
Creating a Complex WebGauge Using the WebGauge Designer (Part 4 of 5)

This topic is a continuation of Creating a Complex WebGauge Using the WebGauge Designer (Part 3 of 5). This procedure guides you through the process of adding a new scale and range to the existing Radial gauge.

  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Scales.

  2. Click Add Scale…​ and select New Scale.

  3. In the Properties panel, click the Scale Layout tab. In the Sweep Angle pane, set the following properties:

    • Start — 160

    • End — 380

  1. In the Axis pane of the Scale Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • End Value — 120.00

    • Start Value — 0.00

    • Tickmark Interval — 1.0

  1. In the Gauge Explorer, expand Ranges.

  2. Click Add Range…​ and select New Range.

  3. In the Value pane of the Range Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Start — 0.00

    • End — 50.00

  1. In the Extent pane of the Range Layout tab, set the following properties:

    • Inner Start — 51

    • Inner End — 51

    • Outer — 61

  1. Click the Appearance tab. In the Brush pane, add the following brush elements with the specified properties:

    • Simple Gradient brush element

      • StartColor — Color = Color.FromArgb(232, 0, 154)

      • EndColor — Color = Transparent

      • Gradient Style — BackwardDiagonal

The gauge designer with radial gauge with second scale and range specified.