the check indicator in a checkbox | |
ColorBoxUIElement | ColorBoxUIElement, provides color 'box' area in ColorPicker editor. | |
ColorListBox | ColorListBox, emulates the visual studio color listbox designer. | |
ColorPickerEditor | ColorPickerEditor facilitates the choosing of colors. | |
ColorPickerEditor.ColorPickerEditorUIAProviderStub | UI Automation provider for the ColorPickerEditor embeddable editor | |
ComplementCondition | A class implementing ICondition that evaluates a value based on the opposite of another condition. | |
ComplementCondition.ComplementConditionTypeConverter | Type converter for ComplementCondition. | |
ConditionGroup | A class implementing ICondition that can contain multiple instances of ICondition. | |
ConditionGroup.ConditionGroupTypeConverter | Type converter for ConditionGroup. | |
ConditionValueAppearance | A class that allows for maintaining a group of condition/appearance mappings. | |
ConditionValueAppearance.ConditionValueAppearanceTypeConverter | ConditionValueAppearance type converter. | |
ContainedInListCondition | A class implementing ICondition which provides a way to determine whether a value matches the data value or display text of an item in a list. | |
ContainedInListCondition.ContainedInListConditionTypeConverter | Type converter for ContainedInListCondition. | |
ControlContainerEditor | ControlContainerEditor An embeddable editor class which can contain other controls to allow any control to be used in a grid cell or other editor host. | |
ControlUIElementBase | An abstract class representing the main element of a control. | |
CultureNameEditor | UITypeEditor for names of cultures. | |
CustomColor | Custom Color is a serializable color item. | |
CustomColorBox | This control simulates the functionality of the Office 2000/XP color chooser. | |
CustomColorBoxAutomaticTrackingButtonUIElement | CustomColorBoxAutomaticTrackingButtonUIElement. A color box that highlights/draws border around itself when the mouse is over it. | |
CustomColorBoxChildElement | Base class for a button element displayed in a custom colorbox control. | |
CustomColorBoxHotTrackingButtonUIElement | Summary description for CustomColorBoxHotTrackingButtonUIElement. | |
CustomColorBoxSpecialButtonUIElement | Button element for a CustomColorBox that displays a color box and some associated text. | |
CustomColorBoxUIElement | Summary description for UltraCustomColorChooserUIElement. | |
CustomToggleButton | Summary Description for Custom toggle button | |
DataBindingUtils | Internal. | |
DataFilterException | Custom exception thrown if user code in IEditorDataFilter.Convert throws an exception. | |
DateTimeEditor | DateTimeEditor class implementation | |
DateTimeEditor.DateTimeEditorUIAProviderStub | UI Automation provider for the DateTimeEditor embeddable editor | |
DateTimeEditorDropDownButtonUIElement | The UIElement used to represent the DateTimeEditor's dropdown button | |
DateTimeEditorUIElement | DateTimeEditorUIElement class | |
DependentImageAndTextButtonUIElement | An ImageAndTextUIElement that gets the information required to render from an object that implements the IUIElementImageAndTextProvider interface | |
DependentImageUIElement | An image UIElement that gets the image related information from an object that implements the IUIElementImageProvider interface. | |
DependentTextUIElement | A text UIElement that gets the text related information from an object that implements the IUIElementTextProvider interface. | |
DpiUtilities | Helper class with various methods for getting the Dpi for a control and converting values to scaled Dpi. | |
DragDropIndicatorManager | Class for managing the display of drag drop indicators | |
DragDropIndicatorSettings | This class encapsulates all the customization information related to the drop indicators | |
DragIndicatorControl | Control used to display an element that is being dragged | |
DrawCache | The DrawCache class is used during a drawing operation to cache pens and brushes. It also provides alpha blending staging and consolidation. | |
DrawUtility | Allows for drawing in RectangleF structs instead of Rectangle, which is done by the DrawUtility. Currently supports the DrawBackColor and DrawBorders methods as they have artifacts when used with zooming. Contains some static utility drawing methods | |
DrawValueListItemEventArgs | DrawValueListItemEventArgs | |
DropDownButtonUIElement | A drop down button UI element | |
DropDownManager | The DropDownManager class exposes static properties, methods and events for creating a dropdown window and closing it up when the user clicks outside of the owning control. | |
DropDownManager.ActivationChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the ActivationChanged event | |
DropDownManager.AutoCloseUpInfo | Used to determine if the mouse message that caused a close up should be | |
DropDownManager.DropDownForm | A form used as a parent for controls that will be dropped down. | |
DropDownManager.DropDownFormBase | A form used as a parent for controls that will be dropped down. | |
DropDownResizeHandleUIElement | Provides a grab handle UI element that interacts with a form implementing DropDownManager.DropDownFormBase to provide resize functionality; this class should only be instantiated as a child element of this form. | |
DropIndicatorControl | Control used to display a drop point indication. | |
EditorCheckedListSettings | Exposes properties which control the behavior of the checkboxes displayed in the dropdown list used by the EditorWithCombo embeddable editor. | |
EditorCheckedListSettings.CheckStateChangedEventArgs | Contains information about the ICheckedItemList.CheckStateChanged event. | |
EditorDataFilterConvertArgs | Method arguments for data filter Convert() method. | |
EditorWithCombo | EmbeddableEditorBase-derived editor which provides the functionality of a ComboBox. | |
EditorWithCombo.EditorWithComboUIAProviderStub | UI Automation provider for the EditorWithCombo embeddable editor | |
EditorWithComboDropDownButtonUIElement | The UIElement used to represent the EditorWithCombo's dropdown button | |
EditorWithComboUIElement | EmbeddableEditorUIElement for the EditorWithCombo class | |
EditorWithMask | MaskedEdit class | |
EditorWithMask.EditorWithMaskUIAProviderStub | UI Automation provider for the EditorWithMask embeddable editor | |
EditorWithMaskEmbeddableUIElement | EmbeddableUIElementBase implementation for EditorWithMask editor. | |
EditorWithText | EditorWithText class implementation | |
EditorWithText.EditorWithTextUIAProviderStub | UI Automation provider for the EditorWithText embeddable editor | |
EditorWithTextAndDropDownBase | A generic Text Editor with a non-list dropdown portion. Allows the user to drop down any Control based class. | |
EditorWithTextAndDropDownUIElementBase | EditorWithTextUIElement class | |
