
ActionHistory Class Members

The following tables list the members exposed by ActionHistory.

Public Fields
Public Fieldstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)NoUndoActionRepresents an undo action for an action that cannot be undone.  
Public Properties
Public PropertyIsPerformingActionReturns a boolean indicating if the history is currently performing an action.  
Protected Properties
Protected PropertyMaxUndoDepthThe maximum number of undo items to maintain.  
Protected PropertyRedoContextThe context to use when performing a redo action.  
Protected PropertyUndoContextThe content to use when performing an undo action.  
Public Methods
Public MethodCanRedoDetermines if there is an entry in the redo stack that can be performed.  
Public MethodCanUndoDetermines if there is an entry in the undo stack that can be performed.  
Public MethodClearClears all the undo and redo actions.  
Public MethodClearRedoRemoves any redo actions.  
Public MethodPerformActionPerforms the specified action and adds the resulting undo action into the undo history.  
Public MethodRedoPerforms a single redo operation.  
Public MethodUndoPerforms a single undo operation.  
Protected Methods
Protected MethodAddRedoActionAdds an action to the redo history.  
Protected MethodAddUndoActionAdds an action to the undo history.  
Protected MethodGetRedoEnumeratorReturns an enumerator used to iterate the actions on the undo stack.  
Protected MethodGetUndoEnumeratorReturns an enumerator used to iterate the actions on the undo stack.  
Protected MethodOnMaxUndoDepthChangedInvoked when the MaxUndoDepth has been changed.  
Protected MethodPeekRedoReturns the action that will be performed if the Redo method is invoked.  
Protected MethodPeekUndoReturns the action that will be performed if the Undo method is invoked.  
See Also