
Timescale Configuration Overview (xamGantt)

Topic Overview


This topic gives an overview of the main features of xamGantt™ Timescale.

xamGantt Timescale Overview

Timescale features overview

Timescale class is the concrete implementation of the TimescaleBase abstract class.

The following table summarizes the main features of the xamGantt Timescale.

Feature Description

Timescale bands

Timescale exposes a collection of TimescaleBand objects.The Timescale can have multiple bands. Each timescale band represents set of time intervals.

Timescale band units

Timescale bands can display time intervals in various types of units (minutes, hours, days, weeks, thirds of moths, months, quarters, half of years, years).

Scale property of the Timescale controls the percentage by which the preferred size of the intervals will be scaled.

Timescale band formatting

You can change the date time format of time shown in the timescale. You can also change the date/time strings alignment.

Timescale bands

Timescale bands are used to control the level of details in xamGantt chart section. By default Timescale has two bands.

xamGantt Timescale Configuration Overview 1.png

Timescale band units

You can set the unit type, and you can set the number of units represented by each interval of the timescale band.

Timescale band formatting

Setting the desired date time format is made by setting the display format strings for a timescale band. Timescale supports .NET standard and custom date time format strings and a set of timescale format replacement tags, allowing you to fine tune the timescale date time strings display.

The following topics provide additional information related to this topic.

Topic Purpose

The topics in this group contains information about xamGantt™ Timescale.