
xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section

Topic Overview


This topic describes the available user interactions using the xamGantt™ control’s grid section.

Required background

The following topics are prerequisites to understanding this topic:

Topic Purpose

This topic introduces the visual elements in the grid and chart sections of the xamGantt control.

User Interactions in the Grid Section

User interactions in the grid section summary

The following table summarizes the xamGantt control’s grid section and its user interaction capabilities. Additional details follow later in this topic.

The user can… Using… Details Configurable?

Sort a column


Performs column sorting by clicking the mouse’s left button on the column header you wish sorted.


Move a column


Performs column moving by holding down the left mouse button while dragging the column header to the desired location.

Show a column


Performs showing a column by opening a context menu and choosing which column to show.

Hide a column


Performs column hiding by opening a context menu and choosing the “Hide Column” option.

Resize a column


Performs column resizing by dragging the right or left edge of the column header outwards to enlarge or inwards to contract the column’s width.

Expand/collapse a summary task



Performs the summary tasks expanding and collapsing by clicking on the plus/minus icon in front of the task’s name.





The user can perform a single (continuous selection) or multiple selections of cells or rows or columns (discontinuous selection).


Insert a task


Performs a task insertion via commands in a context menu.

Delete a task



Performs a deleting task via a context menu command or using the keyboard Delete button.

Open context menus


Right mouse clicking on different elements results in context menus with various commands.

Sorting columns

The user can sort a column in the grid section of the xamGantt control.

To achieve this interaction, click on the desired column in the Grid section and use the left mouse button on the column header. The sorting indicator shows the performed sorting type (ascending or descending).

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Use a xamGantt command to reset the sorted column back to its initial order.

Moving columns

The user can move a column in the grid section of the xamGantt control to change its position.

To achieve this interaction, click on a column header while holding down the mouse’s left button while dragging the column header. An indicator appears when is possible to place the column.

Use the ESCAPE while dragging to return the column to its previous position.

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Showing columns

The user can show a column that is currently invisible on the xamGantt control’s view in the grid section.

To achieve this interaction, use a right mouse button click on the columns headers area. A context menu appears with option “Insert Column”. Hovering over the “Insert Column” menu item, a list of available columns displays from which to select the column to show.

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Hiding columns

The user can hide a column that is currently visible in the grid section of the xamGantt control.

To achieve this interaction, perform a mouse right click on the column header area of the column. A context menu appears with option “Hide Column”. Clicking on this option hides the specified column.

Resizing columns

The user can resize a column by dragging the left or right edge of the column header in the grid section of the xamGantt control.

Double mouse click on the right edge of the column header resizes the column to the width of its largest content.

xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 13.png

Expanding/collapsing summary tasks

The user can expand and collapse the summary tasks in the grid section of the xamGantt control.

To achieve this interaction, click on the plus/minus icon in front of the summary task name.

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xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 15.png

The expanding/collapsing of the summary tasks can be performed also using keyboard shortcuts:

  • expand - Alt + Shift + Plus

  • collapse - Alt + Shift + Minus


The user can select rows, columns or cells in the grid section of the xamGantt control.

To do this, use either the mouse, the keyboard or both.

To perform single element selection:

  • Click on a cell to select a cell

  • Click on the row selector to select a row

  • Click on the column header to select column

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Selecting a cell

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Selecting a row

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Selecting a column

To perform multiple elements selection, use:

  • SHIFT + Mouse Click for multiple, continuous selection

  • CTRL + Mouse Click for multiple, discontinuous selection

Inserting tasks

The user can insert a new task in the grid section of the xamGantt control.

To achieve this interaction, right click with the mouse on the grid area to open a context menu and select from the several available options.

The user can:

  • add a new sibling task below the currently selected task

xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 19.png
  • add a new child task to the currently selected task

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  • insert a new task above the currently selected task

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Deleting tasks

The user can delete a task in the grid section of the xamGantt control.

Achieve this interaction by:

  • right mouse clicking in the grid area to open a context menu and choose “Delete Task”

xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 22.png
  • selecting a row and use the Delete keyboard button

Opening context menus

Context menus appear after a right click mouse event in the grid section of the xamGantt control. The menus options depend on the element on which the user clicked.

Several context menus appear in different areas of the grid section.

The following screenshot illustrates the context menu that appears after a right mouse click in the upper left corner of the xamGantt grid:

xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 23.png

The available user actions in this menu include:

  • Calculate Project (to execute project calculation)

  • Current Table (to change the current table view)

    • Entry (table view)

    • Schedule (table view)

The following screenshot illustrates the context menu that appears after a right mouse click on a column header area:

xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 24.png

Available user actions in this menu are:

  • Insert Column

  • Hide Column

The following screenshot illustrates the context menu that appears after a right mouse click on:

  • the selected row

  • the row selector

  • the selected cell

xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 25.png

Available user actions in this menu are:

  • Scroll To Task

  • Indent

  • Outdent

  • Add Task

    • Add Sibling

    • Add Subtask

  • Insert Task

  • Delete Task

  • Inactivate Task

  • Manually Schedule

  • Auto Schedule

  • Respect Links

The following screenshot illustrates the context menu that appears after a right mouse click in the empty grid section:

xamGantt User Interactions in the Grid Section 26.png

Available user actions in this menu are:

  • Add Task

    • Add Sibling

    • Add Subtask

  • Insert Task

Use the ESCAPE or click outside the menu to hide the context menu.

Related Content


The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

This topic describes the user interactions that can be performed in the chart section of the xamGantt control.

This topic describes the editing features available in some of the important grid columns in the xamGantt control.

This topic describes the xamGantt control’s built-in keyboard support and lists the user actions that have an associated keyboard shortcut.