EditorWithTextBaseDropDownButtonUIElement | ||
EditorWithTextDisplayTextUIElement | EditorWithTextDisplayTextUIElement class | |
EditorWithTextOverflowIndicatorUIElement | Displays an overflow indicator in the EditorWithText when appropriate. | |
EditorWithTextUIElement | EditorWithTextUIElement class | |
EmbeddableCheckUIElement | EmbeddableCheckUIElement, an embeddable check user interface element. Can be embedded in any UI that supports embeddable elements. | |
EmbeddableClickEventArgs | Event parameters used for when an event is raised by an embeddable element. | |
EmbeddableColorPickerUIElement | The class used to provide an embeddable element for the ColorPickerEditor. | |
EmbeddableEditorBase | An abstract base class for embeddable editors. | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorAccessibleObject | Base class for the accessible object that will represent an editor for a specific instance of an owner's object. | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorAccessibleObject.EditorChildAccessibleObject | Base accessible object for children of an embeddable editor. | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorComponentConverter | Type converter used to determine which components should appear in the type editor for an EditorComponent property. | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorControlConverter | Type converter used to determine which controls should appear in the type editor for an EditorControl property. | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorUIAProviderStub | Base UIAutomation provider class for an Embeddable editor | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorUIAProviderStub.EditorChildUIAProviderStub | Base UI Automation element for children of an embeddable editor. | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorUIAProviderStub.ValueListUIAProviderStub | UI Automation provider to represent a ValueList | |
EmbeddableEditorOwnerBase | Implemented by an object that can embed an EmbeddableEditor to render a value. | |
EmbeddableImageRenderer | Summary description for EmbeddableImageRenderer. | |
EmbeddableImageRendererUIElement | Embeddable ui element for the EmbeddableImageRenderer. | |
EmbeddableMouseDownEventArgs | Event parameters used for when an event is raised by an embeddable element. | |
EmbeddableMouseEventArgs | Event parameters used for when an event is raised by an embeddable element. | |
EmbeddableRadioButtonUIElement | EmbeddableRadioButtonUIElement, an embeddable radio button user interface element. Can be embedded in any UI that supports embeddable elements. | |
EmbeddableTextBox | Summary description for EmbeddableTextBox. | |
EmbeddableTextBoxWithUIPermissions | Derives from EmbeddableTextBox. The only difference between the two is that this class overrides PreProcessMessage to prevent beeping when the TAB, ENTER or ESCAPE keys are pressed. If the user has appropriate UI permissions, this class should be used rather than the EmbeddableTextBox class | |
EmbeddableTextBoxWithUIPermissions.EmbeddableTextBoxUIAProviderStub | UIAutomation provider class for an EmbeddableTextBox | |
EmbeddableToggleUIElementBase | EmbeddableToggleUIElementBase, base class for toggle editor elements such as RadioButton and CheckEditor. Can be embedded in any UI that supports embeddable elements. | |
EmbeddableUIElementBase | An abstract base class used by objects that implement EmbeddableEditor to embed an element to render a value. | |
ExpansionIndicatorUIElement | ExpansionIndicatorUIElement. | |
FindElementEvaluator | Class used to define how to find an element | |
FontData | The FontData class is used to hold font properties (e.g. Bold, Italic, Name etc.) on appearances. It allows the overriding of individual properties. For example, if a control's base font was set to "MS San Serif" 8.5pt. An appearance could override the Bold property to true and get a bold font without having to specify the name and size since that would be picked up from the base font. | |
FontNameEditor | FontNameEditor class implementation | |
FormatProviderEditor | UITypeEditor for the IFormatProvider type. | |
FormatProviderPropertyEditor | FormatProviderPropertyEditor - TypeEditor for properties of type IFormatInfo | |
FormatProviderTypeConverter | TypeConverter for IFormatProvider | |
FormGlowManager | FormGlowManager places glow shadows around a top level form a specified rectangle. | |
FormulaCondition | A class implementing ICondition providing a means of comparison through a formula. | |
FormulaCondition.FormulaConditionTypeConverter | Type converter for FormulaCondition. | |
GlyphInfoBase | Base class that handles the drawing of CheckBox and / or Radio button glyphs in various states. | |
GlyphInfoBase.GlyphInfoTypeConverter | GlyphInfo type converter. | |
HeaderUIElementBase | HeaderUIElementBase | |
IConditionTypeConverter | TypeConverter-derived class which provides support for converting objects that implement the ICondition interface. | |
IGEmptyContextMenuStrip | ContextMenuStrip class used internally to prevent the .NET Framework from displaying the ContextMenu/ContextMenuStrip of parent controls. Singleton pattern used. | |
IGEmptyContextMenuStrip.ReadOnlyToolStripItemCollection | A custom ReadOnlyToolStripItemCollection which always contains zero items. | |
IGPanel | Base class derived from System.Windows.Forms.Panel that supports AutoScroll without scrolling the background. | |
ImageAndFormattedTextButtonExUIElement | Button uielement representing a button with image and text. | |
ImageAndFormattedTextButtonUIElement | A button element that displays text and an image. | |
ImageAndFormattedTextButtonUIElementBase | ImageAndTextButtonUIElementBase | |
ImageAndFormattedTextUIElement | UIElement for displaying both an image and formatted text. | |
ImageAndFormattedTextUIElement.ImageAndFormattedTextDependentImageUIElement | An image uielement for use by an ImageAndFormattedTextUIElement | |
ImageAndFormattedTextUIElement.ImageAndFormattedTextDependentTextUIElement | A text uielement for use by an ImageAndFormattedTextUIElement | |
ImageAndFormattedTextUIElementEx | UIElement for displaying image and formatted text. | |
ImageAndTextButtonExUIElement | Button uielement representing a button with image and text. | |
ImageAndTextButtonUIElement | A button element that displays text and an image. | |
ImageAndTextButtonUIElementBase | ImageAndTextButtonUIElementBase | |
ImageAndTextUIElement | UIElement for displaying both an image and text. | |
ImageAndTextUIElement.ImageAndTextDependentImageUIElement | An image uielement for use by an ImageAndTextUIElement | |
ImageAndTextUIElement.ImageAndTextDependentTextUIElement | A text uielement for use by an ImageAndTextUIElement | |
ImageAndTextUIElementEx | UIElement for displaying image and text. | |
