
Using xamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog with xamCalculationManager

Topic Overview


This topic demonstrates how you can use a xamFormulaEditor™ and a FormulaEditorDialog™ controls in your application and provides code examples.

In this topic

This document contains the following sections:

  • Configuring the xamCalculationManager

  • Configuring the xamFormulaEditor

  • Configuring the FormulaEditorDialog

  • Code Examples

xamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog Configuration

Control configuration chart

The table below lists some of the configurations needed to use the xamFormulaEditor and the FormulaEditorDialog controls.

Configuration Configuration details Configuration properties

Configuring the xamCalculationManager

Setup required to have the xamCalculationManager manage the Targets and Formulas of the xamFormulaEditor and the FormulaEditorDialog controls


Configuring the xamFormulaEditor

Steps needed to configure a xamFormulaEditor control.

Configuring the FormulaEditorDialog

Steps needed to configure a FormulaEditorDialog control.

Configuring the xamCalculationManager

In order to be able to take advantage of the features exposed by the xamFormulaEditor and FormulaEditorDialog controls you first need to add a xamCalculationManager control to your application as shown in Listing 1. For more information on how to use the xamCalculationManager control, refer to the Using xamCalculationManager section.

Configuring the xamFormulaEditor

  1. Adding a xamFormulaEditor to your application.

In order to do this, you first need to add a reference to the following NuGet package in your application:

  • Infragistics.WPF.FormulaEditor

For more information on setting up the NuGet feed and adding NuGet packages, you can take a look at the following documentation: NuGet Feeds.

Next, you need to add the necessary using/Imports directives in your code-behind or the Infragistics xml namespace for XAML as shown in Listing 1 and to add the xamFormulaEditor itself.

  1. Configuring the xamFormulaEditor

To make the xamFormulaEditor control fully functional, you need to set its Target property. The target of a xamFormulaEditor control can be any other control on the same page that is registered in a xamCalculationManager control and that has an appropriate property whose value can be a formula string. For more information about how to use the xamCalculationManager with UI controls, refer to the Getting Started with xamCalculationManager topic.

If the target control has a ControlCalculationSettings object set for the XamCalculationManager.ControlSettings attached property and if the Formula property of the ControlCalculationSettings object is set to a formula string, this formula is automatically loaded in the xamFormulaEditor. If this is not the case you can set the Formula property directly to the xamFormulaEditor. In Listing 2 is an example of how to configure the xamFormulaEditor control.

Note: If you set the Formula property, but not the Target, the xamFormulaEditor will not be active.

Configuring the FormulaEditorDialog

  1. Adding a FormulaEditorDialog to your application.

The required NuGet package reference for the FormulaEditorDialog is the same as the one for the xamFormulaEditor, namely:

  • Infragistics.WPF.FormulaEditor

To see how a FormulaEditorDialog is added to an application, refer to Listing 3.

  1. Configuring the FormulaEditorDialog

Since the FormulaEditorDialog and xamFormulaEditor controls both inherit from the FomulaEditorBase class they share most of their functionality. Therefore the configuration process for the FormulaEditorDialog is basically the same as for the xamFormulaEditor. Listing 3 demonstrates how the FormulaEditorDialog can be configured.

Code Examples

Examples overview

The following table lists the code examples provided below.

Example Description

Configuring the xamCalculationManager

The code used to instantiate a xamCalculationManager and to register a TextBox in it.

Configuring the xamFormulaEditor

The code used to add a xamFormulaEditor to an application and to set its Target and Formula properties.

Configuring the FormulaEditorDialog

The code used to add a FormulaEditorDialog to an application and to set its Target and Formula properties.

Listing 1: Configuring the xamCalculationManager

The code below demonstrates how to add a xamCalculationManager control to an application and how to register a text box in it.


<UserControl x:Class="FormulaEditorSample.MainPage"
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
        <ig:XamCalculationManager x:Name="CalculationManager"/>
        <TextBox Margin="30" x:Name="FormulaString"
       "{Binding ElementName=CalculationManager}"/>

In Visual Basic:

Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports Infragistics.Calculations
Class MainWindow
    Public Sub New()
        Dim formulaString As New TextBox
        Dim CalculationManager As New XamCalculationManager
        XamCalculationManager.SetCalculationManager(formulaString, CalculationManager)
    End Sub
End Class

In C#:

using System.Windows.Controls;
using Infragistics.Calculations;
namespace FormulaEditorSample
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        public MainPage()
            TextBox formulaString = new TextBox();
            XamCalculationManager CalculationManager = new XamCalculationManager();
            XamCalculationManager.SetCalculationManager(formulaString, CalculationManager);

Listing 2: Configuring the xamFormulaEditor

The code below demonstrates how to add a xamFormulaEditor control to your application and how to set its Target and Formula properties.


