


The XamGeographicMap™ control allows you to display data that contains geographic locations from view models or geo-spatial data loaded from shape files on geographic imagery maps.

Features Overview

The following table summarizes the features of the XamGeographicMap control. Additional details are available after the following summary table.

Feature Description

Provides rendering geographic imagery from Bing Maps™ , Open Street Maps , and ArcGIS Maps. Also, it supports creation of maps from other geographic imagery sources such as Map Quest©.

Provides rendering of an unlimited number of geographic series that can display geo-spatial data as points, polylines, and polygons. Multiple geographic series can be used to create a complex layering of map elements; e.g. states, cities, and roads.

Provides loading geo-spatial data from shape files and converting it to data models that can be bound to geographic series as items sources.

Provides data binding to other data sources with geographic data using the data binding and data mapping properties of geographic series.

Provides plotting of tens of thousands of data points, and update them every few milliseconds so that the control can handle your real-time feeds.

Provides customizable shape templates that can be styled conditionally based on data values.

Provides customizable marker templates for displaying geographic locations as cities, airports, earthquakes, or points of interest.

Provides customizable navigation behaviors for navigating map content using mouse, keyboard, or code-behind.

Geographic Imagery Maps

The XamGeographicMap control allows you to render geographic imagery from Bing Maps™ , Open Street Maps , and ArcGIS Maps. Also, it supports creation of maps from other geographic imagery sources such as Map Quest©.

The following are preview of the XamGeographicMap control with maps from different geographic imagery sources

GeographicMap 1.png

Figure 1: Geographic Map with geographic imagery from Open Street Maps.

GeographicMap 3.png

Figure 2: Geographic Map with geographic imagery from Bing Maps.

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Geographic Series

The XamGeographicMap control’s Series property is used to support rendering an unlimited number of geographic series. This property is a collection of geographic series objects and any type of geographic series can be added to it. For example, GeographicSymbolSeries can be added for plotting geographic locations such as cities and the GeographicPolylineSeries for plotting connections (e.g. roads) between these geographic locations.

GeographicMap 5.png

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Shape File Converter

In the XamGeographicMap control, the ShapefileConverter class loads geo-spatial data from shape files and converts it to a collection of ShapefileRecord objects. Geographic series can be bound to this collection and render geo-spatial data.

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Data Binding

In addition to rendering data from shape files and geographic imagery maps, the XamGeographicMap control also provides data binding to other data sources with geographic data using the data binding and data mapping properties of geographic series.

The following is a preview of the XamGeographicMap control with GeographicSymbolSeries bound to a data model that contains locations of some cities of the world.

GeographicMap 6.png

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High Performance Rendering

The XamGeographicMap control provides plotting of tens of thousands of data points, and updates them every few milliseconds so that the control can handle your real-time feeds.

The following is a preview of the XamGeographicMap control with GeographicSymbolSeries bound to a data source with hundreds of data points.

GeographicMap 7.png

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Customizable Shape Templates

The xamGeographicMap control provides customizable shape templates that can be styled conditionally based on data values.

The following is a preview of the xamGeographicMap control with conational styling of shape elements of geographic series.

GeographicMap 8.png

Customizable Marker Templates

The xamGeographicMap control provides customizable marker templates for displaying geographic locations as cities, airports, earthquakes, or points of interest.

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Map Navigation

The XamGeographicMap control provides customizable navigation behaviors for navigating map content using mouse, keyboard, or code-behind.

The following is a preview of XamGeographicMap control with highlighted position and size of the WorldRect when zoomed to some region of the map content (e.g. Africa and Europe continents).

GeographicMap 9.png

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