ImageBackgroundStretchMargins | Class that defines margins for drawing an Appearance.ImageBackground when the Appearance.ImageBackgroundStyle is set to Stretched. | |
ImageBackgroundStretchMargins.ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsConverter | ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsConverter | |
ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsPreviewForm | Summary description for ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsPreviewForm. | |
ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsTypeEditor | Shows the ImageBackground Stretch Margins editor. | |
ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsTypeEditorForm | Summary description for ImageBackgroundStretchMarginsTypeEditor. | |
ImageCaptureDialog | Dialog used to select an area of the screen to capture in a Bitmap | |
ImageGlyphInfo | Base class that handles the drawing of CheckBox and / or Radio button glyphs in various states. | |
ImageManager | Helper class for dealing with images. | |
ImagePreview | ImagePreview control | |
ImageRegion | A disposable class for managing region information created from an image. | |
ImageUIElement | An element that displays a foreground image. | |
ImageUIElementBase | An abstract UIElement used to draw a foreground image. | |
ImageUIElementBase.ImageElementAccessibleObject | Accessible object that represents a text element. | |
InitializeDataItemEventArgs | Event argument class used when a databound item is created. | |
InkEditorPopupButtonUIElement | Summary description for InkEditorPopupButtonUIElement. | |
InkProviderManager | Summary description for InkProviderManager. | |
IValueListTypeConverter | A type converter used for value lists. | |
KeyActionMappingBase | abstract base class that maps a keystroke to an action | |
KeyActionMappingsBase | An abtract collection class of KeyActionMappingBase objects. | |
LinkedAppearance | An object that exposes the properties of an Appearance object. | |
LinkedAppearance.LinkedAppearanceTypeConverter | Appearance object type converter. | |
ManagedContainerControlBase | Abstract base control class for container controls managed by an UltraComponentControlManagerBase component. | |
ManagedControlBase | Abstract base control class for controls managed by an UltraComponentControlManagerBase component. | |
Margins | Store margin information. | |
Margins.MarginsTypeConverter | MarginsTypeConverter | |
MaskTypeConverter | Type converter for displaying standard masks. | |
MaskUITypeEditor | UITypeEditor for MaskInput property. | |
MathUtilities | Utility class containing static mathmatical helper functions | |
MeasureValueListItemEventArgs | MeasureValueListItemEventArgs | |
MenuItemDefinition | An abstract class for creating menu structure. | |
MicrosoftColorTable | Abstract base class for Office2003ColorTable and VisualStudio2005ColorTable | |
MonthDropDown | Constructor | |
MonthDropDownWithUIPermissions | Constructor | |
MonthDropDownWithUIPermissions.MonthDropDownUIAProviderStub | UIAutomation provider class for an MonthDropDown | |
NamedComponentManager | For Interal Use Only | |
Office2003Colors | Class containing static color properties representing the colors used by the Microsoft Office 2003 products. Office2003ColorTable.Colors is the new way to retrieve the Office2003 color scheme. Office2003Colors is maintained for backward compatability. | |
Office2003ColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by the Microsoft Office 2003 products. | |
Office2007ColorSchemeChangedNotifier | Provides a way to hook the Office2007ColorTable.ColorSchemeChanged event without triggering creation of an instance (which has some overhead). | |
Office2007ColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by the Microsoft Office 2007 products. | |
Office2010ColorSchemeChangedNotifier | Provides a way to hook the Office2010ColorTable.ColorSchemeChanged event without triggering creation of an instance (which has some overhead). | |
Office2010ColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by the Office 2010. | |
Office2013ColorSchemeChangedNotifier | Provides a way to hook the Office2013ColorTable.ColorSchemeChanged event without triggering creation of an instance (which has some overhead). | |
Office2013ColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by the Office 2013. | |
OperatorCondition | A class implementing ICondition providing several common comparison types. | |
OperatorCondition.OperatorConditionTypeConverter | Type converter for OperatorCondition. | |
OptionButtonIndicatorUIElement | OptionButtonIndicatorUIElement | |
OptionButtonUIElement | OptionButtonUIElement | |
OptionButtonWithImageUIElement | OptionButtonWithImageUIElement, option button element that also supports an image. | |
OptionSetEditor | Option Set Editor is an editor that binds to a value list. It renders selection by showing the selected item as checked | |
OptionSetEmbeddableUIElement | Summary Description for OptionSetEmbeddableUIElement | |
OptionSetOptionButtonUIElement | Summary Description for OptionSetOptionButtonUIElement | |
OSVersionUtilities | Utility class containing static OS Version related helper methods | |
OuterDockPanel | A panel which docks outside of the DockManager and Toolbar windows (like a StatusBar). | |
PopupInfo | Implemented by an object that provides popup information to an IPopupItemProvider | |
PresetObjectWrapper | Object used to filter the properties of an object based on the ISupportPresets interface | |
PresetSerializer | Class for serializing and deserializing the properties of an object implementing the ISupportPresets interfaceClass for serializing and deserializing the properties of an object implementing the ISupportPresets interface | |
PropertyChangedEventArgs | Event parameters used for the PropertyChanged event | |
PropertyNameUITypeEditor | UITypeEditor which provides a list of common bindable property names for the given list of controls.. | |
RadioButtonEditor | Embeddable RadioButton Editor class. | |
RadioButtonImageGlyphInfo | The RadioButtonGlyphInfo object handles the drawing of Radiobutton glyphs in various states. | |
RangeCondition | A class implementing ICondition which provides a way to determine whether a value lies within a given range. | |
RangeCondition.RangeConditionTypeConverter | Type converter for RangeCondition. | |
Resources | Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. | |
ScaledSystemInformation | Provides scaled SystemInformation metrics | |
ScenicRibbonColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by the Scenic Ribbon. | |
ScrollbarIntersectionUIElement | This element occupies the square area at the lower right corner where a verticaal and horizontal scrollbar meet | |
ScrollButtonUIElement | Element that behaves like a scrollbar button. | |
