
The ChartInfoEventArgs Class

The purpose of our custom ChartInfoEventArgs class is to expose important information to the developers that wish to populate the chart that represents each row of the grid. This class is exposed through the ChartInfoRequested event which we designed to fire whenever a chart is being initialized for the first time and attached to a grid row. The ChartInfoEventArgs class exposes 2 important events: one of them is a reference to the actual WinChart that is currently initializing and the other property represents the grid row that the chart is being attached to. With both of these properties available, you can easily access the grid row to perhaps use the primary key value to perform a lookup operation and retrieve your chart data and then bind it to the chart.

In Visual Basic:

Public Class ChartInfoEventArgs
	Inherits EventArgs
	Private _chart As UltraChart = Nothing
	Private _row As UltraGridRow = Nothing
	Public Sub New(ByVal Chart As UltraChart, ByVal Row As UltraGridRow)
		_chart = Chart
		_row = Row
	End Sub
	Public ReadOnly Property WinChart() As UltraChart
			Return _chart
		End Get
	End Property
	Public ReadOnly Property Row() As UltraGridRow
			Return _row
		End Get
	End Property
End Class

In C#:

public class ChartInfoEventArgs : EventArgs
	private UltraChart _chart = null;
	private UltraGridRow _row = null;
	public ChartInfoEventArgs(UltraChart Chart, UltraGridRow Row)
		_chart = Chart;
		_row = Row;
	public UltraChart WinChart
		get { return _chart; }
	public UltraGridRow Row
		get { return _row; }

This next topic explains the ChartLayout Class that is used to persist the state of the Chart so that when the Chart is restored to the Active Cell, we can reload the persisted Chart settings and data: The ChartLayout Class