| Class | Description |
 | AnyValueDataValidationRule | Represents a data validation rule which allows any value to be set on the target cells. This would be used to provide an input message to the user when the cell was selected. |
 | ArrayFormula | Represents an array formula for a group of cells. |
 | CellFill | Abstract base class for the fill of a cell. |
 | CellFillGradient | Abstract base class for a gradient fill of a cell. |
 | CellFillGradientStop | Immutable class which describes a color transition in a cell fill gradient. |
 | CellFillLinearGradient | An immutable object which represents a linear gradient fill for a cell. |
 | CellFillPattern | An immutable object which represents a solid or pattern fill for a cell. |
 | CellFillRectangularGradient | An immutable object which represents a rectangular gradient fill for a cell. |
 | Chartsheet | A sheet in a Mirosoft Excel workbook that displays a single chart. |
 | ComboChartGroup | Exposes chart-level properties for Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts.Series which appear within a combo chart. |
 | ComboChartGroupCollection | A collection of ComboChartGroup objects for a WorksheetChart |
 | CustomDataValidationRule | Represents a data validation rule which allows any formula to be used to validate the value applied to a cell. |
 | CustomTableStyleCollection | A collection of custom WorksheetTableStyle instances which can be applied to a WorksheetTable in the Workbook. |
 | CustomView | Represents a custom view in Microsoft Excel. |
 | CustomViewCollection | A collection of CustomView instances in a workbook. |
 | CustomViewDisplayOptions | Class which exposes the worksheet display options which can only be controlled through the custom view. |
 | CustomViewWindowOptions | Represents the workbook window options which are saved with custom views. |
 | DataValidationRule | Base class for all data validations rules which can be applied to a cell. |
 | DataValidationRuleCollection | A collection of DataValidationRule instances in a worksheet. |
 | DisplayOptions | Abstract base class which exposes the various display options available for a worksheet which can be saved with both a worksheet and a custom view. |
 | DisplayOptionsBase | Abstract base class which exposes the various display options available for a sheet which can be saved with both a sheet and its custom view. |
 | DisplayValueCollection | A collection of display text values. |
 | DocumentProperties | Class which exposes the document level properties for a Microsoft Excel file. |
 | ErrorValue | Represents an error value in Microsoft Excel. |
 | ExcelResourceCustomizer | Class used to provide the ability to customize resource strings. |
 | FormattedFontBase | Abstract base class which controls the formatting of a range of characters in a FormattedString or FormattedText. |
 | FormattedString | Represents a string with mixed formatting in a cell or cell comment. |
 | FormattedStringFont | Controls the formatting of a range of characters in a FormattedString. |
 | FormattedText | Represents text with multiple paragraphs and mixed formatting in a shape. |
 | FormattedTextFont | Controls the formatting of a range of characters in FormattedText. |
 | FormattedTextParagraph | Represents a paragraph in FormattedText. |
 | FormattedTextParagraphCollection | A collection of FormattedTextParagraph instances in FormattedText. |
 | Formula | Represents a formula for a cell or group of cells. |
 | FormulaParseException | The exception thrown when a formula parse error occurs. |
 | FrozenPaneSettings | Class which controls the way frozen panes are arranged and used for a worksheet. |
 | HiddenColumnCollection | A collection of hidden WorksheetColumn instances. |
 | HiddenRowCollection | A collection of hidden WorksheetRow instances. |
 | HorizontalPageBreak | Represents a horizontal page break in a Worksheet. |
 | HorizontalPageBreakCollection | A collection of horizontal page breaks on a Worksheet. |
 | LimitedValueDataValidationRule | Base class for all data validations rules which prevent certain values form being applied to a cell. |
 | ListDataValidationRule | Represents a data validation rule which allows a value from a list of accepted values to be applied to a cell. |
 | NamedReference | Represents a named reference defined in the workbook. |
 | NamedReferenceBase | Abstract base class for a named reference defined in the workbook. |
 | NamedReferenceCollection | A collection of NamedReference instances in a workbook. |
 | OneConstraintDataValidationRule | Represents a data validation rule which can validate the cell value against a single constraint value or formula. |
 | PageBreak | Base class for horizontal and vertical page breaks in a Worksheet. |
 | PageBreakCollection<T> | Base class for the collections of horizontal and vertical page breaks on a Worksheet. |
 | PaneSettingsBase | Abstract base class for classes which control pane settings. |
 | PrintAreasCollection | Gets the collection of print areas in a Worksheet or a worksheet's print settings in a CustomView. |
 | PrintOptions | Class which exposes the various print options available for a worksheet which can be saved with both a worksheet and a custom view. |
 | PrintOptionsBase | Base class which exposes the various print options available for a sheet which can be saved with both a sheet and its custom view. |
 | RelativeIndex | Represents an index relative to a region |
 | RepeatTitleRange | Represents a range of contiguous rows or columns which should be repeated at the top or left or printed pages of the Worksheet. |
 | Resources | Exposes a ExcelResourceCustomizer instance for this assembly. |
 | RowColumnBase | Abstract base class for worksheet row and worksheet column. |
 | RowColumnCollectionBase<T> | Base class for row collection and column collection. |
 | ShapeFill | Abstract base class for the fill of a shape. |
 | ShapeFillSolid | Represents a shape fill with a solid color. |