<UserControl x:Class="FormulaEditorSample.MainPage"
        <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
            <ig:XamCalculationManager x:Name="CalculationManager"/>
            <TextBox Margin="30" x:Name="FormulaString"
ig:XamCalculationManager.CalculationManager="{Binding ElementName=CalculationManager}"/>
            <ig:XamFormulaEditor x:Name="formulaEditor" MinLineCount="3"
                                 Target="{Binding ElementName=FormulaString}"/>

In Visual Basic:

Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports Infragistics.Calculations
Imports Infragistics.Controls.Interactions
Class MainWindow
    Public Sub New()
        Dim stackPanel As New StackPanel
        Dim formulaString As New TextBox
        Dim CalculationManager As New XamCalculationManager
        XamCalculationManager.SetCalculationManager(formulaString, CalculationManager)
        Dim formulaEditor As New XamFormulaEditor()
        formulaEditor.Target = formulaString
        formulaEditor.Formula = "ABS(-5)"
        formulaEditor.MinLineCount = 3
    End Sub
End Class

In C#:

using System.Windows.Controls;
using Infragistics.Calculations;
using Infragistics.Controls.Interactions;
namespace FormulaEditorSample
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        public MainPage()
            StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
            TextBox formulaString = new TextBox();
            XamCalculationManager CalculationManager = new XamCalculationManager();
            XamCalculationManager.SetCalculationManager(formulaString, CalculationManager);
            XamFormulaEditor formulaEditor = new XamFormulaEditor();
            formulaEditor.Target = formulaString;
            formulaEditor.Formula = "ABS(-5)";

Listing 3: Configuring the FormulaEditorDialog

The code below demonstrates how to add a FormulaEditorDialog control to your application and how to set its Target and Formula properties.


<UserControl x:Class="FormulaEditorSample.MainPage"
        <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot">
            <ig:XamCalculationManager x:Name="CalculationManager"/>
            <TextBox Margin="30" x:Name="FormulaString"
                     "{Binding ElementName=CalculationManager}"/>
            <ig:FormulaEditorDialog x:Name="formulaEditorDialog"
                  Target="{Binding ElementName=FormulaString}"/>
            <Button x:Name="commitButton" Click="commitButton_Click"/>

In Visual Basic:

Imports System.Windows.Controls
Imports Infragistics.Calculations
Imports Infragistics.Controls.Interactions
Class MainWindow
    Dim stackPanel As New StackPanel
    Dim formulaString As New TextBox
    Dim CalculationManager As New XamCalculationManager
    Dim formulaEditorDialog As New FormulaEditorDialog()
    Friend WithEvents commitButton As New Button
    Public Sub New()
        XamCalculationManager.SetCalculationManager(formulaString, CalculationManager)
        formulaEditorDialog.Target = formulaString
        formulaEditorDialog.Formula = "ABS(-5)"
        commitButton.Content = "Commit"
    End Sub
    Private Sub commitButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles commitButton.Click
    End Sub
End Class

In C#:

using System.Windows.Controls;
using Infragistics.Calculations;
using Infragistics.Controls.Interactions;
namespace FormulaEditorSample
    public partial class MainPage : UserControl
        StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel();
        TextBox formulaString = new TextBox();
        XamCalculationManager CalculationManager = new XamCalculationManager();
        FormulaEditorDialog formulaEditorDialog = new FormulaEditorDialog();
        Button commitButton = new Button();
        public MainPage()
            XamCalculationManager.SetCalculationManager(formulaString, CalculationManager);
            formulaEditorDialog.Target = formulaString;
            formulaEditorDialog.Formula = "ABS(-5)";
            commitButton.Content = "Commit";
            commitButton.Click += new System.Windows.RoutedEventHandler(commitButton_Click);
        void commitButton_Click(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e)