Version 23.1 (latest)

Migrating from UltraWebGrid to WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid

There are some architectural differences between the UltraWebGrid and WebDataGrid/WebHierarchicalDataGrid controls and as such there isn’t a one to one mapping between properties and events between the UltraWebGrid and the newer WebHierarchicalDataGrid.

For example the UltraWebGrid allows you add a check box column by setting the Type of the Column to CheckBox and for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid you add a BoundCheckBoxField or an UnboundCheckBoxField to the Columns Collection. Also there are other architectural changes in the way styles are applied where they used to be applied by Style properties, now they are done through CSS.

Because of the differences, when replacing the UltraWebGrid with the WebHierarchicalDataGrid it is important to begin with the functionality that you wish to accomplish and approach how to best achieve that functionality with the new control as this will be the most efficient way to make use of the new control in your application. Once you know the best approach to get the desired functionality in the new control you can evaluate how much of the code that you have from the old control will be able to be reused.

The following topics have details on implementing specific behaviors to help you get started:

Learn details about how to migrate Grid features.

Grid Migration - Activation

In this section, you will find information that will help you to better understand how Activation works and how to use it with the new Grid

Grid Migration - Automatic Load On Demand

This section provides you with information on how to start using Load On Demand feature.

Grid Migration - Column Moving

Column Moving allows developers and end users to rearrange the position of the grid columns in design time or in source code. With Column Moving feature the customization of the grid is increased and data presentation is enhanced. Column moving can be performed in both client and server side.

Grid Migration - Filtering

Filtering is the ability of grid to filter the data it is bound to. Filtering breaks the data into a smaller subset that matches your filter criteria and displays it. This makes the data more viewable and manageable to your end-users.

Grid Migration - Row Adding

Row Adding behavior of the grid allows the end user to add rows to the grid through a UI, as well as use javascript calls to add new rows. RowAdding behavior is a child behavior of EditingCore and both need to be enabled in order to be able to add rows for WebDataGrid (WDG) or WebHierarchicalDataGrid (WHDG).

Grid Migration - Row Delete

Row Delete functionality is created and used to help end user easily remove certain rows from the grid by pressing “Delete” button on the keyboard or any other page element (such as button or link) that can rise the event needed for row deletion.

Grid Migration - Selection

Selection behavior of the Infragistics grid controls gives the end users ability to select columns, rows and cells (both single and multiple) and thus help them visualize the grid parts that will eventually be edited or modified.

Grid Migration - Sorting

Sorting behavior allows the end user to sort data by one or more columns in WebDataGrid (WDG) or WebHierarchicalDataGrid (WHDG).

Grid Migration - Editor Providers

Editor provider ia a special object that allows using an external editor inside of the WebDataGrid (WebHierarchicalDataGrid). Each Infragistics editor has an editor provider that can be used inside of the grid. Custom editor providers can be written for any of non-Infragistics editors.

Grid Migration - Hidden Columns

Hidden columns are used to bring information from the server into the client and have them available in the grid object model, but invisible to a user. Generally hidden columns contain information that is not informative to the user, for example data key field.

Grid Migration - Manual Load On Demand

In this document will be presented how Manual Load on Demand works for WebGrid and respectively for WebHierarchicalDataGrid. The first section will be dedicated on the on WebGrid component while the second part will be focused on WebHierarchicalDataGrid.

Grid Migration - Summary

When you enable column footers for a band, the footers will appear, but you must still specify what information they will contain. You can do this through the UltraGridColumn.FooterText property and/or the UltraGridColumn.FooterTotal property.

Grid Migration - Multi-Row summaries

WebDataGrid allows you and your end users to display a summary in any column.

Grid Migration - PDF Export

Grid PDF file exporting allow users to export their grid data to the formatted .pdf file that can be later used as archive or visual representation of the received from the grid data.

Grids Migration - Outlook GroupBy

OutlookGroupBy feature allows grid rows to be grouped by the data values of a column.

Grids Migration - Custom Outlook Group By

OutlookGroupBy feature allows you to group columns with custom grouping logic

Empty Template

WebDataGrid/WebHierarchicalDataGrid have an Empty Template that you can use to provide your end-users with a custom display that appears whenever there are no rows in the data source. Like all templates, you can place any control within the Empty Template to provide a custom message to end-users.