
Display Map Panes

This section is your gateway to important conceptual and task-based information that will help you understand Map Panes.

Display Navigation Pane

The MapNavigationPane object of xamMap™ is used for navigation within the view port area of the control. It consists of a pan pane and a zoom pane. The pan pane contains buttons for moving around areas of the map, while the zoom pane contains a slider bar for zooming in and out.


When using any panes in xamMap you may want to dock them to a side of the control. The xamMap control uses a xamDock™ panel by default to lay out controls. If you need to set xamDock’s attached properties, make sure you include the Infragistics.Controls. namespace.

xamMap Map Panes 01.png

To display the Navigation Pane inside and to the right edge of the dock panel, use the following code:


<!-- ... -->
<ig:XamMap x:Name="xamMap" >
        <ig:MapNavigationPane ig:XamDock.Edge="InsideRight" Margin="10"/>

In Visual Basic:

' Add Navigation Pane control
Dim navPane As New MapNavigationPane()
navPane.SetValue(XamDock.EdgeProperty, DockEdge.InsideRight)
navPane.Margin = New Thickness(10)

In C#:

// Add Navigation Pane control
MapNavigationPane navPane = new MapNavigationPane();
navPane.SetValue(XamDock.EdgeProperty, DockEdge.InsideRight);
navPane.Margin = new Thickness(10);
xamMap Map Panes 02.png

Display Thumbnail Pane

The MapThumbnailPane pane helps end users navigate large maps through the xamMap™ viewport. The Thumbnail Pane can be used to display a thumbnail of the entire map along with a small rectangle that represents which portion of the map is currently visible. End users can click and move this rectangle across the Thumbnail Pane to effectively display a Map section within the viewport.

There is no image created by default for the Thumbnail Pane. You can provide your own by creating a style with a thumbnail image and assign that style to the WorldStyle property.

The following code shows how to display a Thumbnail Pane with a thumbnail image in xamMap.


When using any panes in xamMap you may want to dock them to a side of the control. The xamMap control uses a xamDock™ panel by default to lay out controls. If you need to set xamDock’s attached properties, make sure you include the Infragistics.Controls. namespace.


<!-- ... -->
<ig:MapThumbnailPane ig:XamDock.Edge="InsideBottom" Width="300" Height="150">
      <Style TargetType="Path">
         <Setter Property="Fill">
                <!-- Note: this image must be present in ClientBin folder -->
                <ImageBrush ImageSource="tinyWorld.png" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim thumbnailPane As New MapThumbnailPane()
thumbnailPane.SetValue(XamDock.EdgeProperty, DockEdge.InsideBottom)
thumbnailPane.Width = 300
thumbnailPane.Height = 150
Dim imageSource As New BitmapImage()
imageSource.UriSource = New Uri("tinyWorld.png", UriKind.Relative)
Dim b As New ImageBrush()
b.ImageSource = imageSource
Dim worldStyle As New Style(GetType(Path))
worldStyle.Setters.Add(New Setter(Path.FillProperty, b))
thumbnailPane.WorldStyle = worldStyle

In C#:

MapThumbnailPane thumbnailPane = new MapThumbnailPane();
thumbnailPane.SetValue(XamDock.EdgeProperty, DockEdge.InsideBottom);
thumbnailPane.Width = 300;
thumbnailPane.Height = 150;
BitmapImage imageSource = new BitmapImage();
imageSource.UriSource = new Uri("tinyWorld.png", UriKind.Relative);
ImageBrush b = new ImageBrush();
b.ImageSource = imageSource;
Style worldStyle = new Style(typeof(Path));
worldStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(Path.FillProperty, b));
thumbnailPane.WorldStyle = worldStyle;
xamMap Map Panes 03.png

Display Scale Pane

The MapScalePane displays a sample distance on xamMap™ in relation to the control’s current magnification. As your end-users zoom in and out, the Scale Pane updates the sample distance.

You can specify the unit of measure by setting the IsMetric or IsImperial properties.


When using any panes in xamMap you may want to dock them to a side of the control. The xamMap control uses a xamDock™ panel by default to lay out controls. If you need to set xamDock’s attached properties, make sure you include the Infragistics.Controls. namespace.

To display the Scale Pane inside and to the top edge of the dock panel, use the following code:


<!-- ... -->
<ig:MapScalePane ig:XamDock.Edge="InsideTop" Width="200" />

In Visual Basic:

' Add Scale Pane control
Dim scalePane As New MapScalePane()
scalePane.SetValue(XamDock.EdgeProperty, DockEdge.InsideTop)
scalePane.Width = 200

In C#:

// Add Scale Pane control
MapScalePane scalePane = new MapScalePane();
scalePane.SetValue(XamDock.EdgeProperty, DockEdge.InsideTop);
scalePane.Width = 200;
xamMap Map Panes 04.png