All color resource values were changed, and new resource values are added
Most of the brush values were updated
Solid color brushes, same brushes as ChartBrushes
Marker Templates (Circle, Triangle, Pyramid, Square, Diamond, Pentagon, Hexagon, Tetragram, Pentagram, Hexagram)
StrokeThickness is now bound to MarkerStrokeThickness which has a value of 1
ToolTipStyle, ToolTipNoBadgeStyle, PieChartToolTipStyle
Properties in the ContentControl:
Padding Setter Value =5,5,8,5
BorderThickness Setter Value = 1
Removed all corner radius
Added new setters: FontSize, FontFamily.
All the FontSizes and FontFamily properties used in the template have template bindings to those setters.
FontSize Setter: StaticResource = ChartSmallFontSize (value = 11)
FontFamily Setter: StaticResource = ChartFontFamily (value = Verdana)
Changed Padding value to use new StaticResource TooltipContentPadding (new value= 5,7).
Converted the BorderThickness value to a StaticResource TooltipBorderThickness, using the same value
All the FontSizes and FontFamily properties used in the ContentControl are converted to StaticResources.
FontSize: ChartSmallFontSize = 11px
FontFamily: ChartFontFamily = Verdana
Basic Legend Style, ItemLegend, ScaleLegend
Background Setter: StaticResource = LegendBackground
BorderBrush Setter: StaticResource = GenericBorder
BorderThickness Setter Value = 1
ItemsFontFamily, TitleFontFamily Setters = Verdana
ItemsFontSize, TitleFontSize Setters = 12
Legend Template previously displayed with rectangles
Background Setter change to: StaticResource = LegendBackgroundBrush
BorderBrush Setter changed to StaticResource = LegendBorderBrush (new brush)
BorderThickness Setter value changed to LegendBorderThickness (new resource, same value)
Padding Setter value changed to LegendPadding (new resource, same value)
Margin Setter value changed to LegendMargin (new resource, same value)
ItemsFontFamily, TitleFontFamily Setters changed to StaticResource = ChartFontFamily
ItemsFontSize, TitleFontSize Setters changed to StaticResource = ChartSmallFontSize
Legend Template: Wrapped in one Border
Polygon element Fill Brush: inline LinearGradientBrush
Polygon element Fill Brush changed to StaticResource = LegendScaleFill
Margin=1 value in StackPanel
Margin changed to StaticResource = LegendItemMargin (new resource, Value=4)
PieChartLegendItemBadgeTemplate, FunnelChartLegendItemBadgeTemplate
ContentPresenter Values:
Margin=0 0 2 0
ContentTemplate uses a Rectangle
Changes in ContentPresenter:
Width: StaticResource = LegendItemBadgeWidth (New resource, Value =12)
Height: StaticResource = LegendItemBadgeHeight (New resource, Value =12)
Margin: StaticResource = BadgeRightMargin (New resource, Value =0 0 6 0)
ContentTemplate changed to Ellipse
LegendItemRectBadgeTemplate, LegendItemMarkerlessRectBadgeTemplate
Main Grid wrapper Values:
The DataTemplate had a path shape (as the badge)
Path dimensions: Width=16, Height=14
Width: StaticResource = LegendItemBadgeWidth
Height: StaticResource = LegendItemBadgeHeight
Margin: StaticResource = BadgeRightMargin
The DataTemplate changed to an Ellipse (new badge shape)
Ellipse dimensions: Width=LegendItemBadgeWidth, Height=LegendItemBadgeHeight
Main Grid wrapper Values:
Width: StaticResource = LineBadgeWidth (New Resource, same value)
Height: StaticResource = LineBadgeHeight (New Resource, same value)
Margin: StaticResource = BadgeRightMargin
Changes in ContentPresenter:
Width= LegendItemBadgeWidth
Height= LegendItemBadgeHeight
Main Grid wrapper Values:
