
Using xamGrid

Please note that this control has been retired and is now obsolete to the XamDataGrid control, and as such, we recommend migrating to that control. It will not be receiving any new features, bug fixes, or support going forward. For help or questions on migrating your codebase to the XamDataGrid, please contact support.

This section is your gateway to important conceptual and task-based information that will help you to use the various features and functionalities provided by the xamGrid™ control.

This section describes the activation feature and demonstrates how to implement tasks such as how to enable activation on the xamGrid control.

This section describes the active item feature.

This walkthrough demonstrates how to change the visibility of the xamGrid control’s ChildBand header rows at runtime.

This section describes all the different Columns available within the xamGrid control and demonstrates how to interact with the Columns.

This section describes the column chooser feature and demonstrates how to implement tasks such as how to enable the column chooser on the xamGrid control.

This section describes the column moving feature of xamGrid and demonstrates how to implement tasks such as how to enable column moving on the xamGrid control.

This section describes the column resizing feature of xamGrid and demonstrates how to implement tasks such as how to enable column resizing on the xamGrid control.

The section describes how to build conditional rules based on column values within the xamGrid control.

This section describes how copy and paste is supported within xamGrid.

This topics explains how data annotations is implemented with the xamGrid control.

This topic explains how data binding is implemented within the xamGrid control.

This section describes the deferred scrolling feature of xamGrid and demonstrates how to use it to improve performance.

This section demonstrates how to edit data within the xamGrid control.

This section describes the filtering feature and demonstrates how to implement tasks such as how to enable filtering on the xamGrid control.

This section describes the fixed columns feature of xamGrid and gives examples on how to implement the feature in xamGrid.

This section demonstrates how to enable GroupBy on xamGrid and also how to customize the GroupBy feature.

This section demonstrates how to enable Cell Merging and also how to customize the feature.

This section describes the Paging feature and also gives examples on how to implement it in xamGrid.

This topic demonstrates how to implement right to left bidirectional language support within xamGrid.

This section describes the row selector feature and demonstrates how to implement the feature in xamGrid.

This section describes different ways in which you can interact with the rows in xamGrid.

This section describes the selection feature of xamGrid. It also gives examples demonstrating how to implement the feature.

This section contains information on the sorting feature and how to perform tasks such as enable sorting on the xamGrid control.

The section describes the summaries feature and also contains information on how to perform tasks such as enable summaries on xamGrid.

This topic demonstrates how implicit data templates can be used to apply different visual representation of data types in cells in a TemplateColumn in the xamGrid™ control.

This topic explains how string indexers are supported within xamGrid.

This topic describes how to implement ToolTips within xamGrid.

This section explains how to improve the performance of xamGrid using Virtualization.