SelectionStrategyBase | Abstract base class derived by a set of classes to handle None, Single and Extended selection strategies. | |
SelectionStrategyContiguous | Selection strategy that only allows contiguous selection and does not allow unselecting an item by control-clicking on it. | |
SelectionStrategyExtended | Strategy used for multiple selection of items. at any time. | |
SelectionStrategyExtendedAutoDrag | Strategy used when multiple items can be selected but pressing the left button and dragging does not select other items but instead starts dragging the selected item immediately. This is how Windows Explorer works. | |
SelectionStrategyNone | Strategy used when selection is not supported | |
SelectionStrategySingle | Strategy used when only a single item can be selected at any time. | |
SelectionStrategySingleAutoDrag | Strategy used when only a single item can be selected and pressing the left button and dragging does not select other items but instead starts dragging the selected item immediately. | |
ShadowManager | ShadowManager places shadows around a top level form a specified rectangle. | |
SpinButtonIntervalSettings | Class which contains properties pertaining to the intervals used by a spin button. | |
SpinButtonUIElement | SpinButtonUIElement | |
SpinScrollButtonUIElement | Scroll buttons for the spin button uielement. | |
SplitterIntersectionUIElement | An element at the intersection of a vertical and horizontal slippter element | |
SplitterUIElement | This is an abstract base call used for either vertical or or horizontal splitter elements | |
StandardGlyphInfo | Base class for glyph info objects that draw standard windows-style glyphs. | |
SubObjectBaseWithAppearanceManager | Abstract class for a SubObjectBase with the abilty to manage multiple appearances. | |
SubObjectsDictionaryBase<TKey,TValue> | Abstract class which wraps a Dictionary whose values are derived from Infragistics.Shared.SubObjectBase. | |
TabbedColorPicker | Summary description for TabbedColorPicker. | |
TabHighlightUIElement | UIElement representing the highlight area around a tab | |
TextOrientationInfo | Immutable class which defines the rotation and flow direction of text. | |
TextProviderBase | Abstract base class for text providers. Implements most methods with default implementations | |
TextUIElement | A text UIElement that exposes a text property. | |
TextUIElementBase | An abstract base class for text uielements | |
TextUIElementBase.TextElementAccessibleObject | Accessible object that represents a text element. | |
ThemedButton | ThemedButton | |
ThemedComboBox | ThemedComboBox | |
ThemedEdit | ThemedEdit | |
ThemedExplorer | ThemedExplorer | |
ThemedHeader | ThemedHeader | |
ThemedListView | ThemedListView | |
ThemedPage | ThemedPage | |
ThemedProgress | ThemedProgress | |
ThemedRebar | ThemedRebar | |
ThemedScrollBar | ThemedScrollBar | |
ThemedSpinButton | ThemedSpinButton | |
ThemedStatusBar | ThemedStatusBar | |
ThemedTab | ThemedTab | |
ThemedToolbar | ThemedToolbar | |
ThemedTrackBar | A class for rendering themes for a TrackBar. | |
ThemedTreeView | ThemedTreeView | |
ThemedWindow | ThemedWindow | |
ThemeItemBase | ThemeItemBase | |
TimeSpanEditor | EditorWithText derived embeddable editor which parses and formats TimeSpan values. | |
TimeSpanEditorSpinButton | SpinEditorButton-derived class used by the TimeSpanEditor embeddable editor. | |
TimeSpanFormatInfo | Encapsulates the information used by the TimeSpanEditor to control parsing and formatting. | |
TimeZoneEditor | TimeZoneEditor class implementation | |
TimeZoneInfo | Contains information about the associated time zone. | |
ToggleEditorBase | Base class for the CheckEditor and RadioButtonEditor. | |
ToolTip | A class used to display tool tips at a desired location and with a specified delay | |
TrackBarEditor | The editor used to provide TrackBar functionality. | |
TransitionSettings | Provides information about the transition | |
TrueCondition | A class implementing ICondition that will always evaluate to a valid match. | |
TrueCondition.TrueConditionTypeConverter | Type converter for ComplementCondition. | |
UIElement | Base class for all user interface elements. | |
UIElement.UIElementDelegateUIAProviderFragment | Base UIAutomation provider class for a UIElement | |
UIElement.UIElementUIAProviderStub | Base UIAutomation provider class for a UIElement | |
UIElement.UIElementUIAProviderStubNavigateChildrenWrapper | Class used to wrap a UIElement to pass to the NavigateChildren() of another UIElementUIAProviderStub. For Infragistics use only. | |
UIElementAccessibleObject | Base accessible object for representing a UIElement | |
UIElementAdjustedEventArgs | Event parameters used for when an element's size or position has been adjusted via the mouse. | |
UIElementEventArgs | Event parameters used for any generic element event. | |
UIElementsCollection | A collection of UIElements. | |
UIElementsCollection.UIElementEnumerator | Inner class implements IEnumerator interface | |
UltraApplicationSettingsBase | Base class for settings wrapper classes for Infragistics controls. | |
UltraComponentBase | Base class for component classes. | |
UltraComponentControlManagerBase | Abstract base component class for managing multiple controls. | |
UltraControlBase | Abstract base class for controls that want to inherit from a Win control and want to expose the MouseEnterElement/MouseLeaveElement events as well as the UIElement draw/cursor/creation filters Abstract base class for controls that want to inherit from a Win control and want to expose the MouseEnterElement/MouseLeaveElement events as well as the UIElement draw/cursor/creation filters | |
UltraControlBase.UltraControlAccessibleObject | Accessible object representing a control | |
UltraControlBase.UltraControlUIAProviderStub | Base UIAutomation provider class for an UltraControlBase control | |
UltraEditorProxyBase | An abstract class for a control that will act as a proxy to an editor. | |
UltraEditorProxyOwnerBase | A base class providing most logic between a proxy and the underlying editor's owner. | |
UltraEditorProxyUIElement | The main UIElement for the UltraEditorProxyBase control. | |
UltraStylableComponent | Abstract base class for a component that supports application styling. | |
UserPreferenceChangedTracker | For internal Infragistics use only. | |
Utilities | Utility class containing static helper functions | |
ValidateCheckStateEventArgs | Contains information about the editor's ToggleEditorBase.ValidateCheckState event. | |
ValidatorManager | Provides support for the registration of UltraValidator components, and for accessing registered UltraValidator components. | |
ValueConstraint | Contains various constraints that can be applied to a data value. | |
ValueList | Contains a list of ValueListItems, which can used to populate dropdown lists.
