
Field Chooser Property Reference (xamPivotGrid)

Field Chooser API Reference


This is a list of the most notable API members relevant to the field chooser control.

API reference summary

XamPivotGrid class

Property Description

Gets\sets a reference to the FieldChooser that is used in the xamPivotGrid.

FieldChooser class

Property Description

Properties used for populating the field chooser groups with items

Gets the ItemsCollection associated with the columns FieldChooserGroup.

Gets\sets a reference to the collection used to populate the columns FieldChooserGroup.

Gets the ItemsCollection associated with the filters FieldChooserGroup.

Gets\sets a reference to the collection used to populate the filters FieldChooserGroup.

Gets the ItemsCollection associated with the measures FieldChooserGroup.

Gets\sets a reference to the collection used to populate the measures FieldChooserGroup.

Gets the ItemsCollection associated with the rows FieldChooserGroup.

Gets\sets a reference to the collection used to populate the rows FieldChooserGroup.

Group headers

Gets\sets the object used as header for the columns FieldChooserGroup.

Gets\sets the object used as header for the filters FieldChooserGroup.

Gets\sets the object used as header for the measures FieldChooserGroup.

Gets\sets the object used as header for the rows FieldChooserGroup.

Properties used when custom type is used for field chooser items

Gets\sets the DataTemplate used for rendering the items added to the field chooser groups. Cannot be used together with DisplayMemberPath.

Gets\sets the name of the property whose value will be displayed for each field chooser item. This is used when items in the field chooser groups are from a custom type and the DefaultItemTemplate has not been set.

Gets\sets the name of the property whose value determines the position of a hierarchy\measure when added to one of the pivot grid areas (columns, rows, etc.). This is used when items in the field chooser groups are from a custom type.

Gets\sets the name of the property that holds the unique name string for a hierarchy\measure. This is used when items in the field chooser groups are from a custom type and determines the hierarchy\measure that an item is representing.


Gets\sets a Boolean value representing if the field chooser drop-down is displayed.

Gets\sets the maximum height of the field chooser drop-down.

Gets the collection of FieldChooserItems that are currently selected.

Gets\sets a value controlling whether the field-chooser drop-down will be closed every time an item is checked\unchecked.

If true, checked\unchecked items will be added\removed from the target areas after the drop-down is closed.

Event Description

Occurs every time a hierarchy\measure is added\removed from a pivot grid area as a result an item in the field chooser being checked\unchecked.

Occurs when the value of the IsOpen property changes.

Occurs every time an item is checked or unchecked.

Property Description

Gets\sets an integer that determines at what position the item is inserted into a target area.

Gets\sets the unique name of the hierarchy\measure that the item represents.

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides an overview of the field chooser control that is part of the xamPivotGrid™.

This topic is a step-by-step walkthrough on using the field chooser control in the xamPivotGrid™.

After you have loaded a cube with data you need to select hierarchies on which to base the slice of data to be computed.

This topic is an introduction to the xamPivotDataSelector™ control.