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Breaking Changes in 2015 Volume 1
Breaking Changes Summary
Breaking changes summary chart
The following table summarizes the breaking changes of the Ultimate UI for WPF 2015 Volume 1 Release. Detailed explanations of the issues are provided after the summary table.
The xamComboEditor’s MinDropDownWidth
property default value is changed from double.NegativeInfinity
to double.NaN
The GroupByRow.ChildBands
collection property’s return value is changed.
There are behavioral changes in what happens when the user collapses the last visible column.
xamComboEditor / xamMultiColumnComboEditor
MinDropDownWidth property’s default value changed
The xamComboEditor’s MinDropDownWidth
property default value is changed.
ChildBands collection behavior
The GroupByRow.ChildBands
collection property is changed to return null
because it is not supported by design for a row of type GroupByRow
Old Behavior
New Behavior
Throwing InvalidCastException when accessing child bands.
Change in column’s collapsing behavior
There are changes in column’s visibility behavior described in the table below:
Old Behavior
New Behavior
When a user tries to collapse the last visible column in a group, its parent column collapses and the child column remains visible.
If the user tries to collapse the last visible child column - it collapses as well as its parent column.
When you switch the visibility of a parent column from collapsed to visible - the parent column becomes visible as well as all its children columns.