
What’s New in 2023 Volume 1

Chart Dash Array

The series in the UltraDataChart now support the ability to apply a DashArray to them to visualize them as a dashed line. The dash array can also be applied to the trendlines of the series via the TrendLineDashArray property.

In addition to this, the axes support dash arrays for the axis lines and the major and minor gridlines of the axis. This is done via the StrokeDashArray, MajorStrokeDashArray, MinorStrokeDashArray properties of the axes, respectively.

The following documentation describes the various dash arrays that you can apply to the UltraDataChart:

Chart Value Layer

A new series type named the ValueLayer is now available which allows you to render an overlay for different focal points of the plotted data such as Maximum, Minimum, and Average. This is rendered as a dashed line in the plot area of the chart.

The following topic reviews this new series type in more detail: