
Zoom Pane


This topic demonstrates the Zoom Pane of the XamFinancialChart control.

financialchart wpf zoompane.png

The above screenshot highlights the Zoom Pane of the chart. You may enable the Zoom Pane by setting the ZoomSliderType property to a value other than None. To use the Zoom Pane, you can scroll the mouse wheel over another pane, you can click/drag to select an area of a pane to zoom, or you can adjust the Zoom Pane itself by the bars on the sides and scrollbar on the bottom.

The Zoom Pane displays the Price Pane. You may choose a different chart type to render in the Zoom Pane than what is in the Price Pane. The below image points out the important areas of the Zoom Pane in more detail.

financialchart zoompane details.png
Area Description

Chart Preview Area

Shows a preview of the area being zoomed in compared to the whole Price Pane.

Min Button

Allows the user to set the From date on the X axis.

Max Button

Allows the user to set the To date on the X axis.


Allows the user to scroll the charts zoomed area along the X axis of the chart’s data.


<ig:XamFinancialChart ItemsSource="{Binding}" ZoomSliderType="Bar" />

In Visual Basic:

Dim chart = New XamFinancialChart()
chart.ZoomSliderType = Infragistics.Controls.Charts.FinancialChartZoomSliderType.Bar

In C#:

var chart = new XamFinancialChart();
chart.ZoomSliderType = Infragistics.Controls.Charts.FinancialChartZoomSliderType.Bar;
Topic Purpose

This article explains the Price pane.

This article explains the Indicator pane.

This article explains the Volume pane.