 | ShapeOutline | Abstract base class for the outline of a shape. |
 | ShapeOutlineSolid | Represents a shape outline with a solid color. |
 | Sheet | Base class for a sheet in a Microsoft Excel workbook. |
 | SheetCollection | A collection of sheets in a workbook. |
 | SheetProtection | Provides information about the types of changes that are disabled when the associated Sheet is protected. |
 | StandardTableStyleCollection | A collection of standard WorksheetTableStyle instances which can be applied to a WorksheetTable in a Workbook. |
 | TwoConstraintDataValidationRule | Represents a data validation rule which can validate the cell value against two constraint values or formulas. |
 | UnfrozenPaneSettings | Class which controls the way unfrozen panes are arranged and used for a worksheet. |
 | UnknownShape | Represents an unsupported shape which has been loaded from a workbook file. |
 | ValueConstraintDataValidationRule | Base class for all data validations rules which compare the cell value against one or more constraint when determining the validity of the cell value. |
 | VerticalPageBreak | Represents a vertical page break in a Worksheet. |
 | VerticalPageBreakCollection | A collection of horizontal page breaks on a Worksheet. |
 | WindowOptions | Abstract base class which exposes the various workbook window options available which can be saved with both a workbook and a custom view. |
 | Workbook | Represents a Microsoft Excel workbook. |
 | WorkbookColorInfo | An immutable object which represents a color in a Microsoft Excel workbook. |
 | WorkbookColorPalette | Represents the color palette used when the saved file is opened in Microsoft Excel 2003 and earlier versions. |
 | WorkbookColorTransform | Defines color transforms for a WorkbookColorInfo instance. |
 | WorkbookLoadOptions | Contains the options related to loading a workbook from a file or stream. |
 | WorkbookOptionsBase | Abstract base class for WorkbookLoadOptions or WorkbookSaveOptions. |
 | WorkbookProtection | Provides information about the types of changes that are disabled when the associated Workbook is protected. |
 | WorkbookSaveOptions | Contains the options related to saving a workbook to a file or stream. |
 | WorkbookStyle | Represents a complex format which can be applied to a cell's format. |
 | WorkbookStyleCollection | A collection of workbook styles, or complex formats which can be easily applied to cells in Microsoft Excel. |
 | WorkbookWindowOptions | Represents the window options which are saved with the workbook. |
 | Worksheet | Represents one worksheet in a Microsoft Excel workbook. |
 | WorksheetCell | Represents a cell in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. |
 | WorksheetCellCollection | A collection of cells in a row. |
 | WorksheetCellComment | Represents a comment for a cell. |
 | WorksheetChart | Represents a chart. |
 | WorksheetCollection | A collection of worksheets in a workbook. |
 | WorksheetColumn | Represents a column in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. |
 | WorksheetColumnCollection | A collection of columns in a worksheet. |
 | WorksheetDataTable | Represents a data table for a range of cells. |
 | WorksheetDataTableCollection | A collection of WorksheetDataTable instances on a worksheet. |
 | WorksheetDisplayOptions | Class which exposes the display options which can only be controlled through the worksheet. |
 | WorksheetHyperlink | Represents a hyperlink for a cell or region. |
 | WorksheetHyperlinkCollection | A collection of WorksheetHyperlink instances in a Worksheet. |
 | WorksheetImage | Represents any image on the worksheet except the background image. |
 | WorksheetItemCollection<T> | Abstract base class for collections of the main worksheet elements (rows, columns, and cells). |
 | WorksheetMergedCellsRegion | Represents a merged region of cells, or cells which share a value and format and appear as one cell when viewed in Microsoft Excel. |
 | WorksheetMergedCellsRegionCollection | A collection of WorksheetMergedCellsRegion instances in a Worksheet. |
 | WorksheetProtectedRange | Represents a range of cells in a worksheet that may be edited by the end user. |
 | WorksheetProtectedRangeCollection | A collection of WorksheetProtectedRange instances in a Worksheet |
 | WorksheetProtection | Provides information about the types of changes that are disabled when the associated Worksheet is protected. |
 | WorksheetReferenceCollection | A collection of cells or regions which are all on the same Worksheet. |
 | WorksheetRegion | Represents a rectangular region of cells on a worksheet. |
 | WorksheetRow | Represents a row in a Microsoft Excel worksheet. |
 | WorksheetRowCollection | A collection of rows in a worksheet. |
 | WorksheetShape | Abstract base class for all shapes (atomic or compound) in a worksheet. |
 | WorksheetShapeCollection | A collection of WorksheetShape instances in a Worksheet or WorksheetShapeGroup. |
 | WorksheetShapeGroup | Represents a group of shapes in a worksheet. This group is also a shape which can be positioned and contained within another group or on a worksheet. |
 | WorksheetShapeGroupBase | Represents a group of shapes in a worksheet. This group is also a shape which can be positioned and contained within another group or on a worksheet. |
 | WorksheetShapeWithText | Abstract base class for all shapes that can display text. |
 | WorksheetTable | Represents a region of cells formatted as a table. |
 | WorksheetTableAreaFormatsCollection<TArea> | A collection of formats for areas of a WorksheetTable. |
 | WorksheetTableCollection | The collection of WorksheetTable instances on a Worksheet. |
 | WorksheetTableColumn | Represents a column in a WorksheetTable. |
 | WorksheetTableColumnCollection | A read-only collection of all WorksheetTableColumn instances which exist in a WorksheetTable. |
 | WorksheetTableStyle | Represents a style which can be applied to a WorksheetTable. |