
Using Geographic Series


This topic provides information about supported types of geographic series in the XamGeographicMap™ control.

Required background

The following table lists the topics required as a prerequisite to understanding this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides information on how to add the XamGeographicMap control to an application page.

This topic provides information about layout of map elements in the control.

This topic provides resources with information about maps, shape files, and geo-spatial related material. Use these resources to learn about and obtain geo-spatial shape files as well as tools for their editing.

This topic provides information on how to bind shape files with geo-spatial data to the XamGeographicMap control.

In this topic

This topic contains the following sections:


Geographic Series Overview

In the XamGeographicMap control, geographic series are visual elements of the map that display geo-spatial data as points (e.g. locations of cities), polylines (e.g. road connections), or polygons (shape of countries) in a geographic context.

The XamGeographicMap control’s Series property is a collection of geographic series objects. This property is used to support rendering an unlimited number of geographic series in the same plot area (refer to the Displaying Multiple Geographic Series topic). When multiple geographic series objects are added to the Series property, each successive series will be layered on top of the previous series starting from the first to the last series. Therefore, geographic series can be better understood as map layers that can be stacked on top of each other and/or on top of geographic imagery (refer to the Using Geographic Imagery topic).

Types of Geographic Series

The following table summarizes types of geographic series supported in the XamGeographicMap control.

Geographic Series Preview Description

Geographic Shape Series

GeographicMap Using Geographic Series 1.png

The GeographicShapeSeries displays geo-spatial data using polygons in a geographic context. This type of geographic series is often used to render shapes of countries or regions defined by geographic locations.

Geographic Polyline Series

GeographicMap Using Geographic Series 2.png

The GeographicPolylineSeries displays geo-spatial data using polylines in a geographic context. This type of geographic series is often used to render roads or connections between geographic locations such as cities or airports.

Geographic Symbol Series

GeographicMap Using Geographic Series 3.png

The GeographicSymbolSeries displays geo-spatial data using points or markers in a geographic context. This type of geographic series is often used to render a collection of geographic locations such as cities, airports, earthquakes, or points of interest.

The following is a list of topics which provide task-based information on using individual types of geographic series and their unique features in the XamGeographicMap control.

All types of geographic series are always rendered on top of the geographic imagery tiles. However, sometimes geographic series (e.g. with detailed shape files of the world) might provide enough geographic contexts for an application and geographic imagery is not desired in the XamGeographicMap control. Refer to the Hiding Geographic Imagery in Map Background Content topic for information on how to hide the geographic imagery.


The code shows how to add the GeographicShapeSeries with the ShapefileConverter binding to the XamGeographicMap control.


<ig:XamGeographicMap x:Name="GeoMap">
        <ig:GeographicShapeSeries ItemsSource="{StaticResource shapefileConverter}"

In Visual Basic:

' create and set data binding to the GeographicShapeSeries
Dim geoSeries = New GeographicShapeSeries()
geoSeries.ItemsSource = shapefileConverter
geoSeries.ShapeMemberPath = "Points"
' add the GeographicShapeSeries to the the XamGeographicMap

In C#:

// create and set data binding to the GeographicShapeSeries
var geoSeries = new GeographicShapeSeries();
geoSeries.ItemsSource = shapefileConverter;
geoSeries.ShapeMemberPath = "Points";
// add the GeographicShapeSeries to the the XamGeographicMap

Related Content

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic provides information on how to use the GeographicSymbolSeries element in the XamGeographicMap control.

This topic provides information on how to use the GeographicShapeSeries element in the XamGeographicMap control.

This topic provides information on how to use the GeographicPolylineSeries element in the XamGeographicMap control.

This topic provides information on how to style shapes of geographic series in the XamGeographicMap control.