
Configuring the ListBackedProject ViewProvider Overview (xamGantt)

Topic Overview


This topic gives an overview of the main features of xamGantt™ ListBackedProject ViewProvider class. This class is used to provide the project table and project view instances to the xamGantt .

ListBackedProject ViewProvider Overview


ListBackedProjectViewProvider is a class used to provide the ProjectTable and ProjectView instances to xamGantt control. Using this class you can customize the set of columns shown in the grid section.

The following table summarizes main properties of ListBackedProjectViewProvider:

Property Description

Gets or sets the data source from which the ProjectColumn objects are created. Those objects are used to populate the ProjectTable.Columns collections.

Specifies the data source field mappings for the ProjectColumn object.

Gets or sets the data source from which the ProjectViewProviderBase`.` Tables will be populated.

Specifies the data source field mappings for the ProjectTable object.

Gets or sets the data source from which the ProjectViewProviderBase. Views will be populated.

Specifies the data source field mappings for the ProjectView object.

Project Column

Project column is an object which represents a column in the project table.

Project Table

Project table is the definition of the set of columns that are displayed within the grid part of the xamGantt .

Project View

Project View repsents a specific view of project information. It has an associated table key, which identifies the project table currently presented by the view.

The following table summarizes the main properties of the Project View:

Property Description


Gets or sets the string used to uniquely identify the view.

Returns an object with the ProjectViewSettings type that provides settings for the view.

Returns a ProjectColumnSortDescriptionCollection that represents the sorted columns in the grid.

Gets or sets the ID of the table displayed by the view.

Code Examples Overview

Code examples Overview

The following table summarizes the code examples related to ListBackedProjectViewProvider:

Example Description

You can specify the set of predefined columns shown in the xamGantt grid section by using the ListBackedProjectViewProvider.

You can create customize xamGantt view by using ListBackedProject ViewProvider and built-in project column, project table and project view classes.

You can create custom classes for project columns, project tables and project views and use those classes to customize xamGantt appearance .

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic is the starting point for information related to LIstBackedProjectViewProvider.