
Desktop SDK

This section is your gateway to important conceptual and technical information that will help you use the different functions and functionalities provided by Reveal’s SDK.


The following table lists the most common scenarios:



Loading Dashboard Files

To display a dashboard, you must supply an rdash file as stream to the SDK.

Configuring the RevealView Object

You can use RevealView with RevealSettings to show/hide UI elements, specify a dashboard, select global filter values.

Editing and Saving Dashboards

After providing the stream containing a dashboard file, you might want to handle a modified dashboard.

Replacing Data Sources

You can override the configuration or data to be used for each visualization of the dashboard.

In-Memory Data Support

Data that is part of your application and is already in memory can be used with Reveal SDK.

Providing Credentials to Data Sources

You can pass in data source credentials when working with SQL Server or OAuth-based data sources.

Setting Up Initial Filter Selections

You are able to display a dashboard with filters already applied, which remain in context for all the dashboard’s widgets.

Maximizing Visualizations and Single Visualization Mode

It is possible to display only one maximized visualization, and you can even lock that visualization and prevent the user from accessing the whole dashboard.

Setting Up Dynamic Filter Selections

When you present the user with a custom UI to select a list of values, you can sync that user selection with a filter in the dashboard.

Dashboard Linking

Dashboard linking allows users to navigate from one dashboard to another and you can configure this with the SDK.

Handling User Click Events

You can handle the user clicks in a visualization and provide your own navigation, change existing selections in your app, among others.

Creating New Visualizations and Dashboards

You can create dashboards from scratch, add new visualizations, and also display a list of data sources for the user to choose.