Download and run our extensive Samples Browser which displays samples for the following controls and frameworks:
Infragistics Excel Engine
Bullet Graph
Category Chart
Funnel Chart
Data Chart
Data Grid
Linear Gauge
Pie Chart
QR Code Barcode
Radial Gauge
With this samples browser, you are able to learn how to use the product through individual feature-based samples. It demonstrates the powerful features provided by the Infragistics Ultimate UI for Xamarin controls.
The samples browser solution contains both Android and iOS projects. You can open this solution using Visual Studio or Visual Studio for Mac.
In Visual Studio for Windows right click on the project you want to run and select “Set as startup project”. In order to run the samples on selected platform simply hit the Run button on the Visual Studio toolbar, or choose Debug → Start Debugging from the menu.
On how to compile and run the samples in Visual Studio for Mac, please refer to this topic: "Compile Samples Source Code on Mac".