
Infragistics.Scheduler Namespace

ClassActivityBase Base class for schedule activities such as an Appointment.
ClassAppointment Encapsulates the properties of an appointment.
ClassDataBindableItemBase Base class for schedule objects which are associated with a back-end data item.
ClassDateRecurrence Generates a recurring date pattern.
ClassDateRecurrenceRuleBase Base class for DateRecurrence rules.
ClassDayOfMonthRecurrenceRule DateRecurrence rule that matches a specific day of the month.
ClassDayOfWeekRecurrenceRule Rule that matches a specific weekday, or a relative day of the week within a month or year.
ClassDayOfYearRecurrenceRule DateRecurrence rule that matches a specific day of the year.
ClassMinuteRecurrenceRule DateRecurrence rule that matches a specific minute of the hour.
ClassMonthOfYearRecurrenceRule DateRecurrence rule that matches a specific month of the year.
ClassObservableObject Class from which anything that notifies listeners of a change in property value derives.
ClassRulesCollection Collection class for recurrence rules.
ClassScheduleDayOfWeekSettings Encapsulates the workday and working hour settings for a ScheduleResource or a Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.Scheduler control.
ClassScheduleDaysOfWeekSettings Exposes a ScheduleDayOfWeekSettings instance for each day of the week.
ClassScheduleResource Represents an entity to which an activity can belong, i.e., an owner.
ClassSecondRecurrenceRule DateRecurrence rule that matches a specific second of the minute.
ClassSubsetRecurrenceRule Rule that matches a subset of matches within an interval.
ClassTimeRange Represents a contiguous block of time.
ClassWeekOfYearRecurrenceRule DateRecurrence rule that matches a specific week of the year.
ClassWorkingHoursCollection Collection of TimeRange objects which represent working hours for a ScheduleResource.
ClassWorkingHourTimeRange Encapsulates a range of time which represents a block of working hours.
EnumerationDateRecurrenceFrequency Constants which identify the frequency of a DateRecurrence.
See Also