The following table summarizes the breaking changes of the Ultimate UI for WPF 2021 Volume 1 Release. Detailed explanations of the issues are provided after the summary table.
Redesigned Chart Defaults
All types of charts/series have new colors for brush/fill and outlines
All types of charts/series have marker outlines with 2px thickness
Bar/Column/Waterfall series have outlines with 1px thickness (other series have 2px thickness)
Bar/Column/Waterfall series have square corners instead of rounded corners anymore
Point/Bubble/ScatterSeries/PolarScatter series have markers with 70% transparent fill
Point/Bubble/ScatterSeries/PolarScatter series have markers with fill that matches marker outline. To revert to the previous styling behavior for these series a new property has been added to the series, MarkerFillMode
, which can be set to normal to mimic the prior behavior.
Scatter High Density series has new colors for min/max heat properties:
Financial/Waterfall series have new colors for negative fill of their visuals: