
Methods and Properties Reference for Merging Undo/Redo Operations

Topic Overview


This topic lists the available methods and properties related to the merging of undo/redo operations.

Methods and Properties Reference for Merging Undo/Redo Operations


In some cases, you may want to have the previously added undo operation to be updated with information about the new change. For example - while typing in a text control or while dragging the thumb of a Slider control, then you may want to merge the related changes into one.

This merging operation is performed automatically by the framework and it is enabled by default.

You can disable merging or configure the amount of time since the last operation after which merging will not be performed.

Methods reference summary

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the methods related with the merging of undo/redo operations.

Method Description

Ensures that the next UndoUnit that is recorded is not allowed to merge with the last operation on the UndoHistory.

Properties reference summary

The following table summarizes the purpose and functionality of the properties related with the merging of undo/redo operations.

Property Description

Returns or sets a boolean value indicating if the merging of related changes is allowed.

Indicates the maximum amount of time since the last operation within which a merge operation may be considered.

The default value is 0 and this indicates that there is no timeout.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic lists the available methods for adding an UndoUnit derived class object to the undo history.

This topic lists the available methods for removing the UndoUnit instances from the undo/redo history.

This topic lists the methods that register/unregister a specific object to an UndoManager instance.

This topic lists the available methods for performing undo and redo operations.

This topic lists the available methods and properties for performing undo/redo transactions.

This topic lists the available commands in the Infragistics Undo/Redo Framework™.

This topic lists the available methods for suspending and resuming the saving of the undo/redo operations in history.

This topic lists the available methods and properties related to creating of a custom UndoUnit in the Infragistics Undo/Redo Framework™.