
ApplicationMenu2010 Overview (xamRibbon)

Topic Overview


This topic explains the Application Menu 2010 and its behaviors in general.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

Overview of the xamRibbon control

This topic provides step-by-step instruction how to add the control to your application and how to define tabs and groups

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Application Menu 2010 Summary

When enabled, the Application Menu 2010 feature renders a File Tab before all other tabs in the xamRibbon control. Pressing this tab will open a backstage, which will cover the xamRibbon groups and extends to the size of the window containing the xamRibbon .

The screenshot below shows the location of the Application Menu 2010 File Tab within the xamRibbon control and an opened backstage:

xamRibbon AM2010 Overview 1.png

Nevertheless, positioned over the xamRibbon the backstage tabs are visible, and the user can interact with them. Clicking on a tab will hide the backstage and show the particular tab of the xamRibbon . The backstage remains visible even if the user resizes or moves the window.

If you set the Theme property of a xamRibbon control that is inside a XamRibbonWindow to “Office 2013” then the backstage, which is defined via the ApplicationMenu2010 property, will mimic the MS Office 2013 look by hiding the whole xamRibbon control, showing the buttons area on the left with a sliding animation and showing the content on the right using an opacity animation. You can use the back button on the top left to close the backstage.

xamRibbon Backstage2013.png

Backstage Content

The left side of the backstage contains a column of buttons, tabs and separators. There is always one selected tab, and you can specify which one will be the initially selected tab. The selected tab’s content displays in the right side of the opened backstage area.

The screenshot below shows the content parts of an opened backstage:

xamRibbon AM2010 Overview 2.png

The Application Menu 2010 supports an accent color used for:

  • Drawing a gradient over the Application Menu 2010 File Tab

  • Drawing the topmost part of the backstage (just beneath the xamRibbon’s tabs)

  • Highlighting the selected tab in the left part of the backstage

  • Highlighting the hovered button or tab

Closing the Backstage

When shown the backstage remains visible until:

  • The user pressed the Escape key

  • The user clicks on the Application Menu 2010 File Tab

  • The user clicks on a tab in the xamRibbon

  • The user clicks on a button in the left side of the backstage

The backstage can also be hidden programmatically using the following ways:

Related Topics

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides step-by-step instructions on how to define an Application Menu 2010.

This topic explains the Application Menu 2010’s KeyTips feature.