Each ValueListItem exposes a ValueListItem.DataValue property, which corresponds to the underlying value, and a ValueListItem.DisplayText property, which corresponds to the string that is displayed to represent the item in the user interface. Note: The ValueList class handles population of the dropdown list displayed by the EditorWithCombo embeddable editor. The items in the editor's dropdown are of type ValueListItem. | |
ValueList.ValueListBaseUIAProviderStub | Base UI Automation provider to represent a ValueList | |
ValueList.ValueListBaseUIAProviderStub.ValueListItemUIAProviderStub | ||
ValueList.ValueListBindableAttribute | This attribute is used to identify those classes that should be added to a ValueListEditor's drop down list. | |
ValueList.ValueListTypeConverter | ValueList type converter. | |
ValueListChangedEventArgs | Class which contains information relating to the ValueList.ListChanged event. | |
ValueListDropDownMRUSeparatorUIElement | UIElement which represents the separator between the last MRU item and the first member of the ValueListItems collection. | |
ValueListDropDownUIElement | ControlUIElementBase-derived element which represents the ValueListDropDown control in the user interface. | |
ValueListEditor | UIEditor for properties of type IValueList. Displays a dropdown of objects that implement IValueList and are ValueListBindable. | |
ValueListEnumerator | Enumerator for the ValueListCollection | |
ValueListItem | ValueListItem type objects are stored in ValueList to represent the itmes in the ValueList | |
ValueListItem.ValueListItemTypeConverter | ValueListItem type converter. | |
ValueListItemCheckBoxUIElement | CheckBoxUIElement-derived class which handles the rendering of checkboxes for the ValueListItemUIElement. | |
ValueListItemContainerUIElement | UIElement which contains ValueListItemUIElement instances. | |
ValueListItemEnumerator | Enumerator for the ValueListCollection | |
ValueListItemImageUIElement | ImageUIElement-derived class which handles the rendering of images for the ValueListItemUIElement. | |
ValueListItemsCollection | value list items collection class | |
ValueListItemUIElement | Represents the ValueListItem object in the user interface. | |
ValueListsCollection | Collection of ValueLists | |
ValueListTypeConverter | TypeConverter-derived class which provides support for a ValueList. Used by the List property of the ContainedInListCondition class. | |
ValuePropertyDescriptorBase | Represents a pseudo property to deal with arrays of primitive types. | |
VisualStudio2005ColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by Visual Studio 2005. | |
VisualStudio2008ColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by Visual Studio 2008. | |
VisualStudioBaseColorTable | Class containing common colors shared between Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008. | |
WeakList<T> | A strongly typed list class that manages items using WeakReferences so the items in this list can be garbage collected. Items collected by garbage collector will be replaced by null. The Compact method can be used to remove entries from the list that have been garbage collected. | |
WindowsVistaColorTable | Class containing color properties representing the colors used by Microsoft Windows Vista. | |
WPFInteropUtilities | Utilities class to help support Wpf Interop (WindowsFormsHost) For internal Infragistics use only | |
XPThemes | XPThemes | |
ZoomManager | A mediator between a IZoomProvider and a control. |
Interface | Description | |
IButtonDrawStateSource | Interface implemented by a class that supplies the button draw state to an indicator element | |
ICheckedItemList | Implemented by an IValueList implementor that supports multi-selection through checkboxes. | |
ICondition | Interface for implementing a condition against which to compare a value. | |
IConditionContextProvider | An interface implemented by objects that want to provide contextual information to an ICondition | |
IDropDownResizeHandleOwner | ||
IEditorDataFilter | Interface for custom data filters. Data filter is used for conversion between Display (user), Editor and Owner (data source). | |
IEditType | Interface meant to be implemented mask based editor controls as well as objects that expose a mask input property (like UltraGridColumn object in the grid). This interface is meant to be used in conjuction with MaskPropertyConvertor type convertor for displaying a default list of input masks in the designer for the mask input properties. | |
IElementSupportsGlass | Interface of a UIElement that has glass extended into its region. | |
IEmbeddableTextBoxListener | Summary description for IEmbeddableTextBoxListener. | |
IEmbeddedControl | This interface is implemented by a control that is intended to be treated as part of an element in a parent control. | |
IFilterableValueList | Interface used to genericize access to a class that supplies list items with Filtering. | |
IFormManagerDesigner | A designer which designs components that manage the Form or container control on which they are added. These are Infragistics.Win.UltraWinForm.UltraFormManager and UltraToolbarsManager. | |
IHandleUserPreferenceChanged | Interface for an object that handles the UserPreferenceChanged event. | |
IImageListProvider | This is used by the Appearance object's Appearance.Image property's uieditor to selecting images from the list. | |
IInkProvider | Interface implemented by UltraInkProvider | |
IMRUListProvider | IMRUListProvider interface Provides support for an MRU (most recently used) list | |
INamedComponent | Interface for a component with a Name | |
IOwnedForm | Interface implemented by a top level form. | |
IOwnedFormToolbarsShouldDeactivateActiveTool | For internal Infragistics use only. Interface implemented on an owned Infragistics form to indicate if the clicking the form should cause the parent form to deactivate the active tool on the parent form. | |
IPopupItem | Implemented by an object that can display a popup window. | |
IPopupItemProvider | Implemented by an object that provides IPopupItem instances | |
IProvideContentsVersion | Provides a version number for the contents of an object. This can be used to determine when the contents have changed. | |
IProvideItemImageSize | For Infragistics internal use only | |
IProvidesEmbeddableEditor | Implemented by a control that exposes an embeddable editor | |
ISelectionManager | Usually implemented by the control, this is called by the selection strategy to perform various actions. | |
ISelectionStrategy | ISelectionStrategy is implemented by SelectionStrategyBase class | |
ISelectionStrategyFilter | Interface implemented by the user of a control to supply custom selection strategies. | |
ISilentTextBoxOwner | Provides a communication channel between the a TextBox-derived class and its parent control | |
IStatusBar | Interface implemented by a StatusBar control | |
