Version 23.1 (latest)

Exclude Control Properties

When the Persistence manager is looping through the controls in a page by default it saves all of them. This also means that all the control properties are persisted by default. In a case when you want to persist just some of the properties or want to avoid saving some, you can remove them from the persisted data. The Persistence API provides a class that holds the properties data called * PropertyData* . By excluding some of the properties you reduce the size of the persisted data which sometimes is crucial for the available resources.


You also may want to remove properties for security reasons.

You can remove the unnecessary control properties while handling the * PersistenceSaved* event. When you want to remove control from the persisted data, as it is in Exclude Control, the control found by its ID, but when you want to remove just a property you need the property’s name. Therefore you must specify a list of strings that contains the names of the properties to be ignored.

In C#:
protected void PersistenceSaved(object sender, PersistenceEventArgs e)
 if (e.PersistenceData == null)
 List<string> listIgnoredControlsID = new List<string>() { this.control1.ID };
 List<string> listIgnoredPropertiesID = new List<string>() { "prop1", "prop2" };
 PersistenceData data = e.PersistenceData;
 ControlData controlToRemove = null;
 foreach (string ignoredControlID in listIgnoredControlsID)
 controlToRemove = data.Controls.Find(delegate(ControlData controlToFind)
 return controlToFind.ControlId == ignoredControlID;
 if (controlToRemove != null)
 controlToRemove = null;
 this.StoredData = data.ToJson();
private void RemovePropertiesFromControl(ControlData controlToRemove,
 List<string> listIgnoredPropertiesID)
 PropertyData propertyToRemove = null;
 foreach (string ignoredPropertyID in listIgnoredPropertiesID)
 propertyToRemove = controlToRemove.Properties.Find(
 delegate(PropertyData propertyToFind)
 return propertyToFind.Name == ignoredPropertyID;
 if (propertyToRemove != null)
 propertyToRemove = null;