Version 24.2 (latest)

Infragistics.Win.SupportDialogs.RibbonCustomizationProvider Namespace

ClassAfterCustomizationDialogClosedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraRibbonCustomizationProvider.AfterCustomizationDialogClosed event.
ClassBeforeCustomizationDialogDisplayedEventArgs Event parameters used for the UltraRibbonCustomizationProvider.BeforeCustomizationDialogDisplayed event.
ClassCustomizationControlBase Base class used for the Ribbon Customization controls.
ClassCustomizationControlUIElement The main UIElement for the CustomizationControlBase control.
ClassGrabHandleUIElement UIElement representing the grab handle used for repositioning items on the RibbonLayoutView
ClassQATCustomizationControl An Infragistics Windows Forms control that provides a user interface to allow the end user the ability to customize the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.QuickAccessToolbar.
ClassRibbonCustomizationControl An Infragistics Windows Forms control that provides a user interface to allow the end user the ability to customize the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.Ribbon.
ClassRibbonCustomizationDialog Dialog for modifying the layout of the UltraToolbarsManager's Ribbon and Quick Access Toolbar.
ClassRibbonCustomizerTreeNodeButtonUIElement UIElement representing a button on a RibbonItemTreeNode
ClassRibbonCustomizerTreeNodeUIElement UIElement for a node on a view in the Ribbon Customizer.
ClassUltraRibbonCustomizationProvider An Infragistics Windows Forms component that provides a user interface for an Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager to allow the end user the ability to customize the Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.Ribbon and Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.QuickAccessToolbar
EnumerationPropertyIds An enumeration of property IDs used with the UltraRibbonCustomizationProvider.
EnumerationStockItemModificationOption Enumeration used to indicate what type of modifications are allowed to default items on the Ribbon Customizer
See Also