
Selection Behavior

WebExplorerBar™ supports only one group or item to be selected. When using the mouse, the end user can select a group or item by simply clicking the left mouse button on it, which makes it active and selected. When using the keyboard, the end user activates and selects a node using the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys.

You can select a group or item by using the following code:


<ig:WebExplorerBar ID="WebExplorerBar1" runat="server">
        <ig:ExplorerBarGroup Text="FirstGroup" Selected="true">
                <ig:ExplorerBarItem Text="FirstItem">

In Visual Basic:

'Once you've defined the groups and items at the aspx
'you can select the first group by the following code
Me.WebExplorerBar1.Groups(0).Selected = true

In C#:

//Once you've defined the groups and items at the aspx
//you can select the first group by the following code
this.WebExplorerBar1.Groups[0].Selected = true;

In Javascript:

//once you had wire up to the desired browser event
//add the following code to select the first group
var explorerBar = $find('<%= WebExplorerBar1.ClientID %>');
var items = explorerBar.getExplorerBarItems();
var item = items.getItem(0);

If you try to select more than one group or item on the server-side, the selected one will be the first one that appears with Selected property set to True.