
ThemeManager Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ThemeManager.

Public Fields
Public FieldAllGroupingsLiteralThe literal used to represent all resource sets for a theme (read-only)  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ThemeChangedEventRouted event for raising a notification when the ThemeProperty has been changed.  
Public FieldThemeCurrentLiteralThe literal used to represent the current theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeDefaultLiteralThe literal used to represent a null theme value in a property grid (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameAeroThe name of the Aero theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameForestGreenThe name of the Hulk theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameGenericThe name of the Generic theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameHighContrastThe name of the HighContrastLight theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameIGThemeThe name of the IG theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameLeafThe name of the Leaf theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameLipstickThe name of the Lipstick theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameLunaNormalThe name of the LunaNormal theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameLunaOliveThe name of the LunaOlive theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameLunaSilverThe name of the LunaSilver theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameMetroThe name of the Metro theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameMetroDarkThe name of the Metro theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameOffice2010BlueThe name of the Office 2010 blue theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameOffice2013The name of the Office 2013 theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameOffice2k7BlackThe name of the Office 2007 black theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameOffice2k7BlueThe name of the Office 2007 blue theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameOffice2k7SilverThe name of the Office 2007 silver theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameOnyxThe name of the Onyx theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNamePrintBasicThe name of the Print theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameRoyalDarkThe name of the Royal Dark theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameRoyaleThe name of the Royale theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameRoyaleStrongThe name of the Royale theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameRoyalLightThe name of the Royal Dark theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameWashBaseDarkThe name of the ThemeBrushesDark theme (read-only)  
Public FieldThemeNameWashBaseLightThe name of the ThemeBrushesLight theme (read-only)  
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ThemePropertyIdentifies the Theme attached dependency property  
Public Properties
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CurrentThemeGets/sets the current theme  
Public Methods
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetGroupingsForThemeReturns a list of all registered groupings for a specific theme  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetGroupingsForTypeReturns the registered groupings for the specified type  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetResourceSetRegisters a ResourceDictionary containing resources for a specific theme and grouping  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetThemeGets the value of the 'Theme' attached property  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetThemesOverloaded. Returns a list of all registered themes  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsThemeValidDetermines if a theme is valid.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)OnThemeChangedHelper method called by controls that expose a 'Theme' property to merge the appropriate resources for the specified theme.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)RegisterOverloaded. Registers a ResourceDictionary containing resources for a specific theme and grouping  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)RegisterGroupingsRegisters the name of the Theme groupings that should be applied to a type when its Theme property is changed.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)SetThemeSets the value of the 'Theme' attached property  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)VerifyThemeInformationRegisteredThis member supports the Infragistics infrastructure and is not meant to be invoked externally.  
Public Events
Public EventCurrentThemeChangedOccurs when the CurrentTheme property has been changed.  
Public EventRegistrationInfoChangedOccurs when the RegistrationInfoChanged property has been changed.  
See Also