ISupportGlass | Interface of a control that will extend glass into its region. | |
ISupportPresets | This interface is used for objects which support Presets | |
ISupportsActiveBorders | Implemented by UIElements that support "active borders" | |
ISupportsAutoSize | Interface that an editor implements to support auto size edit. | |
IToolTipItem | Interface returned by a UIElement that should display a tooltip. | |
IUIElementCreationFilter | Interface supplied by the user of a control to allow custom creation/positioning of child elements | |
IUIElementCursorFilter | Interface supplied by the user of a control to allow custom cursors to be supplied | |
IUIElementDrawFilter | Interface supplied by the user of a control to perform custom drawing of one or more UIElements | |
IUIElementImageAndFormattedTextProvider | Interface for providing information to an ImageAndFormattedTextUIElement. | |
IUIElementImageAndTextProvider | Interface for providing information to an ImageAndTextUIElement. | |
IUIElementImageProvider | This is used by the DependentImageUIElement class to get necessary information for rendering an image | |
IUIElementProvider | This is the interface used to supply borderstyle and appearance settings for drawing a dependent UIElement | |
IUIElementTextProvider | This is used by the DependentTextUIElement class to get necessary information for rendering text | |
IUltraControl | Implemented by the System.Windows.Forms.Control derived control | |
IUltraControlElement | Implemented by the System.Windows.Forms.Control derived control | |
IUltraValidator | Interface implemented by the Infragistics.Win.Misc.UltraValidator component for the purpose of providing validator-related information to an embeddable editor. | |
IValidatorClient | Interface which identifies an UltraControlBase-derived control as supporting validation by an IUltraValidator implementor through an embeddable editor. | |
IValueAppearance | An interface that allows a class to provide a logical mapping between a condition and an AppearanceData object. | |
IValueList | Interface used to genericize access to a class that supplies list items. | |
IValueListOwner | Interface that defines the communication layer between an IValueList interface implementor and the owner that uses it to populate a dropdown list. | |
IValueListsCollectionProvider | Interface used by ValueListEditor to gain access to the value lists collection associated with the passed in context. | |
IZoomProvider | Interface providing zooming information. |
Structure | Description | |
AppearanceData | The AppearanceData structure contains the properties that are used to render an object | |
AutoSizeEditInfoParameters | Holds the information required to populate the AutoSizeEdit objects. | |
DefaultableInteger | An structure that contains an immutable integer value which can also be marked as default (no value). | |
DrawStringParameters | Provides a means of passing parameters to DrawUtility.DrawString or DrawUtility.MeasureString through a single instance. | |
DropDownManagerParameters | The DropDownManagerParameters struct provides a means of passing parameters through a single instance. | |
DropDownRepositionInfo | A struct containing information needed when repositioning a drop rect that spans across multiple monitors | |
FormattedTimeSpan | Wraps the TimeSpan struct for use by the TimeSpanEditor embeddable editor. | |
GlyphDrawingInfo | Class that specifies information for drawing a glyph. | |
MouseMessageInfo | MouseMessageInfo structure identifies the message type, buttons and point infoprmation received on a mousedown, mouseup or mousemove message | |
ToolTipInfo | Structure used to provide ToolTip information. | |
UIElementAdjustmentRangeParams | Used in the call to GetAdjustmentRange for elements that can be sized or moved with the mouse | |
UIElementBorderWidths | Returned from call to GetBorderWidths | |
UIElementDrawParams | Structure passed around during a drawing operation |
Delegate | Description | |
BeforeExitEditModeEventHandler | Event handler used for a mouse event over an embeddable element | |
DataBindingUtils.ValuePropertyDescriptorCreator | Delegate for property descriptor creators. | |
DrawValueListItemEventHandler | delegate for handling the DrawValueListItem event | |
DropDownManager.ActivationChangedEventHandler | Event handler used ActivationChanged event | |
DropDownManager.AutoCloseUpDelegate | Delegate used to callback to the dropdown owner to determine if the mouse message that is causing a close up should be be consumed. | |
EditorCheckedListSettings.CheckStateChangedHandler | Handler for the ICheckedItemList.CheckStateChanged event. | |
EditorWithMask.InvalidCharEventHandler | Delegate associated with the InvalidChar event. | |
EditorWithMask.InvalidOperationEventHandler | Delegate associated with the InvalidOperation event. | |
EmbeddableClickEventHandler | Event handler used for a click on an embeddable element event | |
EmbeddableMouseDownEventHandler | Event handler used for a mouse down event over an embeddable element | |
EmbeddableMouseEventHandler | Event handler used for a mouse event over an embeddable element | |
ImageAndTextUIElement.MeasureStringDelegate | Delegate for measure string callbacks. This can be used when you need to use the autosize calculations but need to iterate through more than one string to find the largest, etc. | |
InitializeDataItemHandler | Event handler used when a databound item is created. | |
MeasureValueListItemEventHandler | delegate for handling the MeasureValueListItem event | |
PropertyChangedEventHandler | delegate for handling event that occurs when a property has changed. | |
ResolveAppearanceCallback | Delegate for appearance resolution. | |
ToggleEditorBase.AfterCheckStateChangedHandler | Fired after checkstate change | |
ToggleEditorBase.BeforeCheckStateChangedHandler | Fired before checkstate change | |
ToggleEditorBase.ValidateCheckStateHandler | Handles the ToggleEditorBase.ValidateCheckState event. | |
UIElementAdjustedEventHandler | Event handler used for when an element has been adjusted/moved | |
UIElementEventHandler | Event handler used for any generic element event | |
ValueListChangedEventHandler | delegate for handling the ValueListChanged event |
Enumeration | Description | |
Alpha | An enumerator for specifying which alpha level to use | |
AlphaBlendMode | Enumeration of AlphaBlend modes | |
AppearancePropFlags | Use bit flags to uniquely identify each property of the AppearanceData structure. | |
AppearancePropIds | uniquely identify each property of the AppearanceData structure. | |
AutoCompleteMode | Constants which specify the mode for the automatic completion feature used in the EditorWithCombo editor. | |
AutoSuggestFilterMode | Constants which specify the filtering mode for the automatic completion feature used in the EditorWithCombo embeddable editor.
