Version 20.1 (latest)

Infragistics.XamarinForms.Controls.Scheduler Namespace

ClassAppointmentClickedEventArgs Occurs when an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment is clicked in the XamScheduler.
ClassAppointmentPropertyMapping Encapsulates a property mapping for an ScheduleListDataSource.AppointmentPropertyMappings.
ClassAppointmentPropertyMappingCollection Collection class for AppointmentPropertyMapping objects.
ClassAppointmentPropertyMappingsCollection Collection class for AppointmentPropertyMapping objects.
ClassAppointmentSelectedEventArgs Occurs when an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment is selected in the XamScheduler.
ClassDayClickedEventArgs Occurs when a day is clicked
ClassDayOfWeekHeaderClickedEventArgs Occurs when a day of week header is clicked
ClassMonthHeaderClickedEventArgs Occurs when a month header is clicked
ClassResourcePropertyMapping Encapsulates a property mapping for an ScheduleListDataSource.ResourcePropertyMappings.
ClassResourcePropertyMappingCollection Collection class for ResourcePropertyMapping objects.
ClassResourcePropertyMappingsCollection Collection class for ResourcePropertyMapping objects.
ClassScheduleDataSource Abstract base class for a data source which provides Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment and Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource data.
ClassScheduleListDataSource ScheduleDataSource-derived class for use with lists of objects that provide data from which appointments and resources can be created.
ClassSchedulePropertyMapping Encapsulates a property mapping for a schedule object such as an Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment or Infragistics.Scheduler.ScheduleResource.
ClassSchedulePropertyMappingsCollection<T> Base class for property mapping collections.
ClassSelectedDateChangedEventArgs Occurs when a day is clicked
ClassTimeSlotClickedEventArgs Occurs when a TimeSlot is clicked in a DayView or WeekView.
ClassTimeSlotSelectedEventArgs Occurs when a TimeSlot is selected in DayView or WeekView.
ClassWeekNumberClickedEventArgs Occurs when a week number is clicked
ClassXamScheduler Represents the primary view for the Scheduler component.
See Also