
Applying Formats When Exporting Data

You can apply formats to data records, group-by records, labels, and summaries when exporting data to Word. This functionality is handled by setting the attached formatting properties exposed by the DataPresenterWordWriter class. The name of each attached property corresponds to the type of element that the property formats. The attached properties will not affect the DataPresenter control; instead, users will only see the formats applied to the records in the document. For example, you can format data records by setting the attached CellSettingsForDataRecord property and you can format column headers by setting the attached CellSettingsForLabel property.

Precedence of Formatting Properties

You must set the DataPresenterWordWriter class' attached formatting properties on a FieldSettings object. This allows you to apply a default format for all fields using the DataPresenter control’s FieldSettings object and selectively format specific fields in a field layout. The formatting properties are resolved and merged starting from the control’s FieldSettings object down to a field’s FieldSettings object, i.e. whatever you set fort the more specific object takes precedence over what you set on more general object. For example, if you set the CellSettingsForDataRecord object’s ForeColor property to Blue on the control’s FontSettings property and then you set the CellSettingsForDataRecord object’s Bold property to True on a field’s FontSettings object, the resulting document records will have bold blue text for that field.

Formatting Tables

In addition to setting the attached formatting properties, you can also handle the DataPresenterWordWriter object’s events to apply formatting to document table cells, and rows. When you handle the DataPresenterWordWriter object’s events ending with "-ing", the event argument exposes a CellSettings property that you can use to apply formats. For more information on handling the DataPresenterWordWriter’s events, refer to Managing the Export Through Handling Export Events.

Example: Exporting a DataPresenter Control to Word

The following example code demonstrates how to apply formats for exporting a DataPresenter control to Word.


<igDP:XamDataGrid Grid.Row="1" Theme="IGTheme" x:Name="xamDataGrid">
    <!-- Enable summaries on the XamDataGrid -->
    <igDP:FieldSettings AllowSummaries="true"
      <!-- Apply custom style for data records. -->
        <igWordWriter:WordTableCellSettings BackColor="#FFEFD3D2">
          <!-- Adjust Font Settings for data records. -->
              ForeColor="#FF943634" Bold="True" Size="11pt" />

In Visual Basic:

import Infragistics.Windows
import Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter
import Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.WordWriter
import System.Windows.Media
Me.xamDataGrid.FieldSettings = New Windows.DataPresenter.FieldSettings() _
With { _
        Key .AllowSummaries = True, _
        Key .SummaryUIType = SummaryUIType.MultiSelect, _
        Key .SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.BottomFixed _
Dim wordFontSettings As New WordFontSettings() With { _
        Key .ForeColor = Colors.Blue, _
        Key .Bold = True, _
        Key .Size = New DeviceUnitLength(11, DeviceUnitType.Point) _
Dim wordTableCellSettings As New WordTableCellSettings() With { _
        Key .BackColor = Colors.Gray, _
        Key .FontSettings = wordFontSettings _
DataPresenterWordWriter.SetCellSettingsForDataRecord( _
    Me.xamDataGrid.FieldSettings, wordTableCellSettings)

In C#:

using Infragistics.Windows;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter;
using Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.WordWriter;
using System.Windows.Media;
this.xamDataGrid.FieldSettings = new Windows.DataPresenter.FieldSettings
    AllowSummaries = true,
    SummaryUIType = SummaryUIType.MultiSelect,
    SummaryDisplayArea = SummaryDisplayAreas.BottomFixed
WordFontSettings wordFontSettings = new WordFontSettings
    ForeColor = Colors.Blue,
    Bold = true,
    Size = new DeviceUnitLength(11, DeviceUnitType.Point)
WordTableCellSettings wordTableCellSettings = new WordTableCellSettings
    BackColor = Colors.Gray,
    FontSettings = wordFontSettings
    this.xamDataGrid.FieldSettings, wordTableCellSettings);