When the 'Suggest' or 'SuggestAppend' values of the AutoCompleteMode enumeration are used, the dropdown automatically appears as the user types, displaying only the items that meet a certain criteria, and filtering out the rest. Properties which use the AutoSuggestFilterMode enumeration determine that criteria; i.e., whether a 'StartsWith' or 'Contains' condition is applied to the filtering mechanism. Note: When the 'Contains' setting is used by the EditorWithCombo embeddable editor, the AutoCompleteMode value of 'SuggestAppend' resolves to 'Suggest', i.e, the auto-completion functionality is disabled, since text selection is not applicable when the items being displayed might not have the same run of characters in the beginning of their display text. | |
BackHatchStyle | Specifies if and how a hatch brush will be used to fill the background of a UIElement. | |
BindableValueListPropertyID | Values that represent properties of the BindableValueList class. | |
ButtonAlignment | Where the button will be displayed | |
ButtonDisplayStyle | DropDownButtonDisplayStyle | |
CheckEditorPropertyIds | Enumeration of Property identifiers for the Check Editor. | |
CheckStyle | Enumeration which determines whether a checkbox is displayed for each item in a ValueList. | |
ColorPickerEditorPropertyIds | Summary description for ColorPickerPropertyIds. | |
ColorRenderMode | Enumeration of the various methods of printing colors. | |
ColorSelectorMode | Determines whether the ColorSelector control is being used to select multiple colors, such as in a paint application, or a single color like in a color picker. | |
ColorStyle | Display Style of the control | |
ConditionOperator | Enum for specifying the comparision operator of a OperatorCondition. | |
ControlContainerEditor.ControlType | Enum indicating the type of control (Rendering or Editing). | |
ConversionDirection | Different types of conversion requested in custom data filter (EmbeddableEditorBase.DataFilter). | |
Corners | Enumeration of corners | |
CustomColorBoxDisplayStyle | Controls the display style of the colorbox | |
DefaultableBoolean | An enumerator for a boolean type property that allows for a default setting. This is used in property override situations. | |
DragDropIndicatorManager.ArrowSize | Used to determine the size of Drop Indicator arrows when dragging and dropping column in an UltraWinGrid using RowLayouts. | |
DragDropIndicatorManager.IndicatorShape | Determines the shape of the Drop Indicator | |
DragDropIndicatorSettingsPropIds | Enumeration of DragDropIndicatorSettings Property IDs | |
DrawCache.PenType | An enumerator specifying the pen type | |
DrawPhase | Identifies the phases of an element's drawing operation | |
DropDownListAlignment | DropDownListAlignment | |
DropDownManager.ActivationChangeType | The message that triggered the ActivationChange event | |
DropDownPosition | An enumerator for specifying position of the dropdown window with respect to the exclusion rect. | |
DropDownResizeHandleStyle | Type of Drop Down Resize Handle | |
DropDownStyle | DropDownStyle | |
EditCheckStyle | Enumeration of Property identifiers for the UltraScrollBar. | |
EditorCheckedListSettingsPropIds | Identifies the properties of the EditorCheckedListSettings class. | |
EditorWithComboValueSource | Constants which specify how the value of the Value property for the EditorWithCombo embeddable editor is obtained. | |
EmbeddableClickEventArgs.EmbeddableElementType | Enum for specifying the area that was clicked up. | |
EmbeddableEditorArea | Enumeration describing the area of the embeddable UIElement | |
EmbeddableEditorBase.EmbeddableEditorUIAProviderStub.EditorChildType | Enumeration used to specify the type of editor child object | |
EmbeddableEditorOwnerBase.ActionableArea | Enumeration indicating a type of actionable editor area. | |
EmbeddableEditorPropertyId | Enumeration of property ids for the EmbeddableEditorBase properties | |
EmbeddableElementDisplayStyle | Determines the style of display for embeddable editor elements. | |
FindDirection | Determines the direction of a find operation | |
FindTextDirection | Indicates the direction to search for text. | |
FontDataPropIds | uniquely identify each property of the FontData class. | |
GdiDrawStringFlags | Flags for specifying how text is to be measured/rendered. | |
GlassPercentage | Determines the percentage of glass used when drawing the Glass Overlay. | |
GlowOrientation | Enumeration used to determine the positioning of the glow effect. | |
GlyphStyle | Enumeration used to indicate how glyphs such as check boxes and radio buttons are drawn. | |
GlyphType | Enumeration used to indicate a type of glyph. | |
GrabHandleLocation | Enumeration used to indicate where the grab handle is placed relative to the parent form and the corresponding resizing behavior that the grab handle will provide. | |
GradientAlignment | Determines how a gradient is aligned with respect to its origin and extent. | |
GradientStyle | Specifies if and how a color gradient will be used to fill the background of a UIElement. | |
HAlign | An enumerator for aligning text or images | |
HeaderStyle | Different display styles for column headers and row selectors. | |
ImageBackgroundOrigin | An enumerator for background image origin | |
ImageBackgroundStyle | An enumerator for background image style | |
IndicatorAlignment | Enumeration of arrow alignments | |
InfragisticsDpiAwareness | An enum that specifies levels of DpiAwareness for Infragistics control that support DpiScaling | |
ItemCheckArea | Constants which specify how mouse clicks affect the selected and checked states of the item, and whether clicking on an item closes the dropdown list. | |
ListItemMatchMode | Constants which define whether to match on the data value or display text when attempting to locate an item in a list. | |
LogicalOperator | Binary enum for specifying logical 'and' or 'or'. | |
MarginsPropertyIds | Enumeration of Property identifiers for the Check Editor. | |
