Version 23.1 (latest)

Grids Migration - Outlook GroupBy

OutlookGroupBy feature allows grid rows to be grouped by the data values of a column. This feature is supported for WebHierarchicalDataGrid (WHDG) and is NOT supported by WebDataGrid (WDG). If a flat grid with OutlookGroupBy is needed simply bind the WHDG to one level of data.

Enabling the Feature

To enable the OutlookGroupBy feature use the property window of WHDG:

  1. In the Microsoft® Visual Studio™ property window, locate the GroupingSettings property and expand it.

  2. Set the EnableColumnGrouping property to “True” – this will allow you to use the grouping feature.

  3. At this time you can also customize other property settings such as the “GroupAreaVisibility” property ( which controls whether the UI for the feature is available to the end user, meaning whether the columns can be dragged and drop to group data)


Note: GroupingSettings property is a band level property and its attributes can be customized per band.

The “OutlookGroupBy” feature can also be added in the .aspx source code for the band:


<GroupingSettings EnableColumnGrouping="True"
ShowBandInGroupByArea="true" GroupAreaVisibility="Visible">

How To Group a Column

Columns can be grouped in several different ways. If the UI is enabled a column can be dragged and dropped onto the GoupByArea to group it and dragged from the GroupByArea to ungroup it.

Grouping Columns Through the Designer

  1. In the Microsoft® Visual Studio™ property window, locate the GroupingSettings property and expand it.

  2. Set the EnableColumnGrouping property to “True” – this will allow you to use the grouping feature

  3. Under the GroupingSettings property locate the “GroupedColumns” property and click on the ellipsis(…) to the right of it – this will bring up a design dialog allowing you to add columns which you want to group by

Grouping in ASPX

You can also group a column in ASPX like so:


<GroupingSettings EnableColumnGrouping="True"  ShowBandInGroupByArea="true"  GroupAreaVisibility="Visible">
                <ig:GroupedColumn ColumnKey="Color" SortDirection="Descending" />
                <ig:GroupedColumn ColumnKey="Salary" />

Grouping in the Code Behind:

Handle the InitializeBand event, and in the event handler do the following:

In C#:

void WebHierarchicalDataGrid1_InitializeBand(object sender, BandEventArgs e)
      /* Grouping on top band * /
      if (e.Band.DataMember == "Root")
/* We only want to add a column to the GroupedColumns collection once
becuase the grid will save this addition in its view state */
            if (!this.IsPostBack)
                  /* Change the Alt Text * /
                  this.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.GroupingSettings.AscendingImageAltText = "Top Assend";
      /* Grouping on lower band. * /
      else if (e.Band.DataMember == "Address")
/* We only want to add a column to the GroupedColumns collection once
becuase the grid will save this addition in its view state */
            if (!this.IsPostBack)
                  /* Don't show the remove button when you hover over the grouped column * /
e.Band.GroupingSettings.ShowRemoveButton = false;
                  e.Band.GroupingSettings.AscendingImageAltText = "Adr Assend";

You can remove a grouped column in a similar way:

In C#:

GroupedColumns grpCols = this.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.GroupingSettings.GroupedColumns;

Grouping a Column in JavaScript

In JavaScript:

/* Top Level * /
var WHDG = $find("WebHierarchicalDataGrid1");
var settings = WHDG.get_groupingSettings();
/* Add grouped column* /
/* Add grouped column range * /
var grpArray = [];
grpArray[0] = new $IG.ClientGroupedColumn("DOB", $IG.SortDirection.Descending);
grpArray[1] = new $IG.ClientGroupedColumn("FavoriteColor");
/* Remove grouped column * /
/* Remove grouped column range * /
grpArray = [];
grpArray[0] = settings.get_groupedColumns().getItemFromKey("Salary");
grpArray[1] = settings.get_groupedColumns().getItemFromKey("Boss");
/* Lower band * /
var lowerBand = WHDG.get_bands()[0];
settings = lowerBand.get_groupingSettings();
/* Adding and Removing grouped columns is then the same as above. * /

Looking at Grouped Rows

Grouped rows can be looked at in the code behind or JavaScript

In C#:

ContainerGrid gridView = this.WebHierarchicalDataGrid1.GridView;
            foreach (GroupedRecord grpRow in gridView.GroupedRows)
                  /* To iterate through the data rows under the group row* /
                  GroupRecordEnumerator itr = grpRow.Rows;
                  while (itr.Current != null)
                        ContainerGridRecord r = (ContainerGridRecord)itr.Current;
/* If the Band is grouped by more than one column then a
                   grouped row will have grouped rows of its own  */
                  foreach (GroupedRecord childGrpRow in grpRow.ChildGroupRows)
/* From the child grouped row you can see if it hase grouped rows of its own in the same way.
			You can also iterate through the data rows for this group  */
                        itr = childGrpRow.Rows;
                        while (itr.Current != null)
                              ContainerGridRecord r = (ContainerGridRecord)itr.Current;

In JavaScript:

var WHDG = $find("WebHierarchicalDataGrid1");
var gridView = WHDG.get_gridView();
var grpRows = gridView.get_groupRows();
for (var i = 0; i < grpRows.get_length(); i++)
    var grpRow = grpRows.get_row(i);
    var text = grpRow.get_text();
    /* The data rows under the grouped row* /
    var dataRows = grpRow.get_rows();
    /* Child grouped rows * /
    var childRows = grpRow.get_childGroupRows();
    for (var j = 0; j < childRows.get_length(); j++)
        var grpChRow = childRows.get_row(j);
        /* Data rows under the child grouped row  * /
        var chDataRows = grpChRow.get_rows();