
SelectionDroppingEventArgs Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by SelectionDroppingEventArgs.

Public Constructors
Public ConstructorSelectionDroppingEventArgs ConstructorConstructor.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyCancelReturns/sets whether the action that triggered the event should be canceled.  
Public PropertyDataObjectReturns the Infragistics.Controls.Editors.Primitives.SyntaxEditorDataObject that contains the data which is being dropped.  
Public PropertyDocumentViewReturns the EditorDocumentView into which data is being dropped.  
Public PropertyDropPointReturns the Infragistics.Documents.SnapshotPoint that identifies the location in the Infragistics.Documents.TextDocument where the data is being inserted.  
Public PropertyIsDragSourceExternalReturns true if the source of the drag operation is external, false if the source of the drag operation is the XamSyntaxEditor.  
Public PropertyIsOperationMoveReturns true if the data is being moved, false if the data is being copied (only has meaning if IsDragSourceExternal is false).  
See Also