Version 23.1 (latest)

Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Charts Namespace

ClassAxis Represents a single axis in a chart.
ClassAxisCollection A collection of Axis objects for a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart
ClassBoxAndWhiskerSettings Exposes properties related to the BoxAndWhisker chart type.
ClassCategoryAxisBinning Exposes properties related to category axis binning. Applicable only for Histogram and Pareto charts.
ClassChartArea Represents the area in which the chart is displayed.
ClassChartAreaBase Base class for chart area elements
ClassChartBorder Represents the border of a chart element.
ClassChartDropLines Exposes properties which control the fill and width of the drop lines in a stock chart.
ClassChartEmptyFill Placeholder which indicates that no fill should be rendered for the associated chart element.
ClassChartFillBase Base class for objects which relate to the background fill of a chart element.
ClassChartGradientFill Represents a gradient fill for a chart element.
ClassChartGridLines Represents the major/minor gridlines for an Axis.
ClassChartHighLowLines Exposes properties which control the fill and width of the lines which depict the high and low values in a stock chart.
ClassChartLabelBase Base class for chart elements which behave as a label.
ClassChartLine Exposes properties which control the appearance of a line in a Series.
ClassChartLineBase Represents a border or tick line.
ClassChartObject Abstract base class for objects that are exposed off a
ClassChartSeriesLines Exposes properties which control the fill and width of the lines which connect the first and second plot areas in a 'bar of pie' or 'pie of pie' chart.
ClassChartsheetDisplayOptions Class which exposes the display options which can only be controlled through the chartsheet.
ClassChartsheetDisplayOptionsBase Base class for the display options for a chart sheet that are used for the display as well as its custom view.
ClassChartsheetPrintOptions Class which exposes the various print options available for a chartsheet which can be saved with both a chartsheet and a custom view.
ClassChartsheetProtection Provides information about the types of changes that are disabled when the associated Chartsheet is protected.
ClassChartSolidFill Represents a solid color fill for a chart element.
ClassChartTextAreaBase Represents the text area of a chart element.
ClassChartTickLines Represents the tick lines for an Axis.
ClassChartTitle Represents the title of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart or Axis.
ClassCustomViewChartDisplayOptions Class which exposes the chartsheet display options which can only be controlled through the custom view.
ClassDataLabel Represents the label of a specific DataPoint.
ClassDataPoint Represents the a specific data point in a Series.
ClassDataPointCollection A collection of DataPoints for a Series
ClassDisplayUnitLabel Represents a unit label on an axis in a chart.
ClassErrorBars Represents the error bars on a chart series.
ClassGeographicMapColors Exposes properties related to series coloring for a geographic map chart.
ClassGeographicMapSettings Exposes properties which control the appearance and behavior of a geographic map chart.
ClassGradientStop Describes the location and color of a transition point in a gradient.
ClassLeaderLines Represents leader lines on a chart. Leader lines connect data labels to data points.
ClassLegend Represents the legend in a chart. Each chart can have only one legend.
ClassLegendEntries A collection of LegendEntrys for a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart
ClassLegendEntry Represents a legend entry in a chart legend.
ClassPlotArea Represents the area in which the chart series is plotted.
ClassSeries An object that represents a specific series in a chart
ClassSeriesCollection A collection of Series for a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart
ClassSeriesDataLabels Defines the properties for all data labels displayed for this Series.
ClassSeriesName Defines the name of a series
ClassSeriesValues Defines a set of values in a series
ClassSeriesValuesBase Abstract base class that defines a set of values in a Series.
ClassTickLabels Represents the tick-mark labels associated with tick marks on a chart Axis.
ClassTrendline Represents a Series trendline.
ClassTrendlineCollection A collection of Trendline objects belonging to the same Series.
ClassTrendlineLabel Represents a Trendline label.
ClassTrendlineLine Represents the title of a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart or Axis.
ClassUpDownBar Represents the bar which depicts gain or loss on a stock chart.
ClassUpDownBars Represents the bars which depict gain or loss on a stock chart.
