
All-Day Activity (XamScheduler)


This topic explains the all-day activity type.

Required Background

Topic Purpose

This topic provides an overview of the XamScheduler control.

This topic explains how to bind the control to a data source using ScheduleListDataSource.

This topic explains the Appointment activity type.


When you have an activity which occupies an entire day or days you can use the "all-day" feature of the activities. To define an activity as all-day you have to set its IsAllDay property to true. In this case the activity will start at midnight on its start date until midnight of the day following the end date.

All available XamScheduler views are supporting all-day activities, however there are some differences in the way they are visualized.

  • The month view renders all-day activities like any other activity.

  • The agenda view renders all-day activities on top of the activities list for each day and with the text "all-day" at the time constrains slot:

  • The day view renders all-day activities in a special all-day activities area on top of all activities with no information in the time slot area.

  • The week view renders all-day activities in a special all-day activities area on top of all activities with no information in the time slot area.

Code Example

The following code example demonstrates how to configure an activity as "all-day":

In C#:

Appointment appointment1 = new Appointment();
appointment1.Subject = "Anniversary";
appointment1.Location = "Restaurant";
appointment1.Start = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day);
appointment1.End = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, DateTime.Today.Day);
appointment1.IsAllDay = true;

Related Topics

Topic Purpose

This topic explains the repetitive behavior of the activities.

This topic provides information about the resources concept of the XamScheduler control.