Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Controls.Editors Namespace

ClassActiveDocumentViewChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.ActiveDocumentViewChanged event.
ClassAdornmentGeneratorProvider A factory class that creates instances of an RichTextAdornmentGeneratorBase derived type.
ClassAdornmentInfo A class that holds data related to an adornment. Adornments are added to an Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.AdornmentLayer.
ClassAdornmentLayerInfo Provides the data necessary to create an Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.AdornmentLayer.
ClassAdornmentLayerKeys A class that exposes the positioning keys used by the built-in Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.AdornmentLayers.
ClassCaret Represents the insertion point in the XamRichTextEditor.ActiveDocumentView.
ClassContextMenuClosingEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.ContextMenuClosing event.
ClassContextMenuOpeningEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.ContextMenuOpening event.
ClassDocumentChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.DocumentChanged event.
ClassEditorUndoTransaction A custom undo/redo transaction for XamRichTextEditor operations.
ClassFindReplaceManager Provides Find Matches management as well as Find/Replace and highlight services for XamRichTextEditor and Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument. An instance of this class is accessible via the XamRichTextEditor.FindReplaceManager property.
ClassHyperlinkExecutingEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.HyperlinkExecuting event.
ClassMarginBase An abstract base class for creating classes that provide an implementation for a RichDocumentView Margin.
ClassMarginKeys A class that exposes the positioning keys used by the built-in Margins.
ClassResources Exposes a Infragistics.Shared.ResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly.
ClassRichDocumentView A class that represents a view into the document being edited in the XamRichTextEditor .
ClassRichDocumentViewLayoutChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the RichDocumentView.LayoutChanged event.
ClassRichTextAdornmentGeneratorBase An abstract base class for all adornment providers.
ClassRichTextSelectionChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.SelectionChanged event.
ClassScrollManager A class that manages scrolling for an RichDocumentView.
ClassSplitStatusChangedEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.SplitStatusChanged event.
ClassViewEventArgs Class that defines the arguments passed in the XamRichTextEditor.ViewLoaded and XamRichTextEditor.ViewUnloaded events.
ClassXamRichTextEditor A control that can display and edit rich content (text and objects), apply flexible formatting to the content and render the content using a web layout style.
EnumerationHiddenSymbolDisplayMode Specifies options for displaying paragraph marks and other hidden symbols.
EnumerationRichDocumentViewLayoutStyle Specifies how the content of a Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument is laid out in the editing area of a XamRichTextEditor control.
EnumerationRichDocumentViewLocation Specifies the location of an RichDocumentView within the editing area of a XamRichTextEditor control.
EnumerationRichDocumentViewMarginLocation Specifies the location of an MarginBase within an RichDocumentView.
EnumerationRichDocumentViewTextUpdateMode Specifies how new text should be applied to a Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument.
EnumerationRichTextEditorCommandType An enumeration of available commands for the XamRichTextEditor control.
See Also