The following tables list the members exposed by ThemeManager.
Name | Description | |
AllGroupingsLiteral | The literal used to represent all resource sets for a theme (read-only) | |
ThemeChangedEvent | Routed event for raising a notification when the ThemeProperty has been changed. | |
ThemeCurrentLiteral | The literal used to represent the current theme (read-only) | |
ThemeDefaultLiteral | The literal used to represent a null theme value in a property grid (read-only) | |
ThemeNameAero | The name of the Aero theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameForestGreen | The name of the Hulk theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameGeneric | The name of the Generic theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameHighContrast | The name of the HighContrastLight theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameIGTheme | The name of the IG theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameLeaf | The name of the Leaf theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameLipstick | The name of the Lipstick theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameLunaNormal | The name of the LunaNormal theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameLunaOlive | The name of the LunaOlive theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameLunaSilver | The name of the LunaSilver theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameMetro | The name of the Metro theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameMetroDark | The name of the Metro theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameOffice2010Blue | The name of the Office 2010 blue theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameOffice2013 | The name of the Office 2013 theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameOffice2k7Black | The name of the Office 2007 black theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameOffice2k7Blue | The name of the Office 2007 blue theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameOffice2k7Silver | The name of the Office 2007 silver theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameOnyx | The name of the Onyx theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNamePrintBasic | The name of the Print theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameRoyalDark | The name of the Royal Dark theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameRoyale | The name of the Royale theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameRoyaleStrong | The name of the Royale theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameRoyalLight | The name of the Royal Dark theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameWashBaseDark | The name of the ThemeBrushesDark theme (read-only) | |
ThemeNameWashBaseLight | The name of the ThemeBrushesLight theme (read-only) | |
ThemeProperty | Identifies the Theme attached dependency property |
Name | Description | |
CurrentTheme | Gets/sets the current theme |
Name | Description | |
GetGroupingsForTheme | Returns a list of all registered groupings for a specific theme | |
GetGroupingsForType | Returns the registered groupings for the specified type | |
GetResourceSet | Registers a ResourceDictionary containing resources for a specific theme and grouping | |
GetTheme | Gets the value of the 'Theme' attached property | |
GetThemes | Overloaded. Returns a list of all registered themes | |
IsThemeValid | Determines if a theme is valid. | |
OnThemeChanged | Helper method called by controls that expose a 'Theme' property to merge the appropriate resources for the specified theme. | |
Register | Overloaded. Registers a ResourceDictionary containing resources for a specific theme and grouping | |
RegisterGroupings | Registers the name of the Theme groupings that should be applied to a type when its Theme property is changed. | |
SetTheme | Sets the value of the 'Theme' attached property | |
VerifyThemeInformationRegistered | This member supports the Infragistics infrastructure and is not meant to be invoked externally. |
Name | Description | |
CurrentThemeChanged | Occurs when the CurrentTheme property has been changed. | |
RegistrationInfoChanged | Occurs when the RegistrationInfoChanged property has been changed. |