
Supported Geo-Imagery

The xamMap™ control provides support for rendering geographical imagery. The control’s MapTileSource property is used to configure the source from which geo-imagery is loaded. Using the XamMap control, you can also display different layer types of geo-imagery; for more information please see Display Different Layer Types. Currently, geo-imagery is supported from the following external geo-imagery sources:

Bing Maps

Bing Maps is a licensed web mapping service from Microsoft® and as result you will need to get your own credentials before you can start using it with the xamMap control. You can access this service directly on web site. For more information on integration of BingMaps geo-imagery with the xamMap control, please see Binding Bing Maps section.

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Open Street Maps

Open Street Maps is a free web mapping service created collaboratively by people around the world. You can access this service directly on web site. For more information on integration of OpenStreetMap geo-imagery with the xamMap control, please see Binding Open Street Maps section.

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