ClassWall Represents the walls and floor of a 3-D chart. This object isn't a collection. There's no object that represents a single wall; you must return all the walls as a unit.
ClassXValues Defines a set of values in a series
EnumerationAxisCrosses Constants which describe the point at which axes intersect.
EnumerationAxisGroup Specifies the group of the axis, i.e., whether it is a primary or secondary axis.
EnumerationAxisPosition Constants which determine the placement of an Axis, as relative to the chart space.
EnumerationAxisType Specifies the axis type.
EnumerationBarShape Constants which define the shape used by a bar chart series.
EnumerationBorderLineStyle Determines the style of a border line, i.e., solid, dashed, dotted, etc.
EnumerationCategoryType Constants which define the type of a category axis.
EnumerationChartType Constants which identify the chart's type, i.e., area chart, bar chart, pie chart, etc.
EnumerationDataLabelPosition Constants which define the location at which a DataLabel is positioned.
EnumerationDisplayBlanksAs Constants which define how blank cell values are plotted on the chart.
EnumerationDisplayUnit Constants which determine the unit of expression for Axis value labels.
EnumerationElementPosition Constants which determine whether a chart element is positioned automatically or at a specific location in the chart space.
EnumerationEndStyleCap Constants which determine the style of the endpoint of a line on a line chart.
EnumerationErrorBarDirection Constants which specify the direction in which an error bar extends.
EnumerationErrorValueType Constants which specify the units used to depict errors on an error bar.
EnumerationGeographicMapLabels Constants which define the manner in which map labels are displayed.
EnumerationGeographicMappingArea Constants which define the level of granularity for a geographic map chart.
EnumerationGeographicMapProjection Constants which define the projection for a geographic map chart.
EnumerationGeographicMapSeriesColor Constants which define the manner in which colors are used to depict series values in a geographic map chart.
EnumerationGradientType Constants which determine the type of gradient applied to a ChartGradientFill.
EnumerationGridLineType Constants which define whether a gridline is major or minor.
EnumerationLegendPosition Constants which determine the placement of the chart's Legend.
EnumerationLineStyle Determines the style of a line, i.e., solid, dashed, dotted, etc.
EnumerationMarkerStyle Constants which determine the style of the markers displayed by line charts.
EnumerationParentLabelLayout Constants which define the label positioning for a Treemap chart.
EnumerationPictureType Constants which determine the manner in which a picture is displayed.
EnumerationQuartileCalculation Constants which determine the method of calculation used when determining the median for a box and whisker chart.
EnumerationReadingOrder Constants which determine the reading order.
EnumerationScaleType Determines the numerical scale of the axis
EnumerationSeriesType Determines the type of Series.
EnumerationSeriesValuesColorBy Constants which determine the manner in which series values are used to color regions on a geographic map chart.
EnumerationTextDirection Determines the direction in which text flows.
EnumerationTextHorizontalOverflow Constants which describe whether text is allowed to continue horizontally outside the bounds of the containing element.
EnumerationTextVerticalOverflow Constants which describe whether text is allowed to continue vertically outside the bounds of the containing element.
EnumerationTickLabelAlignment Determines the alignment for axis Axis.TickLabels
EnumerationTickLabelPosition Constants which determine the placement of an axis' tick labels.
EnumerationTickMark Constants which determine the placement of an axis' major and minor tick marks.
EnumerationTimeUnit Constants which determine the unit of measure for Axis date/time values.
EnumerationTrendlinePolynomialOrder Constants which define the order/degree of the polynomial applied to a Trendline when the trendline type is Polynomial.
EnumerationTrendlineType Constants which define the various types of trendlines supported by a Infragistics.Documents.Excel.WorksheetChart.
EnumerationUpDownBarType Constants which distinguish between an up or down bar in a stock chart.
EnumerationVerticalTitleAlignment Determines the horizontal alignment for a title
EnumerationWallType Constants which determine the type of a Wall, i.e., back, side, or floor. Applicable only for 3-D charts.
See Also