Width, Height: StaticResource = LineNoBadgeWidthHeight (New Resource, Value=16)
Margin: StaticResource = BadgeRightMargin
Changes in ContentPresenter:
Width= LegendItemBadgeWidth
Height= LegendItemBadgeHeight
Margin = BadgeRightMargin
LegendItemFinancialBadgeTemplate, LegendItemFinancialIndicatorBadgeTemplate, LegendItemPositiveNegativeBadgeTemplate, LegendItemHighDensityBadgeTemplate
Main Grid wrapper Values:
DataTemplate had path shapes as the badge shape
Path dimensions: Width=16, Height=14
Path (negative value) Stroke bound to ActualOutline
Width: StaticResource = FinancialBadgeWidth (New resource, Value=14)
Height: StaticResource = FinancialBadgeHeight (New resource, Value=14)
Margin: StaticResource = BadgeRightMargin
DataTemplate: changed to use rectangles
Rectangle dimensions: Width=LegendItemFinancialBadgeHeight (New resource, Value=7)
Path (negative value) Stroke bound to NegativeOutline (New resource)
LegendItemPositiveNegativeBadgeTemplate ContentPresenter Values Margin=0 0 2 0 Removed margin
All the changes made in the other legend item templates apply here, except that this template has different Solid color brushes, using HeatMaximumColor and HeatMinimumColor instead of ActualBrush,ActualOutline and NegativeBrush,NegativeOutline
Legend Item Mouse Event Arguments type for events:
Legend Item Mouse Event Arguments type for events:
StaticResource = GenericBackground
Fill Setter changed to: StaticResource = PreviewPathBrush (new brush)
Fill Setter: StaticResource = GenericBorder
StrokeThickness Setter: Value=1.4
StaticResource = CrosshairStroke (new brush)
StrokeThickness Setter Value changed to: StaticResource= CrosshairStrokeThickness (New resource, same value)
TitleFontFamily, SubtitleFontFamily=Verdana
PlotAreaBackground Setter: StaticResource = ChartPlotAreaBackgroundBrush
DefaultPlotAreaBorderBrush Setter: StaticResource = GenericBorder
DefaultAxisStroke Setter: StaticResource = AxisBorderBrush
DefaultAxisMajorStroke Setter: StaticResource = AxisMajorBorderBrush
New Background setter: StaticResource= ChartBackgroundBrush
TitleFontSize Setter changed to: StaticResource = ChartTitleFontSize
SubtitleFontSize Setter changed to: StaticResource = ChartSmallFontSize
TitleFontFamily SubtitleFontFamily Setters changed to: StaticResource = ChartFontFamily
PlotAreaBackground Setter changed to: StaticResource = PlotAreaBackgroundBrush
DefaultPlotAreaBorderBrush Setter changed to: StaticResource = PlotAreaBorderBrush
DefaultAxisStroke Setter: StaticResource Renamed to = AxisStrokeBrush
DefaultAxisMajorStroke Setter: StaticResource Renamed to = AxisMajorStrokeBrush
TickStrokeThickness Setter Value=1
StrokeThickness Setter Value=1
MajorStrokeThickness Setter Value=1.00
MinorStrokeThickness Setter Value=0.7
TickStrokeThickness Setter Value changed to: StaticResource= TickStrokeThickness (New resource, Value=2)
StrokeThickness Setter Value changed to: StaticResource= AxisStrokeThickness (New resource, Value=2)
MajorStrokeThickness Setter Value changed to: StaticResource= MajorStrokeThickness (New resource, same value)
MinorStrokeThickness Setter Value changed to: StaticResource= MinorStrokeThickness (New resource, Value=1)
LabelSettings and TitleSettings Setters FontSize=12
LabelSettings and TitleSettings Setters FontFamily=Verdana
New Setter TickLength: Value=0
Setter FontSize changed to: StaticResource ChartSmallFontSize
Setter FontFamily changed to: StaticResource ChartFontFamily
NumericXAxis, NumericYAxis
MajorStroke setter Value=AxisMajorStroke
