Version 23.1 (latest)

Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Sorting Namespace

ClassCustomListSortCondition Represents a sort condition which will sort cells based on a custom, ordered list of values.
ClassFillSortCondition Represents a sort condition which will sort cells based on their background fill.
ClassFontColorSortCondition Represents a sort condition which will sort cells based on their fonts colors.
ClassIconSortCondition Represents a sort condition which will sort cells based on a specific conditioanl formmat icon.
ClassOrderedSortCondition Represents an ordered sort condition, which can sort data in either an ascending or descending manner.
ClassRelativeIndexSortSettings Represents the settings which apply to sorting a region of values based on indices relative to either the Worksheet's Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet.FilterSettings or Infragistics.Documents.Excel.Worksheet.SortSettings region.
ClassSortCondition Abstract base class for the sort conditions which describe how to sort data in a region.
ClassSortConditionCollection<T> An ordered collection of sort conditions which are applied to a sort-able regions in a worksheet.
ClassSortSettings<T> Represents the settings which apply to sorting a region of values.
ClassWorksheetSortSettings Exposes methods to identify a region in the wroksheet and to apply sort criteria to that region.
InterfaceISortable A type representing a range of cells which can be sorted.
EnumerationSortDirection Represents the various sort directions which can be used with a SortCondition.
See Also