
What’s New in 2012 Volume 2

Topic Overview

Features overview

This topic provides an overview of the new features for the ASP.NET 2012 Volume 2 release.

New Features

Features overview

The following table summarizes the new features for the ASP.NET 2012 Volume 2 release. Additional details about some of them are available after this summary table.

Feature Description

The WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid fully supports the auto-generation of columns with generic collections.

The WebMaskEditor client-side object model has now methods for getting and setting the ut mask.

The Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebDataGrid/WebHierarchicalDataGrid filters the data in the grid using the filtering conventions employed by Microsoft® Excel® worksheets. The feature basically breaks the data into a smaller subset that matches your filter criteria and displays the matches.

Metro User Interface (UI) support for design-time dialogs and Icons in Microsoft Visual Studio® 2012

Starting with 12.2,Ultimate UI for ASP.NET supports Metro UI for design-time dialogs and icons in Visual Studio 2012.

Auto-generation of columns fully supported for generic data sources in WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid

Both WebDataGrid* and *WebHierarchicalDataGrid now fully support auto-generation of columns with generic collections. The WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid can generate their columns automatically even if its IEnumerable data source is empty. The columns are generated using the types of the objects in the collection, to which the grid is bound. Before 12.2, at least one record had to be available in the data source to generate the columns correctly.

Dynamic retrieval and configuration of input masks for the WebMaskEditor client-side

The WebMaskEditor client-side object model proposes methods for getting and setting the input mask. They are ` get_inputMask()` and ` set_inputMask()`. In a scenario when you need to change the mask dynamically, this will save you from making a request to the server in order to configure the WebMaskEditor .

Excel-Style Filtering in WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid

The Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebDataGrid / WebHierarchicalDataGrid filters the data in the grid using the filtering conventions employed by Microsoft Excel worksheets. The feature basically breaks the data into a smaller subset that matches your filter criteria and displays the matches.

The following pictures demonstrate the Excel-Style Filtering feature in WebDataGrid (top) and WebHierarchicalDataGrid (bottom), respectively.

Whats New ASP.NET 2012 Volume 2 1.png
Whats New ASP.NET 2012 Volume 2 2.png


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic demonstrates how to get and set the WebMaskEditor™ input masks dynamically client-side..

This topic introduces the Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebDataGrid control.

This topic introduces the Excel-Style Filtering feature of the WebHierarchicalDataGrid control.