
Creating a Named Path on the Artboard

The xamCarouselPanel™, xamCarouselListBox™, xamDataCarousel™, and xamDataPresenter™ Carousel View controls use a path to display items. These controls use a built in path if you don’t specify one. However, you can create your own custom path for these controls. You can use Microsoft® Expression® Blend to draw a path and then import it into your Visual Studio project.

Follow these steps to create a named path in Expression Blend’s Artboard.

  1. Create a New Project.

  2. From the toolbox area on the left, select the Pen tool.

expression blend toolbox with mouse over pen tool
  1. Draw a path on the Artboard. Simply click multiple areas on the Artboard and Blend will connect the points, creating the path.

path created on expression blend artboard
  1. In the Properties tab on the right, specify a name for the path in the Name text box.

naming the path in expression blend properties tab
  1. You’ve just created a named path in Expression Blend! For more information on assigning this path to one of the carousel controls, see Setting a Path for xamCarouselListBox to Use or Setting a Path for xamCarouselPanel to Use.