
Configuring xamDataTree

In This Group of Topics


The topics in this group explain the main features, their use and configuration in the xamDataTree™ control.


Topic Purpose

This topic describes how activation is implemented in xamDataTree control and how to enable the feature.

This topic describes how to easily identify and manipulate the currently active xamDataTree data item while using the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture.

This topic describes how to enable items check boxes in xamDataTree control.

This topic describes how to expand/collapse all nodes and how to set the templates associated with expanding and collapsing in the xamDataTree control.

This topic describes how to configure the drag and drop nodes functionality in the xamDataTree control.

This topic describes how to configure nodes editing in the xamDataTree control.

This topic describes how to enable the node connectors’ visibility in the xamDataTree control.

This topic describes how the node layouts are implemented in the xamDataTree control.

This topic describes the selection feature in the xamDataTree control.