Version 23.1 (latest)

Infragistics.Documents.Excel.CalcEngine Namespace

ClassArrayProxy Represents a two-dimensional array of ExcelCalcValue instances used in calculations.
ClassExcelCalcErrorValue Provides methods and properties used to define and manage a calculation error value.
ClassExcelCalcFunction Base class for formula functions.
ClassExcelCalcNumberStack Stack of ExcelCalcValue instances used to evaluate formulas.
ClassExcelCalcValue Provides methods that manage a composite data type representing a value.
InterfaceIExcelCalcFormula Interface implemented by the formula object.
InterfaceIExcelCalcReference The Primary Reference Inteface.
InterfaceIExcelCalcReferenceCollection Collection of IExcelCalcReference objects
EnumerationExcelCalcErrorCode Enumeration of error codes assigned to ExcelCalcErrorValue.
See Also