MouseMessageType | MouseMessageType is used in MouseMessageInfo structure to identify which type of mouse message was received | |
MousePanning | Determines what type of mouse panning is supported. | |
Office2007ColorScheme | Represents the color schemes available with the Microsoft Office 2007 products. | |
Office2010ColorScheme | Represents the color schemes available with the Microsoft Office 2010 products. | |
Office2013ColorScheme | Represents the color schemes available with the Microsoft Office 2013 products. | |
Office2013Theme | Represents the color schemes available with the Microsoft Office 2013 products. | |
OSVersionUtilities.OS | Enum representing the different operating systems. | |
PresetType | Describes the type of properties used when saving/loading presets | |
RelativePosition | Enumeration of relative positions | |
SaveSettingsFormat | Enumeration of the various formats to use when saving settings to the default store | |
ScaleImage | Enumeration of options for scaling images. | |
SelectionChangeCommittedTrigger | Enumeration indicating what triggered the SelectionChangeCommitted event | |
ShowInkButton | Enumerates when to show the Ink Button | |
SoundEvents | Enumerates the system-defined sound events. | |
SoundFlags | Specifies how sounds are played by the UltraControlBase.PlaySound method. | |
SpecialKeys | Bit flags indicating on of the special keys (shift, ctrl and alt) | |
SpinButtonDisplayStyle | Enum for specifying whether to show a spin button and where to show it. | |
SpinButtonTypes | Enumeration of spin button items that may be displayed | |
SplitMonitorAction | The enumeration of the various reposition options available when the drop down spans across multiple monitors | |
SystemColor | Enumeration of windows system colors. | |
TextFlowDirection | Determines the flow direction of text. | |
TextPlacement | Enumeration of possible text placements. | |
TextRenderingMode | Enum for specifying the text rendering mode. | |
TextTrimming | Specifies how text will be rendered when there is not enough room to display the entire string. | |
ThemedEdit.EditState | XPThemes Edit control states | |
ThemedExplorer.BackgroundType | BackgroundType | |
ThemedExplorer.ExplorerButtonState | Enumeration of the button state for an explorer style button | |
ThemedExplorer.ExplorerButtonType | Enumeration of explorer button style | |
ThemedExplorer.HeaderType | The type of group header | |
ThemedHeader.HeaderItemType | Enumeration of header types. | |
ThemedStatusBar.StatusBarItem | Enumeration of status bar items. | |
ThemedWindow.FramePart | Enumeration of frame parts. | |
ThemedWindow.SystemButtonType | Enumeration of System button types. | |
ThemedWindow.WindowEnabledState | Enabled state of a window. | |
ThemedWindow.WindowState | Enumeration of window state. | |
TimeSpanDaysPerWeek | Specifies the number of days in one week for the purposes of formatting and parsing a TimeSpan. | |
TimeSpanEditorInvalidValueReason | Constants which the define the reason that the TimeSpanEditor's value is invalid. | |
TimeSpanFormat | Constants which describe the manner in which a TimeSpan is formatted for display. | |
TimeSpanFormatInfoPropertyIds | Property change notification identifiers for the TimeSpanFormatInfo class. | |
ToolTipBorderStyle | An enumerator for specifying the border style of a tooltip | |
ToolTipDisplayStyle | Determines what style of tooltip to use. | |
ToolTipImage | Determine which Image a tooltip will display when ToolTipDisplayStyle is set to BalloonTip. | |
ToolTipPropertyIds | Enumeration of ToolTip Property IDs | |
ToolTipTextStyle | Determines whether the tooltip will display Formatted text. | |
UIElementBorderStyle | Returns or sets a value that determines the border style of an object. | |
UIElementButtonState | Enumeration of button states. | |
UIElementButtonStyle | Enumeration of button styles. | |
UIElementButtonType | Enumeration of button types. | |
UIElementDisplayStyle | An enumerator for UIElement display styles | |
UIElementInputType | Used for specifying inputType parameter to UIElement.WantsInputNotification method. | |
UIElementTransitionType | Enumeration used to indicate the type of uielement transition that should occur. | |
UltraComponentPropIds | Enumeration of UltraComponent property ids. | |
UltraControlPropIds | uniquely identify each property of UltraControlBase. | |
ValidateAsType | Used to specify how the ValueConstraint class should validate a value. Each of these values represents a data type which has implicit constraints, such as a minimal value, etc. Those constraints are used by the ValueConstraint.Validate method to enforce data validity. | |
VAlign | An enumerator for aligning text or images | |
ValueConstraintFlags | Used for specifying which constraints should be applied to the input value of the ValueConstraint.Validate method. | |
ValueConstraintPropertyID | Property identifiers for the ValueConstraint class. | |
ValueListChangeType | Enumeration which describes the manner in which the contents of a ValueList object's ValueList.ValueListItems collection has changed. | |
ValueListDisplayStyle | style for specifying what property of a value list item will be displayed in each item of the DropDown list This applies to value list items collection associated with each value list for various drop down column styles. | |
ValueListDropDownAction | Enumeration which contains constants that identify the actions that can be performed on the ValueListDropDown control. | |
ValueListDropDownStates | Enumeration which contains constants that identify the various states of the ValueListDropDown control. | |
ValueListItemMatchingMode | Constants which describe the manner in which a ValueListItem is evaluated when comparing it to user input. | |
ValueListPropIds | uniquely identify each property of the ValueList. | |
ValueListSortStyle | enum for specifying how a value list items will be sorted when displaying value list items in a drop down list | |
WindowsVistaColorScheme | Represents the color schemes available for Windows Vista styles. |