MajorStroke setter Value=AxisMajorStrokeBrush (resource renamed)
CategoryAngleAxis, NumericAngleAxis, NumericRadiusAxis
MajorStroke setter Value=AxisMajorStroke
LabelSettings Setter FontSize=12
LabelSetting Setter FontFamily=Verdana
MajorStroke setter Value=AxisMajorStrokeBrush
Setter FontSize changed to: StaticResource ChartSmallFontSize
Setter FontFamily changed to: StaticResource ChartFontFamily
BarSeries ColumnSeries RangeColumnSeries StackedColumnSeries StackedBarSeries Stacked100ColumnSeries Stacked100BarSeries RadialColumnSeries
New RadiusX Setter: Value=0
New RadiusY Setter: Value=0
LineSeries StepLineSeries SplineSeries ScatterLineSeries ScatterSplineSeries AbsoluteVolumeOscillatorIndicator AccumulationDistributionIndicator AverageTrueRangeIndicator CommodityChannelIndexIndicator ForceIndexIndicator MoneyFlowIndexIndicator OnBalanceVolumeIndicator PercentagePriceOscillatorIndicator PercentageVolumeOscillatorIndicator PriceVolumeTrendIndicator RateOfChangeAndMomentumIndicator TypicalPriceIndicator MarketFacilitationIndexIndicator RelativeStrengthIndexIndicator WeightedCloseIndicator MedianPriceIndicator DetrendedPriceOscillatorIndicator EaseOfMovementIndicator MassIndexIndicator NegativeVolumeIndexIndicator PositiveVolumeIndexIndicator AverageDirectionalIndexIndicator BollingerBandWidthIndicator ChaikinVolatilityIndicator ChaikinOscillatorIndicator StandardDeviationIndicator UltimateOscillatorIndicator WilliamsPercentRIndicator CustomIndicator StochRSIIndicator
New Thickness Setter: Value=LineSeriesStrokeThickness (New resource, value=2)
New RadiusX Setter: Value=0
New RadiusY Setter: Value=0
New Outline Setter: Value=OutlineBrush (new resource)
StackedLineSeries Stacked100LineSeries StackedSplineSeries Stacked100SplineSeries BollingerBandsOverlay PriceChannelOverlay
New Thickness Setter: Value=LineSeriesStrokeThickness
New HeatMaximumColor setter: Value= StaticResource HotColor
New HeatMinimumColor setter: Value= StaticResource ColdColor
Outline setter value=#FF222222
Thickness setter Value=1
New NegativeOutline Setter value: StaticResource=NegativeBrush
Outline setter value: StaticResource=ActualOutline
Thickness Setter Value changed to: StaticResource= FinancialSeriesStrokeThickness (New resource, same value)
MovingAverageConvergenceDivergenceIndicator TRIXIndicator FastStochasticOscillatorIndicator SlowStochasticOscillatorIndicator FullStochasticOscillatorIndicator
TrendLineBrush setter Value=Blue
TrendLineBrush setter Value changed to: StaticResource=TrendlineBaseBrush (new resource)
New Thickness Setter: Value=LineSeriesStrokeThickness
PolarLineSeries PolarSplineSeries RadialLineSeries
New Thickness Setter: Value=LineSeriesStrokeThickness
PolarAreaSeries PolarSplineAreaSeries
Setter MarkerType Value=Automatic
Setter MarkerType Value changed to None
Properties in ContentControl:
"PART_POINTER" Polygon Fill: StaticResource TooltipPointerBackgroundBrush
"PART_POINTEROUTLINE" Polygon Stroke: StaticResource GenericBorder
FontSize Setter: StaticResource = ChartSmallFontSize
FontFamily Setter: StaticResource = ChartFontFamily
"PART_POINTER" Polygon Fill: StaticResource changed to TooltipBackgroundBrush
"PART_POINTEROUTLINE" Polygon Stroke: StaticResource changed to TooltipBorderBrush
ItemToolTipLayer, CategoryToolTipLayer Styles
Brush Setter Value=Gray
Outline Setter Value=LightGray
Brush Setter Value changed to: StaticResource=TooltipLayerBrush
Outline Setter Value changed to: StaticResource= TooltipLayerOutline
Border inside ControlTemplate: CornerRadius=4